Photos and article Courtesy of Pat Hunttreasurer misty pugmire president cyndi donovan and vice president leslie crumbley2025 Copper Cowbelle officers, from left. Treasurer Misty Pugmire, President Cyndi Donovan and Vice President Leslie Crumbley

cyndi donovan installation by michelle greemanMichelle Freeman, at rfight, installs new President Cyndi DonovanAt a meeting on January 21st, NM State CowBelles Past President Michelle Greeman installed the 2025 Officers for the Copper CowBelles. Ready to start the year are President Cyndi Donovan, Vice President Leslie Crumbley, Treasurer Misty Pugmire and Secretary Carol Crosley A short business meeting was also conducted and a potluck lunch was shared.The group presented outgoing President Patricia Hunt with a beautiful custom made bracelet that is engraved with her years of service as an officer.

Patricia's last act as president was to announce the 2024 CowBelle of the Year. Her choice was Carol Crosley who "was always there to help me during this past year, volunteering at every opportunity and for being an excellent secretary for us." Carol was presented with a gift certificate to County Girls Nursery at the February meeting as she was unable to attend in January.

carol crosley secretary and cowbelle of the year with pat hunt on the rightCowbelle of the Year Carol Crosley with Pat HuntCowBelles represent and support the Beef industry, providing nutritional information to the community.They provide agricultural exhibits at the Alma Ranch Days and have a booth at the Grant County Fair every year.

outgoing president pat hunt opening thank you giftOutgoing President Pat Hunt opening thank you giftFundraising is done to provide scholarships to students pursuing agricultural degrees or careers in vocational fields. They meet the third Tuesdays of most months and anyone interested in preserving our rural area's Western Heritage are welcome to attend and join our meetings. Contact Pat Hunt at 575-534-7649 for more information.