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Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Valerian" (PG-13) 1:00, 4:30 & 8:00pm
Location Silco Theater
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
08:00am - 04:30pm Frequent-Fire Forest Desired Conditions Workshop :: Education
Please RSVP by July 20th. These two day workshops are an opportunity to create shared understanding of desired conditions for frequent-fire forest ecosystems; learn about and discuss the science supporting desired conditions, management activities, opportunities and challenges; keep stakeholders informed ...
Location Grant County Conference Center
Contact RSVP at
10:00am Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance :: Health & Wellness
First class free; thereafter $2. Bring a folding chair, hat, water, sun screen. Class suitable for all levels. At the Big Ditch under the trees. Between parking lot and the Ditch, between 7th & 8th streets.
Location Big Ditch Park
Contact Liz 575-3313-6883 or
10:30am Town of Hurley Emergency Meeting :: Legal Notices
Discussion and Approval of USDA loan/grant package. This meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend. A copy of the agenda will be available at the Hurley Town Hall on Wednesday, August 2, 2017.If you are ...
Location Hurley Town Hall
Contact 575-537-2287
05:30pm Green Drinks with the SW NM Green Chamber of Commerce :: Social Events
Grant County Assessor, Raul Turrieta, will give an update on property valuations within Grant County, and talk about initiatives having to do with the County Assessors office. Mayor Ken Ladner, will provide an overview on "State of the Town" and talk ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-538-1337
07:00pm Fort Bayard Late Summer Film Series: " The West" :: Arts & Music
Four segments from “The West” PBS Documentary, including “Cowboys”, “Hell Without the Heat”, How Do You Like Nebraska”, and “Rain Follows the Plow”.The movie will be introduced by a member of the Society, and concessions will be available for purchase. Free, donations ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact 575-388-4862
07:30pm Virus Theater Presents "A Midsummer Night's Dream" :: Arts & Music
Tickets are $10; students $5 for Thursdays and Sundays, and are available now at Yada Yada Yarn, at 621 North Bullard Street.
Location El Sol Theater
Contact 575-388-3350
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