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Saturday, May 19, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
  • 08:00am  Second Annual American Legion Benefit Golf Scramble  ::  Fundraiser

    The United States Dept. of Veterans Affairs will have the Vet Center Van at the Silver City Golf Course from 1100 to 1300 for any Veteran interested in counseling and readjustment. Veterans do not need to play in the tournament, ...   

    Contact  575-956-5153

  • 08:30am - 02:00pm  Silver City Art Market  ::  Arts & Music

    Every Saturday.  Local handmade arts and crafts.   

    Contact  313-6468

  • 09:00am - 03:00pm  Mimbres Valley Swap Meet  ::  Public Meetings

    Lots of good stuff from local vendors.   

  • 09:00am - 04:00pm  Petition Signing Drive  ::  Public Meetings

    To create awareness about keeping the power ON at Fort Bayard, and to show Grant County's support for keeping Fort Bayard open.   

  • 09:00am - 06:00pm  Rummage Sale for Literacy Link  ::  Fundraiser

    Literacy link -- Leamos is having its annual rummage sale.  Please contact 388-8771 or 388-0892 to donate items to the sale.   

    Contact  388-8771

  • 09:00am - 05:00pm  The MainStreet Facade Squad  ::  Social Events

    Make over the exteriors of three buildings in just one day with help from local volunteers. Help create a big, visible change in our community. Come all day or drop by for a little bit. Lunch and all materials provided.   

  • 09:30am  Historic Fort Bayard Tour  ::  Tours

    Each Saturday in May. See the 100 year old buildings and re-live some of the history of our important fort and hospital. This Saturday's focus:  Ribbon Cutting for New Pathways.  Also, book signing and awards for The Fort Bayard Story, by ...   

    Contact  388-4477

  • 10:00am - 05:00pm  Grant County Art Guild opens for the season  ::  Arts & Music

    Friday's featured artist is Carolyn Paez who works in oils, acrylics and watercolors, mostly painting landscapes. On Saturday, in addition to the special workshops, Nikki O'Connell Muise and her mother, Roz Springer,  show you their art on display. Sunday's featured artist ...   

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Hyper Tufa Workshops  ::  Arts & Music

    Local artist Nikki O'Connell Muise will be giving two workshops on Hyper Tufa at the GCAG Gallery. The 10 am class will be followed at 2pm by another class till 4 p.m. Mother/Daughter Artist Guild and GCAG members are invited, ...   

    Contact  575-388-4458 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 10:00am - 02:00pm  Viking Knit Bracelet  ::  Arts & Music

    And again from 1 to 4pm. Instructor: Josh Stretch.   $40 includes some materials.   

    Contact  388-8973

  • 10:30am - 01:00pm  Eastern Star Chicken Salad Luncheon  ::  Fundraiser

    $7 per plate. Delivery available for five or more plates.    

    Contact  538-2214

  • 12:00pm - 04:00pm  Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Informal Writing Workshop  ::  Public Meetings

    Facilitated by African American poet and writer Jeffrey Scott, teacher of minorities studies and politics at WNMU. Subject "Sharing Individual Expressions of Transformative Experiences from the 60's and 70's". Free, all welcome.      

    Contact  505-717-4330 for reservations

  • 01:00pm  A Skunk by Any Other Name  ::  Education

    Presenter Dr. Jerry Dragoo, UNM Biologist.  Free Admission, open to everyone. Sponsored by Upper Gila Watershed Alliance. Also again at 7 pm, at WNMU Harlan Hall Rm 219   

    Contact  575-590-5698

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