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"Gathering the Gila" - 13th Annual Gila River Festival :: Social Events
The 13th annual festival, Gathering the Gila will engage participants in an exploration of the bountiful native foods, plants, and medicines found throughout the Gila River and its watershed. Presented by the Gila Conservation Coalition, the Festival will feature dynamic ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org
Grant County Fair :: Social Events
For times, events, exhibits and other information see: https://www.grantcountyfairnm.com/
Location Grant County Fair Grounds
Now Showing at the Silco Theatre :: Arts & Music
"Kingsman: The Golden Circle" (R) 6:00pm
Location Silco Theatre
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
10:00am - 04:00pm 32nd Annual Purchase Prize Award Exhibit :: Arts & Music
Purchase Prize Art Show open to the public.
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
10:00am Circles of Sound Celebrating the Equinox :: Spiritual
Circles of sound gather around the world every Equinox and Solstice to weave our sacred sounds and consciousness with the intentions of Harmony, Acceptance, Unity, Joy, Compassion, Love and Appreciation for all beings of the planet. Bring a friend, a ...
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-956-6647 or
10:00am - 04:00pm WNMU Homecoming Registration :: Social Events
Lunch with the Mustang football team and coaches follows at 12:00 p.m. in the Alumni Gardens. Cost to attend is $15 per person.
Location Hunter Hall Plaza
Contact 575-538-6675 or alumni.wnmu.edu
10:30am - 12:00pm "Sanctuary" - Film and Discussion with Victor Masayesva :: Social Events
Returning to the Gila River Festival, Hopi filmmaker Victor Masayesva will present and discuss his in-progress film, Sanctuary. Many indigenous people including the Hopi, Nahua and Maya have a special connection with corn to the extent that you can say ...
Location WNMU Global Resource Center
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org or 575-538-8078 or https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/
01:00pm - 02:00pm Icons of the Gila with Diana Molina :: Social Events
Free. Artist and photographer Diana Molina’s presentation features her stunning photos of the Gila region and Chihuahuan Desert’s native food plants, and discusses how the land itself has a direct influence in the creation of human cultures. Our geography unifies ...
Location WNMU Global Resource Center
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org or 575-538-8078 or https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/
02:15pm - 03:15pm Tending the Forest: Traditional Land Stewardship Practices of Indigenous Peoples with Lyla June Johnston :: Social Events
Free. The mythology purveyed by contemporary and colonial anthropologists is that this continent was sparsely inhabited by “primitive” nomads who had little effect on the ecology of the land. Johnston leverages her experience as an indigenous woman who has lived ...
Location WNMU Global Resource Center
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org or 575-538-8078 or https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/
03:30pm - 04:30pm Culturally Significant Plants of the Chiricahua Apache with Phillip Koszarek :: Social Events
Free. Wild plants of the Chihuahan Desert and mountains of the Madrean Archipelago provided nutrition and made up a large part of the Chiricahua Apache's material culture. Traditionally the Chiricahua Apache survived through a combination of hunting and gathering and ...
Location WNMU Global Resource Center
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org or 575-538-8078 or https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/
05:30pm - 06:30pm Women Embracing Recovery :: Health & Wellness
This meeting is limited to female Al-Anon members and prospective members. Park on Ridge Loop; walk around building to side entrance to lower level.
Location La Clinica Health & Birth Center
Contact Karen 575-313-7094 or Hosana 575-313-1032
06:00pm WNMU Homecoming Alumni Awards Dinner :: Social Events
Rosie Gomez ’02, and Thaxter ‘Scrappy’ Richard ’97 will be honored as the 2017 Distinguished Alumni. Larry Barstow ’62 will be honored as the 2017 Outstanding Alum. Cost to attend the dinner is $20 person.
Location WNMU Mustang Dining Hall
Contact 575-538-6675 or alumni.wnmu.edu
06:30pm Sam Madden :: Arts & Music
Live music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Spider-Man: Homecoming" (PG-13)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
07:00pm Winona LaDuke to Give Keynote Address at Gila River Festival :: Social Events
No tickets needed. Suggested donation is $15 at the door. Proceeds benefit the Gila Conservation Coalition’s work to protect the Gila River. LaDuke’s keynote presentation will address native food plants that are an integral part of the Anishinaabe people’s culture ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
Contact www.gilariverfestival.org
09:00pm WNMU Homecoming 80's Dance Party :: Social Events
Prizes for best dressed will be awarded.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-538-6675 or alumni.wnmu.edu
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