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Saturday, December 14, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
  • 09:00am - 05:00pm  2013 Christmas Boutique  ::  Arts & Music

    Dec. 14 & 15.  Presented by Grant County Home Business Network.Unique crafts, gifts, food, knife sharpening, entertainment & free raffles. Doggie daycare available by Puppy Dog Ranch.12:00 noon - 4:00 pm: Santa Paws available for photos with your child or ...   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

  • 09:00am - 12:00pm  Rabies Vaccination Clinic  ::  Health & Wellness

    Both 1-year and 3-year rabies vaccinations will be available, as well as feline fel-o-vax and canine distemper, parvo and combo vaccinations. All dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier, and all cats in a carrier.   

    Contact  538-9261

  • 09:00am - 04:00pm  Second Saturday Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Quarterly.  Members only from 9:00 to 10:00 am.Friends of the Silver City Library sell a huge variety of gently used books, music CDs, DVDs, recorded books on tape and CD, and videotapes. Prices range from 25ȼ for paperbacks to $1 for ...   

    Contact  538-3672

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm  Craft Class: Christmas Ornaments  ::  Kids' Activity

    Crafters will create ornaments to use or give as gifts. Using felt and candy canes, crafters will make several holiday mouse ornaments, and each crafter will be able to make some to give and keep.The class is recommended for crafters ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

    Contact  538-5921

  • 10:00am  Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Saturdays.Visiting DAR members and those interested in joining are invited to attend. A pot luck lunch at 11:30 will follow the meeting.    

    Contact  574-8394

  • 10:00am - 11:30am  Vinyasa Flow Yoga  ::  Health & Wellness

    Every Saturday.  Taught by Becky Glenn.   

    Contact  (404) 234-5331

  • 10:00am  Wreaths Across America  ::  Spiritual

    The mission of Wreaths Across America, a 501©3 organization, is to REMEMBER, HONOR, and TEACH: Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve including their families who sacrifice, and Teach our children the cost of the freedoms we enjoy each day.It is projected that ...   

  • 10:30am  Library Story Time  ::  Kids' Activity

    FREE.  Join us for reading, poetry, music, movement and fun!All ages are welcome.   

    Contact  538-3672

  • 01:00pm - 04:00pm  Gila Farmers' Market  ::  Health & Wellness

    Tuesdays and Saturdays, year round.   

    Contact  535-2729

  • 04:00pm - 08:00pm  Enchanted Christmas Tree Tour  ::  Fundraiser

    Featuring 25  Christmas trees, and an elaborate miniature Christmas Village. The proceeds will benefit local childrens' charities in Grant County and tickets are $5 for adults and $1 for children.Sponsored by the Evergreen Garden Club.   

    Contact  538-3216

  • 05:30pm  Christmas Tree Lighting  ::  Spiritual

    FREE.Preceptor Tau Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi invites everyone to "Light Up Your Life" as the Christmas tree lights turn on and members gather to sing some Christmas carols.The Chapter thanks the Moose Lodge, Western Bank, Am Bank, Laureate Theta Chapter ...   

    Location  Gough Park

  • 06:30pm  Dr Iya Khan  ::  Arts & Music


    Location  Diane's Parlor

  • 07:00pm  Black Tie Benefit Ball  ::  Arts & Music

    MRAC hosts their signature event with a Route 66 themed ball.  Enjoy a Nostalgic Holiday Evening with a Catered Dinner, Live Music, and Classic Cars! Proceeds to benefit MRAC programs.   

    Contact  538-2505

  • 07:30pm  Jono Manson  ::  Arts & Music

    Singer/Songwriter/Producer from Santa Fe.   

    Location  Buckhorn Saloon

    Contact  538-9911

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