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08:00am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday during growing season.Enjoy fresh produce, meats, and fixin's from local farmers, as well as accompaniment by local musicians!
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
Contact 388-2343
09:00am - 11:00am Cowboy Up! at Museum Western Heritage Booth :: Kids' Activity
The Silver City Museum will provide free children's activities at the Rodeo Kickoff in Downtown Silver City.Come by and explore cowboy artifacts, get your picture taken as a pioneer child, and play cowboy match-up!
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
Contact 538-5921
09:00am - 11:00am Downtown Rodeo Day! :: Arts & Music
There will be booths and events celebrating our western heritage such as the Silver City Museum cowboy trunk and pioneer cutouts, a dutch oven cooking demo by Mickey Lemon, the Grant County CowBelles and the Grant County 4-H will be ...
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
09:00am - 05:00pm Pinos Altos Art Gallery Show :: Arts & Music
May 30 and 31.Barbara Smith will be the featured artist and hostess on Friday, May 31. Barbara's subjects are landscapes and still life in oils and acrylics, as well as portraits and other subjects in pastels.
Location Hearst Church Gallery
10:00am - 05:00pm "Cutting For A Cure" - Relay for Life Fundraiser :: Fundraiser
$18 haircuts to benefit cancer research and services in Grant County.Sponsored by The Rage, Mirror Mirage, Virginia Greenlee and Margie Gomez.Call the salons directly to book your appointments. Walk-ins welcome.Complimentary Champagne Brunch.
Location The Rage Hair Studio
Contact 310 713-2948
10:00am - 11:30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
11:00am Memorial Team Roping Event :: Sports
This Team Roping event is in memory of Walt Nichols, a well known local professional rodeo cowboy. Walt's family still resides in Silver City with son Rex Nichols carrying on the team roping tradition.The warm up roping gets under way ...
Location Southwest HorsemanG??s Arena
Contact 534-5030
05:30pm Lincoln Day Dinner :: Fundraiser
The Republican Party's annual fundraiser will feature guest speakers Lieutenant Governor John Sanchez, Congressman Steve Pearce and Secretary of State Dianna Duran.5:30 pm - Cash Bar6:00 pm - Program BeginsLive music with dinner, as well as a silent auction, are ...
Location WNMU Dining Hall
Contact 538-1623
06:30pm The Latchkey Kids :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Diane's Parlor
08:00pm City of Rocks Star Party! :: Education
Silver City Astronomy Society member Matt Wilson does the monthly observations for the public with the scope and observatory at City of Rocks. Come observe the spectacular night skies, where darkness is darker and the stars are brighter at City of Rocks!Note: Viewing ...
Location City of Rocks State Park
Contact 536-2800
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