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08:00am - 09:30am Meet and Greet for Alan Webber, gubernatorial candidate :: Political
Meet Alan Webber, Democrat Candidate for Governor, at a Campaign Coffee "Meet & Greet" in Silver City! Please join us for coffee and pastries . Let's talk good jobs, great schools and anything else on your mind!
09:00am - 06:00pm 11th Annual Challenging Child Conference :: Education
Registration and payment must be received by November 8th! For more information contact the WNMU/Family Counseling Center at 575-538-6483.
09:30am - 12:30pm Introduction to the Internet :: Spiritual
Participants will be given an overview of the Internet. Search engines, email and online forms will be covered. Register early at 575-527-8799, Ext. 110 Space is limited
Location Silver City Public Library
10:00am - 05:00pm Silver City Fiber Arts Festival :: Arts & Music
A Two Day Celebration of All Things Fiber! November 15 & 16.Fiber art exhibits, quilts, vendors of fine fiber art, fiber art supplies, workshops and demos!Silver City Museum will provide a "Make & Take Fiber Sample" craft activity at their ...
12:00pm - 01:00pm Grant County Trails Group :: Health & Wellness
Trails Group promotes trail usage, maintenance and programs to keep Grant County walking and hiking to better health.
01:30pm - 04:30pm Introduction to the Internet :: Education
Participants will be given an overview of the Internet. Search engines, email and online forms will be covered. Register early at 575-527-8799, Ext. 110 Space is limited
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm - 08:00pm Harry Benjamin artwork, part one, opening reception at WNMU :: Arts & Music
Phase one of a two-part exhibition. Opening reception. On display through Dec. 3. Second phase to open Jan. 24. Auction Feb. 22.
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
06:00pm Coye Cooper :: Arts & Music
country & rock. Free
Location Diane's Parlor
06:00pm - 08:00pm Fridays' Welding Workshop :: Education
Welding processes will mainly focus on MIG (wire feed) welding with some torch & grinder work. These sessions will give interested folks some hands-on experience with metalwork, while we convert unused bicycles and parts into art and utilitarian objects.
Contact 388-1444
07:00pm "Alien Plant Invasion" Presentation :: Education
Donna Stevens, Director of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, presents "Alien Plant Invasion," the results of a three-year inventory of invasive plants in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness.
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
07:00pm Hi Lo Silvers Autumn Concert :: Arts & Music
FREE. November 15 & 17.Directed by Valdeen Wooton and accompanied by Virginia Robertson on piano and Bill Baldwin on bass viola, the chorus will sing old favorites, spirituals, and songs from Broadway and film. Also on the program is a song ...
07:30pm Laura Meyer :: Arts & Music
Folk Rock Songwriter from California.
Contact 538-9911
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