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07:30am Audubon Society Gila Bird Area Field Trip :: Tours
Carpool up U.S. 180 to Bill Evans Lake turnoff. Expect to be back by mid-afternoon
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
Contact Brian Dolton 388-4210
08:00am - 01:00pm 109th Annual Church Bazaar! :: Fundraiser
8:00 am to 1:00 pm - Garage Sale 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - Bazaar with Clothing Boutique, Holiday crafts items, Nancy Wyatt Pottery and so much more. Something for everyone!Brunch served including made-to-order omelets, turkey and ham sandwiches and homemade soups. ...
09:00am All Souls Trail Race :: Sports
5K & 10K courses on Boston Hill Trails. Race starts at La Capilla at 9 AM sharp. Registration is $13.Sponsored by Aldo Leopold Charter School; all proceeds benefit Grant County Food Pantry.For registration forms, maps, & details, contact 574.2902 or ...
Contact 574-2902
09:30am - 03:30pm MRAC Guatemalan Mercado :: Fundraiser
Features affordable, authentic, handmade gift items from Guatemalan artisans.
Contact 538-2505
10:00am - 02:00pm Community Bike Ride :: Health & Wellness
Will pick up riders at The Bike Works Branch Shop, 820 Bullard St. Bikes and helmets available at Root Shop. Bring lunch or money for lunch
Location Bike Works Shop
Contact 575-388-1444
10:00am - 04:00pm Dia de Los Muertos Celebration! :: Social Events
Join the Yankie/Texas Art District and its neighbors in a celebration for the community and for our loved ones lost this year or in years past.Enjoy music, food, arts/crafts, and children's activities that the story of this celebration!
Contact 534-9323
10:30am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, movement and fun!All ages are welcome.
Contact 538-3672
12:30pm - 04:00pm Adult Craft Class: Pocket Shrine :: Arts & Music
For crafters aged 16 and older.Pre-registration at 538-5921; class size limited to 6 participants.
Contact 538-5921
01:00pm - 04:00pm Gila Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Tuesdays and Saturdays, year round.
Contact 535-2729
06:00pm - 10:30pm Classics Through the Decades :: Fundraiser
Top Hat at 6 p.m. Reefer Madness at 8:30 p.m. $10 donation suggested per showing
Location Silco Theater
06:30pm - 09:30pm City of Rocks Night Skies Observatory & Talks :: Education
Silver City Astronomy Society member Matt Wilson does the monthly observations for the public with the scope and observatory at City of Rocks. Come observe the spectacular night skies, where darkness is darker and the stars are brighter at City of Rocks!Note: ...
Contact 575-536-2800
07:30pm Pat Panther :: Arts & Music
Blues from Bisbee.
Contact 538-9911
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