NM Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Vicki Galindo of The Arc of New Mexico
Lillian Galloway of the Silver City Public Library Library for the Blind and Print Disabled New Mexico State Library Rural Services
See pdf flyer below
Blanca Jaure will be a featured cast member on the hit Amazon Prime TV series "The College Tour." Full press release link at end of article.
When Violeta "Blanca" Jaure (BA '06) was pregnant with her first child while living in Albuquerque twenty-two years ago, she knew she had to return to Silver City, where she had grown up and where her family lived. What she did not foresee was how that choice would be pivotal in her educational journey.
"I didn't even go to high school," said Jaure, "I kind of was a high school drop-out here in Silver City. I didn't feel like I really belonged in the high school, so I ended up getting my GED."
Ariana Medina was an understudy for the Amazon Prime episode of "The College Tour" that filmed on the WNMU campus in November. Link to article about film at end of this article.
When she was considering her college options, nursing major Ariana Medina (BAS '22) did not just stumble upon WNMU; both of her parents are alumni of the university, and her mother works for WNMU. Medina said she was inspired by her parents' experiences. "They both said they were very fortunate to have [a strong support system] as they were going through their educational journey," said Medina, "so that was more or less my inspiration for wanting to attend Western New Mexico University."
Since starting at the university, she has seen that kind of strong support first-hand.
Said Medina of WNMU, "There are smaller class sizes, and you are not identified as a number here. You are an actual person and your professors know you, and you can seek that interaction with them when needed."
The support network extends beyond the classroom, Medina said. "There is no shortage of opportunities" at WNMU, she said, "You have resources at every corner within your staff and faculty that are willing to take the extra step and mentor you in not only pursuing your education, but they can connect you and network you with other job opportunities. Here, you have those opportunities, and they are easier to grasp than really anywhere else."
Medina used these opportunities to earn her first bachelor's degree in Rehabilitation Services and is now working toward a degree in Nursing. "I have always had a vision for helping people," she explained, "especially people in rural communities."
This desire to help has led her to a job as a Certified Nurse Assistant at Gila Regional Medical Center, where she primarily provides bedside care.
"Not many people can say they love their job, and I really do love my job very much," she said, "I love what I do, and I am excited to experience it on a different spectrum once I finish school . . . It has been nice to get some experience on top of getting the education itself."
Explaining her passion for nursing, Medina said, "Someone comes in to the hospital, and they are ill, they are terrified, or they hurt; I wanted to be their advocate and their support system at that time."
Medina said that she is committed to "helping someone at a very difficult time and really just being there as their hand to hold and for them to lean on." She added that it this was important "not just for them [the ill or injured person] but also to support their families."
Her experiences so far have shown her that nursing can be profoundly demanding in addition to being rewarding. "It can on different levels be overwhelming," she said, "but I love it."
Antonio Guerrero is a featured student in the upcoming Amazon Prime TV episode of "The College Tour" that was filmed on campus in November. Press release for event at end of article.
Even before he set foot in a classroom on campus, first year student Antonio Guerrero Ramos was immersed in Mariachi Plata de WNMU.
A graduate of Atrisco Heritage Academy High School in Albuquerque, Guerrero was in Silver City last June for El Son de la Gila, a mariachi conference sponsored by WNMU, and for ¡Fiesta Latina!, the annual celebration of New Mexico's connection with its Mexican heritage, customs and traditions.
"We hit the ground running when I came here because even before I started classes, we had a two-week camp for ¡Fiesta Latina!" and the conference, said Guerrero.
Mariachi Plata de WNMU is central to Guerrero's attendance at the university. He learned about the group when members visited and performed at his high school with WNMU Music Instructor and Director of Mariachi Plata de WNMU Bryant Chaffino. "They are the biggest reason why I came here," said Guerrero.
SILVER CITY, NM - Adult Education Services is not a well-known part of the educational offerings at WNMU, but Adult Education Services Director Colton Bjerke hopes to change that.
Bjerke, who joined the university in 2022, is working to increase public awareness of the services offered, as well as to expand services in areas of southwest New Mexico that are underserved.
Bjerke explained that his office provides three different programs. "The most well-known one is the high school equivalency, which is preparing students to succeed on the GED or HiSET," he said,
Silver City, NM – Gila Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing exceptional, patient-centered care for all visitors of Gila Regional Medical Center. As the construction on 32nd Street continues, the road entrances to the Emergency Department (ER) and Patient Financial Services (PFS) building will be temporarily closed off until further notice. GRMC is providing a map to help patients, visitors, and medical staff how to safely make their way to their needed destinations.
If you need to make it to the ER, please follow the blue arrows below. Cones, caution tape, and signage will be placed for assistance. If you need to make it to the PFS building, please follow the orange arrows which will direct you to the stairs and second road entrance to get to the building. All parking lots will be open.
Aldo Leopold Charter School (ALCS) drama students under the direction of teacher Zach Tecca traveled to Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) on February 20-24 to participate in the 67th annual high school drama festival. The festival consists of one-act plays presented by participating schools, numerous workshops, professional development for teachers, social gatherings, and networking opportunities for students and educators from every corner of the state and nearby Texas.
The school won an "Excellency in Self-Written Work" award for their original play "ALCS's Dreamy Drama Dramatizations." The class will be performing this locally, on a date to be determined. And following individual auditions, seniors Ronan Euler and Nathaniel Castillo received scholarships to attend ENMU.
On February 20-23 the 10th grade class at Aldo Leopold Charter School under the direction of history teacher Pete Rankin embarked on the school's annual trip to the southern border and low desert county. In Rankin's description of the trip for school families, he writes:
In our life-long quest to understand where we live and where we come from in time & space, we are heading down from the mountains of our beloved Gila, across the Tumacacori Highlands & into the Salt River valley around Phoenix. It's time to learn about art, biology, culture & humanity's ‘capacity to endure' while focusing upon three engaging and historically relevant themes throughout modern world history, (i) international human rights, (ii) human identity & migration, and (iii) how our species deals with conflict. To engage in experiences that guide us in becoming conscious of the biological, social, economic and political realities that form our collective heritage.
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