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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will hold letters to the editor, as requested by at least one Beat reader. This editor agrees that letters to the editor should be separate from editorials. Letters to the editor may not reflect the opinions of the editor.
Dear Editor:Â
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." – 8th Amendment, United States Constitution
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The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are known as "The Bill of Rights." These original proclamations provide the foundation for the entirety of our enumerated freedoms, and government restrictions outlined within the document.
If one Amendment is violated – like a row of dominoes – it affects, in some way, all the others.
Is Joe Too Old?
Is President Joe Biden too old to do the job? Guess it depends upon who you talk to, which news channel you watch, or what political party suits your interests.
Joe is 81. So are a lot of people. However, there is only one 81-year-old person who is President of the United States.
That definitely narrows the focus of the discussion: Does Joe have the cognitive capacity and mental acuity to competently accomplish tasks of the office?
Having family in New Mexico, I read The Grant County Beat article "Tickets for the Circus." I am a 5th generation member of the Masonic Lodge, a Knight Templar York Rite Mason, a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a second-generation Shriner. I went to my first Shrine Circus (that I can remember) when I was age 3. Right then, I told my Dad: "I want to be a Shriner too." He said "You will have to be a Mason, first." When I reached adulthood, I did. I still enjoy circuses, as long as they are respectful toward animals. I encourage anyone who enjoys good wholesome entertainment to go to the circus if they can.
James A. Marples
Longview, Texas
Dear Editor:
New Mexico's Legislature recently voted on a bipartisan basis to continue allowing our predominantly rural school districts to maintain four-day school weeks instead of five, so long as they meet the State's overall requirements for classroom time.
Our Governor has indicated that, despite the legislature, she may eliminate the four-day school week in New Mexico and put all schools on a five-day, 180-day schedule. We urge her not to do that.
Dear Editor
Hunter Gets A Second Chance
As expected, Hunter Biden is going to get a second bite of the apple.
Since he willfully thumbed his nose to appear for a Congressional deposition, Congress thought it over and decided to really get tough – give Hunter another chance.
Would anyone else be granted a similar opportunity?
Unlikely. Unless, their daddy is the President of the United States.
By: Jeff Alan
Chula Vista, CA
Many years ago when I was living in Utah with my family, I had an unusual problem with my family that I had never had before. At the time we also had a family dog.
My job when I was living at home with my family was to wash the dishes. Since we did not have a working dishwasher, I washed the dishes by hand.
One day I noticed that my family started smelling the dishes that I had washed, which is something they had never done before. I am not sure not sure why they started smelling the dishes in the first place.
Of course since I was responsible for washing the dishes, my family blamed me for the reason why the dishes smelled. My family said that the dishes smelled like our family dog. My family blaming me for smelly dishes lasted for a few years.
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