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Pickamania! :: Arts & Music
A full weekend of great acoustic music in Gough Park, FREE and open to the public! A fantastic lineup, including: a Friday evening street dance; Rani Arbo and daisy mayhem headlining on Saturday; and two full days of first rate ...
Contact 538-2505
08:00am - 01:30pm Work Party at the Volunteer Center! :: Health & Wellness
Need help to construct the new wood chip patio. Wood frame to be set into ground, secured with rebar and filled with weed suppression fabric and wood chips.We will be transporting wood chips by wheelbarrow to their destination, so extra ...
Contact 956-3168
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Fresh produce, locally grown plants, herbal products, eggs, locally farmed meats, baked goods and more. Support your local farmers! Enjoy the Music! Coffee & prepared food for sale.
Contact 654-4104
09:00am - 12:00pm Rabies Vaccination Clinic :: Health & Wellness
Both 1-year and 3-year rabies vaccinations will be available, as well as feline fel-o-vax and canine distemper, parvo and combo vaccinations. All dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier, and all cats in a carrier.
Contact 538-9261
09:00am - 04:00pm Second Saturday Book Sale :: Fundraiser
Quarterly. Members only from 9:00 to 10:00 am.Friends of the Silver City Library sell a huge variety of gently used books, music CDs, DVDs, recorded books on tape and CD, and videotapes. Prices range from 25ȼ for paperbacks to $1 for ...
Contact 538-3672
10:00am - 02:00pm Bike Works Community Bike Ride :: Sports
Riding on roads and trails. Bring water, lunch, and a sense of exploration. Difficulty determined by the group.
Contact 399-1444
10:00am - 12:00pm Craft Class: "Ojo de Dios" or "God's Eye" :: Kids' Activity
For crafters aged 8 and older. Parent or guardian attendance required.Participants will create a God’s Eye, which is a simple weaving made across two sticks. The design represents the legendary four elements: earth, wind, fire and water.
Contact 538-5921
10:00am Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting :: Social Events
2nd Saturdays.Visiting DAR members and those interested in joining are invited to attend. A pot luck lunch at 11:30 will follow the meeting.
Contact 574-8394
10:30am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, movement and fun!All ages are welcome.
Contact 538-3672
01:00pm - 04:00pm Gila Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Tuesdays and Saturdays, year round.
Contact 535-2729
02:00pm Concerts for Hispanic Heritage Month :: Arts & Music
Mariachi, Ballet Folklorico and Antonio Reyna Concerts to help raise scholarship funds.
Contact 519-9042
02:30pm American Association of University Women Meeting :: Social Events
Kathryn “Ollie” Hoelscher will be our special guest, and Eulalia Lewis has arranged a lovely tea to be served.Please RSVP to Melinda 534-4324, consvdance@aol.com or Eulalia 388-5880, emerlew@gilanet.com by Monday, Sept 9.
Contact 388-5880
06:00pm Cult Classic Film Series! :: Fundraiser
As part of the Fund Raising effort for the Silco Theater Renovations, MainStreet is having a Cult Movie Series at the Silco Theater. Admission is by Donation for Silco Theater Renovations.Showing the Cult Classic: This is Spinal Tap.
Contact 574-8394
06:30pm Thomas Radcliffe :: Arts & Music
Fingerstyle Multi-Instrumental.
07:00pm Concerts for Hispanic Heritage Month :: Arts & Music
Mariachi, Ballet Folklorico and Antonio Reyna Concerts to help raise scholarship funds.
Contact 519-9042
07:30pm Tiffany Christopher :: Arts & Music
One Woman Band, Folk Rock from Las Cruces
Contact 538-9911
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