By Emily Gossett, FFA Western Region Vice President 2023-2024

Reflecting on my tenure as a National FFA Officer, I realize many pivotal moments are bookended with two simple words: "hello" and "goodbye." As we come and go, we use these words without thinking twice, yet they hold more significance than I once thought.

In FFA, service and connection are pillars of our mission, and each "hello" invites new opportunities, relationships, special moments and exciting potential to help, serve and grow. My experience as a National FFA Officer started with a simple "hello" from my fellow officers, one that in that moment signified inclusion, budding friendships and the start of our unique journey together. As we traveled the country, our "hellos" opened the doors to meaningful conversations with students from different backgrounds from my own, yet all connected by the throughline of agriculture. We made connections that transcended barriers and allowed us to learn from each other through thought-provoking conversations about everything from agricultural technology to aviation to animal sciences.

The experiences I shared with these students as we bonded over our mutual interest in agriculture made me realize that FFA is more than an organization - it's a family away from home.

And as we all know, saying "goodbye" to family is an emotional, bittersweet experience. Because of these emotions, sometimes we shy away from goodbyes, thinking of them as endings. Yet, in leadership and in life, we must understand that goodbyes represent growth, reflection, and the closing of one chapter to allow the opening of a new one.

As I prepare to say "goodbye" to our officer team at the end of our term together this month, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the "hellos" and "goodbyes" we shared that shaped us into the people we are today, gratitude for the "hello" that welcomed me into this opportunity, and gratitude for the transformative experiences gained from each moment on our journey.

Our "goodbye" to this term means "hello" to the next group of leaders that will pave their own path in FFA, who will be the changemakers in their communities and throughout the country, who will inspire student leaders to step into their own passions and power.

Whether you're an FFA member or not, embrace your "hellos" and "goodbyes" and treat each with intentionality. Know that each moment signifies the start of a new chapter and an opportunity to reflect on how far you've come. Whatever comes next, I know I'll continue to lead, serve, and grow through the power of both.