This column will feature items that relate somehow to Grant County - the name of a street in the case of the first one, and maybe other streets, or the name of a building or whatever catches the fancy of the contributor, Richard Donough. Readers are encouraged to send him topics of interest to them, so he can do the research and write an article.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Themes of Thanksgiving can be found throughout southwest New Mexico. Not just on the holiday, but year-round.
You might think about the flavor of the entrée as you roam Turkey Creek Trail in the Gila National Forest or Turkey Track Drive in Tyrone. And who could forget Turkey Trot Lane in Quemado.
While in Mule Creek, you might be thinking turkey thoughts as you travel along Gobbler Lane.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Agriculture In Hidalgo County
There was a slight increase in the number of farms in Hidalgo County during the five years from 2017 to 2022. There was also a steady decrease in the amount of acreage used for agricultural purposes in Hidalgo County during the time period from 2012 to 2022.
In 2022, there were 152 farms in Hidalgo County. This was an increase in the number of farms in the county from 2017 when there were 151 farms in the county. The number of farms in 2017 was 12% less than the number of farms in 2012 in Hidalgo County.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Veterans Day – 2024
Recognition Of Command Sergeant Major Delbert Owen Jennings
Born In Silver City
Recipient Of The Medal Of Honor
On this Veterans Day, we remember Command Sergeant Major Delbert Owen Jennings.
He was born in Silver City on July 23, 1936.
He lived in several communities during his lifetime. His obituary detailed that he was raised in Stockton, California.
He served our country in the Third Squad, Fourth Platoon, Company C, First Battalion (Airborne), Twelfth Cavalry, First Air Cavalry Division of the United States Army.
He was one of more than 8.7 million Americans who served our country in Vietnam.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Kamala Harris
Acting President Of The United States Of America
The Chronicles Of Grant County would like to issue a belated congratulations to Kamala Harris for serving as Acting President of the United States of America.
You did not know that Kamala Harris has already served our country in a position with full Presidential powers?
This is not a Trick-or-Treat question nor is it a Halloween prank.
There was an increase in the number of farms in Luna County during the ten years from 2012 to 2022. There was also a steady increase in the amount of acreage used for agricultural purposes in Luna County during that ten-year time period.
In 2022, there were 213 farms in Luna County. This was a 1% increase in the number of farms from 2017 when there were 211 farms in the county. The number of farms in 2017 was 11% more than the number of farms in 2012 in Luna County.
A total of 89% of these farms were family farms in 2022; the percentage was 96% in 2017.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Agriculture In Grant County
There was a decrease in the number of farms in Grant County during the ten years from 2012 to 2022. There was also a steady decrease in the amount of acreage used for agricultural purposes in Grant County during the same time period.
In 2022, there were 334 farms in Grant County. This was a 17% reduction in the number of farms from 2017 when there were 404 farms in the county. The number of farms in 2017 was 1% less than the number of farms in 2012 in Grant County.
A total of 96% of these farms were family farms in 2022; the percentage was 97% in 2017.
These statistics – and other statistics detailed in this news series – are from reports issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Foreign Land Ownerships
Part Three
The Federal government, through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), keeps track of ownership of land by foreign persons and entities in the United States.
Part One of this news series of The Chronicles Of Grant County detailed information about Catron and Hidalgo Counties. Part Two of this news series focused on foreign land holdings in Grant County. Part Three includes information on these types of land holdings in Luna County.
The Chronicles Of Grant County
Foreign Land Ownerships
Part Two
The Federal government, through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), keeps track of ownership of land by foreign persons and entities in the United States.
Part One of this news series of The Chronicles Of Grant County detailed information about Catron and Hidalgo counties. Part Two of this news series focuses on foreign land holdings in Grant County.
As noted in Part One, while summary data was released by the USDA for Year 2022, according to the USDA, "the detailed data underlying the Year 2022 report have not yet been released."
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