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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Silver City, NM – Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) has received a new state-of-the-art ambulance to further improve Emergency Medical Services for the Grant County area. The new vehicle, valued at $330,000, was made possible through a partnership between the county and GRMC, with funding from the New Mexico EMS Fund Act.
The new ambulance will be equipped with cutting-edge technology, including Starlink satellite communication and iPads, which will allow emergency medical responders to transmit patient information directly to the hospital before arrival. This will enable GRMC’s medical team to assess the situation in advance and prepare for the most effective course of treatment upon the ambulance’s arrival.
Courtesy of NM Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
March 25th is National Medal of Honor Day. The first Medals of Honor, a symbol of unparalleled bravery, were awarded on March 25, 1863. It is also known as the Congressional Medal of Honor. It is important for American citizen families, children, and writers to recognize that the Medal of Honor is EARNED by exceptional acts, not "won," in all mentions, an important distinction. Many Medals of Honor have been awarded "posthumously," meaning, the individual soldier, sailor, or airman gave his life for fellow citizens in earning the award.
SILVER CITY—For the first time, the WNMU College of Education is hosting an International Research Scholar this year. In this new role, Egyptian scholar Eman Ahmed will be working closely with faculty in the Educational Leadership Program.
For Ahmed, this is not her first international experience. "I came to the United States in 2007 to get my PhD from Pennsylvania State University," she indicated. "I was there for five and a half years, and I worked there as well as a graduate lecturer for four years and as a lecturer for a year." Ahmed's PhD is in educational leadership.
Eventually, the terms of Ahmed's visa required her to return to Egypt. Her next experience abroad was as a faculty member in Saudi Arabia. "I worked there as an assistant professor and then was promoted to associate professor," said Ahmed. "It is not easy to be promoted there if you are not from Saudi Arabia," she added.
Silver City, NM – Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is delighted to announce the addition of Dr. Steffanie Leslie to its exceptional team of healthcare professionals. A graduate of the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, Dr. Leslie brings nearly a decade of experience in Family Medicine to the Silver City community. Prior to joining GRMC, she practiced at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital in Alaska.
Dr. Leslie shared her excitement about joining GRMC, saying, "GRMC was incredibly responsive when I submitted my resume. Everyone I've met has been great, and I love the Silver City area."
Dr. Leslie is currently accepting new patients and is currently taking walk-ins at the Gila Regional Family Medicine Clinic, conveniently located at 3185 N. Leslie Road, Silver City, NM 88061. To schedule an appointment, call the clinic at (575) 534-0400.
Aldo Leopold High School Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) Trails Crew students recently built a switchback along the Silva Creek Nature Trail, immediately west of Western Bank's parking lot along Highway 180. The trail will ultimately connect the historic Waterworks Building and Penny Park.Trail Connects Historic Waterworks Building to Penny Park
Silver City -- Aldo Leopold High School Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) Trails Crew students - 16 10th to 12th graders - have been working since December to complete the Silva Creek Nature Trail from the historic Waterworks Building on Little Walnut Road to Penny Park.
The trail is part of the Town of Silver City's Trails and Open Space plan, and the restoration of the Waterworks property is a public-private partnership between the town and Southwest New Mexico ACT (swnmACT), a Grant County nonprofit organization, dedicated to cultural tourism and economic development in southwest New Mexico.
Bridgette Johns, swnmACT project coordinator, could barely contain the pride that she feels when talking about the youth and the great work they've completed to date.
The Society of American Archaeology (SAA) just announced that the Grant County Archaeological Society (GCAS) is the recipient of the 2025 Peabody Award! The Imogen F. Wilson Education Foundation (IFWEF), the non-profit organization that owns and manages the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site, nominated the GCAS for the prestigious SAA Robert S. Peabody Award for Archaeology and Education. The award recognizes GCAS' outstanding contributions to archaeology.
For the past twenty-five years, GCAS has led tours at archaeological sites, sponsored presentations featuring hands-on activities in classrooms, at outdoor museums like the Mattocks site at MCHS, and at regional events. GCAS partners with MCHS to provide opportunities for area students, and others, to learn about and appreciate the incredible cultural heritage of southwest New Mexico. Established in 1928, GCAS offers monthly meetings, programs and field trips.
Students, faculty and staff of WNMU, as well as community members, participated in a march in support of immigrants in Silver City, NM, Wednesday, February 19, 2024SILVER CITY, NM—Students in Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) at WNMU organized a march on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, in response to recent national tensions surrounding immigration. Marchers held signs expressing concern about current policies and supporting immigrants' rights.
Members of the student body, faculty, staff, and broader community took part in the march, making their way down College Avenue, along Bullard Street and concluding at Gough Park.
Marylee Bell is shown crowning Jacque Berry at the recent Valentine Tea.On February 8, chapter members celebrated Valentine's Day and honored Sweetheart Jacque Berry. The traditional formal afternoon tea was hosted by the Social Committee, and members enjoyed delicious savories, scones and sweets, along with various treats and gifts.
Chapter members have continued with various service project such as Wreaths Across America, and donations to homeless support programs. All service projects are funded through frequent RADA cutlery sales.
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