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09:00am - 12:00pm America Recycles Day! :: Health & Wellness
Silver City will join about 1000 other communities by having a recycling collection drive to recycle old electronics, paper, plastic, tin and aluminum cans and glass bottles and jars. In addition you can drop-off burned out CFL bulbs, old cell phones and ...
Location Office of Sustainability
Contact 519-8987
10:00am Charity Riders of NM Annual Toy Run :: Fundraiser
Everyone is Welcome!The Toys that are collected are to be given to the State of New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department to be dispursed to the needy children of Grant County.Charity Riders will meet and start at Walmart in ...
Location Wal-Mart
Contact 590-2580
10:00am - 11:30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
01:00pm - 03:00pm Craft Class: Making Paper Lamps :: Education
In collaboration with the Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective, this adult class taught by fiber artist Veronique De Jaegher, will teach you how to make a lamp with handmade paper.There is a $22 fee if you bring your own paper, ...
Location The Common Thread
Contact 538-5921
06:30pm White Signal :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Diane's Parlor
Contact 538-8722
07:30pm Indie/Folk Series: Grace & Tony :: Arts & Music
MRAC Presents:She played bluegrass. He played punk… When Grace and Tony White met, they fell in love and the music just followed after.
Location Buckhorn Opera House
Contact 538-2505
08:00pm Rockabilly Strangers :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
09:30pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
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