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09:00am Grant County Commission Regular Session :: Public Meetings
The agendas for these meetings may be altered up to thirty-six (36) hours prior to the meetings; copies can be obtained from the County Manager’s Office or viewed online at www.grantcountynm.com.
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 574-0006
11:30am - 12:45pm Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location Lotus Center
12:00pm - 01:00pm Community Forum: "Pressure Cooking" :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Dec. 9 and 11.The Silver City Food Co-op's December Community Forum is a class on Pressure Cooking. Come learn how to create fast and delicious food as well as cook black beans better at high altitude and rice in ...
Location Silver City Food Co-op Satellite Space
Contact 388-2343
04:00pm - 06:00pm WildWorks :: Kids' Activity
Hangout for exploring, experimenting, creating, gaming, and more: Lego Mindstorms, chess, electronics, 3D drawing, Minecraft, etc.For children ages 10 and up.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm "Green Drinks" Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
The monthly Green Drinks meeting is sponsored by the Southwest NM Green Chamber of Commerce and the NM Solar Energy Association-Silver City Chapter.Please join us and bring a friend! Food and drinks are Dutch Treat.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 538-1337
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation for Everyone :: Health & Wellness
Guided group meditation every Thursday.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
05:30pm - 08:00pm Victorian Christmas Open House :: Social Events
The Silver City Museum's 30th Annual Victorian Christmas Open House is presented in the sharing spirit of early community celebrations and set in the museum's historic H. B. Ailman House.Entertainment in the holiday spirit will be presented throughout the Victorian ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm Republican Party Monthly Meeting :: Political
Dinner at 5:00 pm for those who wish to eat before the meeting.Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 538-1623
06:00pm - 08:00pm Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society Meeting :: Social Events
This month's meeting will be our annual Holiday Dinner. Enjoy ham and turkey provided by the club. Each family brings its own plates (don't forget one for dessert too), utensils, napkins, a beverage and a dish to share. Also, bring ...
Location Silver City Senior Center
06:00pm Trivia Night at Rainbow Village :: Social Events
LGBT will host a Trivia Night the second Thursday of every month. $2, with half the money going to a cash prize for the winner. Bring a snack to share. Call 575-519-5562 for more informaiton.
Location Rainbow Village
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