Dear Editor...Good intentions don't always make Good policy.

In fact, sometimes good intentions make very bad policy! The proposed police advisory or review board recently proposed by our Silver City Town Council is one such toxic proposal that is very bad policy.

At last week's work session, I listened to very well-meaning supporters and framers of this proposal. Across the nation though, these advisory boards and so-called support systems of professionals...such as social workers, sociologists, psychologists...worsen relations and widen the axis at the conjunction of cops and community. Faith and Trust are foundational to effective policing and safe neighborhoods. Faith and Trust break down when distortions and misinformation are blasted across Facebook, Instagram and neighborhood chat rooms, as well as from reports in local papers and on local radio. More stress and less understanding result.

My humble suggestions to our Town Council...(a) be proactive, encourage dialogue...(b) don't add bureaucracy...(c) don't establish a board of elites - professionals, social workers, psychologists - to resolve neighborhood issues...(d) instead, self-organize in your own district 'cops-community councils', inviting the Chief and neighborhood-patrolling police officers to meet with your constituents.

Pete Stubben
Silver City