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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Improv Workshop - Saturday, March 15
A beginning improv workshop to find joy, assert your power, discover deep listening, and play with character. This two hour workshop dives into the basics of improvisational collaboration and comedy, with a couple of short breaks to catch your breath. You will learn through doing with games to practice heightening your awareness of your scene partner, the story, and the comedy. No experience necessary. $10.
Let your creativity out to play!
1915 N Gold St, Silver City, NM
Spring Break Drama Camps at Starlight Theatre
Starlight Theatre, 1915 N. Gold St.
Ages 6-10 Camp Dates: Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ages 10+ Camp Dates: Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Starlight Theatre in partnership with TheActrix Studio is thrilled to announce two creative and fun-filled drama camps for kids and teens this Spring Break! Whether you're a budding young actor or a teen passionate about performance, these camps are sure to spark imagination and creativity. Both camps will be led by talented and experienced instructors at Starlight Theatre, located at 1915 N. Gold St. in Silver City, NM.
Clara Belle WilliamsThe Silver City Public Library will host a free public showing of the documentary Clara Belle Williams: New Mexico Pioneer in Education produced by KRWG Public Media on Friday, March 14 at 3:00 PM. Film producer Christian Valle will give introductory remarks and hold a question and answer session after the film.
Members of the KRWG Public Media team will be present to share information about their upcoming initiatives, including efforts to collect more local news from communities like Silver City. There will be light refreshments.
Clara Belle Williams was the first African-American student to graduate from the New Mexico College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts (what is now New Mexico State University), in 1937. In a 1980 interview, Mrs. Williams recalled that commencement ceremonies were canceled after a group of students refused to walk with her. She received her diploma through the registrar's window. While working on earning her degree, Williams taught at the Booker T. Washington School in Las Cruces for more than 20 years, during a time when Las Cruces's public schools were segregated. She continued to take graduate-level courses well after her graduation.
2-hour talk: Persona Poems: Stepping Out of Yourself
Silver City and Grant County Poet Laureate, Heather Frankland, will present the next workshop in The Write Stuff writing series, a 2-hour craft talk and generative workshop: Persona Poems, Stepping Out of Yourself.
This workshop will be offered on Saturday, April 12th, from 9 to 11 am at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, 3845 N. Swan St, Silver City, NM. This workshop is part of the Poetry Long Weekend, a series of local poetry events offered the second weekend of April in connection with each other, demonstrating the strong poetry community we have in Silver City.
Often times, readers assume that the speaker of the poem is the poet talking about their own life. Persona poems challenge this reading and encourage readers to look at objects, famous characters, places differently. How do you inhabit another character? What challenges does that bring, and what successes can it inspire? You will leave with a few of your own persona poems.
MIMBRES, NM, Mar. 7, 2025 – The Gila National Forest, Wilderness Ranger District will implement a short-term, temporary closure of the Grapevine area and adjacent Gila River #724 Trailhead for hazard tree removal from March 10 – 14, 2025. The work is not expected to disrupt weekend visitation in the area.
"Each year, we assess hazard trees around developed recreation sites and remove those deemed a hazard to forest visitors," said Wilderness District Ranger Brian Stultz. "Next week we will be cutting hazard trees around the day use site along the East Fork of the Gila River. The site will be temporarily closed for protection of public safety during tree-falling operations."
SILVER CITY, NM, Mar. 6, 2025 – Based on extremely high fire danger and persistent dry weather and fuels conditions, the Gila National Forest will begin to implement forest-wide Stage 1 fire restrictions at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 10, 2025, which will remain in effect through September 30, 2025, unless rescinded sooner or extended. The weather and fuels conditions we're currently experiencing are more typical of late spring conditions than late winter. That indicates a high potential for a busy fire season ahead, and the need to reduce or eliminate human-caused ignitions.
Monday, Mar. 3
Suspicious persons
Elguea/Astec – Hurley
Caller knows a lot of people are walking around in the area/her dogs keep barking/wants frequent patrol for rest of the night. Deputy – negative contact with anything/did hear dogs barking in the area.
No classification
Copper Ridge
Someone hacked her Verizon account and ordered new phones.
The Silver City Friends of the Library (FOL) January Book Sale on Saturday March 8, 2025, is postponed because of weather conditions. The Book Sale is now scheduled for Saturday March 15, 2025.
The Friends of the Library accepts donations of books from the public and uses these to raise funds to support the Silver City Library's programs and activities. Donations can be placed in the Friends of the Library donation bins outside the Silver City Library main door. These are located to the right of the Library's bin for returning Library books. For further information regarding donations in general or for arranging pickup for large donations, please contact
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