This category will hold letters to the editor, as requested by at least one Beat reader. This editor agrees that letters to the editor should be separate from editorials. Letters to the editor may not reflect the opinions of the editor.
Audible Gasps
"Several House Republicans meeting behind closed doors said there was an audible gasp in the room when they heard Trump had picked (Matt) Gaetz.
"Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins was among those who said they were shocked, appearing to refer to Trump's demand that his nominees be done with recess appointment — without Senate confirmation." — ABC News, "Gaetz as AG triggers audible gasps from some Republicans," Nov. 14, 2024.
Dems Blame Biden
"He shouldn't have run. This is no time to pull punches or be concerned about anyone's feelings. He and his staff have done an enormous amount of damage to this country." — Jim Manley, aide to (former) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Politico, Nov 6, 2024.
Oh boy, how the screw has turned. Dems are blaming their disastrous defeat on poor old Uncle Joe, instead of admitting Kamala was an even worse candidate.
I've no intention of bad-mouthing Elon Musk's electric-powered marvel — Tesla. He's responsible, although not the original inventor, of popularizing battery vehicles. Plus, he's made a lot of money doing it.
It's debatable if EVs are easier on the environment than traditional gas cars and trucks. The process of designing and manufacturing large lithium batteries, and their subsequent disposal when exhausted, is a matter of scientific discussion.
Also, is an electric average of 300-350 miles per charge really an improvement over newer gas vehicles capable of 450-500 miles per tank — and when needed, finding an ordinary service station every few miles?
Rigging Stuff
By: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart, Oct. 19, 2024
I'm certainly not the guy to claim an election has or can be rigged with the use of computers. Heck, I can't even remember my various passwords half the time, continually having to resubmit new ones to replace the ones I've forgotten.
Frustrating, but a fact of life.
However, do I think it's possible to rig an election? Sure, why wouldn't it be?
Retired police officer suffering from PTSD was found dead by a local house flipper who had bought the house at auction.
The officer and his mother had bought this modest home in Silver City years ago and both had been on the title.
His mother lived and worked many years in Silver City, and is currently living in an assisted living home in California, close to another son.
Is this how we treat our elderly, our first responders? Does anyone out there care?
Very sad, my son.
Floyd Boyle
"On November 19, 2021, President Biden was sedated while undergoing a routine colonoscopy. The procedure was conducted at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland." — The Chronicles of Grant County, Richard McDonough, The Grant County Beat, Oct. 30, 2024.
Previously, I had no idea why the country was so screwed up. However, with Mr. McDonough's explanation of President Joe's colonoscopy procedure back in 2021, the reasons have become obvious — Joe's plugged up on both ends.
Now, I have a better understanding of the difficulties Kamala, acting as President for 85 minutes, must have endured during that tumultuous short period of time. As the first female to officially preside behind the Resolute Desk, the pressures were enormous, in addition to historic.
Not only is Kamala the first Asian American and the second Black American to occupy the Presidential Office, she is — possibly — the only person ever to have done so while the President was temporarily out of the office having the inside of his butt examined.
Surely, this brief exposure to power and fame only enhanced Kam's thoughts of ascension to the throne. Perhaps, that was the exact time she thought "If Joe's diminishing brain functions do not cause him to step down, or he isn't indicted along with his son, maybe making an ass of himself will?"
Apparently, Democratic bosses concurred and later removed Joe from future Presidential campaigns.
Fortunately, with the advancement of technology and Cologuard Test Kits, future Presidents can continue to conduct important cabinet meetings while discretely gathering fecal samples from their intestines.
It's a much simpler procedure than walking over to Bethesda Hospital. Simply have Jill hand a Secret Service Agent a baggie of Joe's poop. The agent will pack and box it and call UPS for a pickup. A UPS delivery driver will shortly arrive, thank Jill for the parcel, and return it to a UPS Center where it will be sent on its way to a Cologuard screening facility.
Joe, or Kamala, will never have to leave the White House, the uninterrupted safety of the country will not be jeopardized, and no emergency United Nations meetings will be necessary to resolve international disputes inflicted by aggressive intestinal polyps.
It's a win-win for everyone. Unless, of course, Hitler — disguised as Donald Trump — takes the Oath of Office on Jan. 20.
Then, he may issue an Executive Order requiring everyone to eat McDonald's fries — a possible precursor to a Cologuard test.
Luckily, Kamala's background as a McDonald's fry cook, will enable her to expertly supervise preparation of the delicacy.
That is, if she accepts Trump's offer as the new Secretary of Fast Foods and Carbonated Beverages.
Mike Bibb
Safford, AZ
[Editor's Note: Please refer to to clarify that GRMC already knew about this and has taken steps to correct it.}
I am a retired medical doctor and a thirty year resident of Silver City. I spent 23 years of my medical career as an anesthesiologist at the Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC), and during that time I held almost every medical staff leadership position at the hospital, including a term as the Chief of Staff.
About eight weeks ago I discovered that the hospital had severely over-charged an ER patient for their medical care. This happened as a result of up-coding, where instead of using the correct billing code for the treatment, the billing office substitutes a code for a much more expensive level of care. I delivered a letter to the offices of both the billing department director and the CEO on 9-2-24, asking them to correct this error and to send a new bill to the patient. There was no response from the hospital. Two weeks later the patient received a pre-bill showing the same error. I then made multiple attempts to speak with the billing director and the CEO, but no calls were returned or even acknowledged. Six weeks after the ER visit, the patient received the actual bill, still containing the up-coded charge. This one code increased the patient's bill by over 25%, which corresponds to more than $1000. The patient paid the bill, and again I made multiple attempts to speak with the CEO. His response was total silence.
Dear Editor,
It has been my privilege, with the support of my wife- Rhonda to have served District 4 and all of Grant County on the County Commission for the past (almost) 8 years. It has given us valuable insight as to what qualities are needed in order to serve our county in the most effective way.
We support Eddie Flores in this election and here are a few reasons why.
1. Eddie is a Grant County Native who knows our traditions and way of life. Born and raised here, graduated Silver High class of 1984, MBA from WNMU, with Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Minor in Business.
His opponent is a self-proclaimed "newbie" having lived here only three years.
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