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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These columns will come from Mike Bibb of Safford, AZ. He enjoys sharing his latest thoughts and comments with the public.
By Mike Bibb
Photo by Mike Bibb
Located just outside Tombstone on South Charleston Rd — the road to Sierra Vista, Ariz. — residents of the community erected a Trump campaign billboard containing a statement reflective of their "Too Tough To Die" image: The Reckoning!
Western movie fans may recall the quote is from the Doc Holliday character, played by Val Kilmer, from 1993's "Tombstone."
By Mike Bibb
"President Biden's mental decline can no longer be ignored, not by the Democrats, not by his handlers and not even by his media allies who steadfast refused to cover his cognitive issues during the election campaign. Anyone who has observed Joe Biden in recent years could attest to his cognitive decline, his incoherent rants, his inability to answer the simplest of softball questions. This is a man who has been in public life for decades. He used to be an elegant, authoritative speaker. It's clear that the leader of the free world isn't even free to decide when to answer questions. How many monumental screwups will Biden oversee before he is impeached." — Rita Panahi, Sky News, New South Wales, Australia, Aug. 30, 2021
Even the Australian's knew back in 2021 Joe Biden's brain was flickering. It took the New York Times three more years to finally admit it.
By Mike Bibb
Why do news accounts report Islamic terrorists keep blowing up things, killing people at marathons and other public places, and now the French Quarter in New Orleans, but President Joe has told us numerous times it's really White Supremacists who threaten our peace and safety?
Either Jos is mistaken, and the press is wrong or Joe's wrong and the press is mistaken? Which is it?
Or could it be Joe doesn't have a clue, and the press has got it right?
Think I'll have to go with the press on this one. From what I can tell, Joe has been out of touch with reality for quite some time.
At least since 2020.
Actually his entire career has been an endless parade of miscues, fumbles and political chicanery. As a result, it's no surprise Joe would insists White Supremacists are stirring up trouble, when available evidence points to Islamic terrorists.
To Joe, it's all the same.
I'm a small-town guy, living in a community that could be stuffed inside a single tall New York City building.
Like the kind Islamic terrorists smashed commercial airliners into on Sept. 11, 2001, killing over 3000 people.
Or in Boston during their annual marathon where Islamic terrorists detonated bombs, killing and wounding many participants and onlookers.
Or on New Year's Day where an Islamic terrorist intentionally drove a pickup truck into a crowd in New Orleans, killing over a dozen and then shooting at police and others until he was killed by return fire.
In each instance there were no reports of the culprits being White Supremacist. Nor have there been other reported incidents of White Supremacist involvement in these terrorist attacks.
Let's be clear, I'm not intentionally pointing out Islam is the primary religious motivation behind these atrocities. Rather, the participants all seem to be of that faith.
They certainly aren't Methodists, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons or Seventh Day Adventists. They're Islamic Muslims.
But not all Islamic Muslims are terrorists. Yet, the percentage who are is what is causing the problems.
With President Joe's open borders policies, there really is no factual way of determining how many people with evil intentions have illegally infiltrated into the country.
Obviously, not all ten or fifteen million are bad guys or seeking asylum. However, if only 1% are bad guys, then that's a sizeable amount that probably intends to do harm in some nefarious way.
Or else, why would they be here?
Thankfully, President Joe and his crew are on their way out of town. Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough. Until then, let's hope and pray other tragic events do not occur to escalate an already touchy situation.
Donald Trump is going to have his hands full straightening out this mess.
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