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Cosmic Campground Weekend :: Social Events
The Alpha Capricornids metor shower is active from July 11 through August with a "plateau-like" maximum centered on July 29. This shower is not very strong and rarely produces in excess of five shower members per hour. What is notable ...
Location Cosmic Campground
Contact www.cosmiccampground.org/
Now Showing at the Silco Theater :: Arts & Music
"The Dead Don't Die" (R) 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Location Silco Theater
Contact www.thesilco.com or 575-956-6185
07:30am Copper Classic Livestock Jackpot. :: Kids' Activity
Youth from New Mexico and Arizona have been going to jackpots around the southwest this summer in hopes of ending up in the top of the point standings. At the conclusion of the jackpot an awards ceremony will be held and youth ...
Location Grant County Fairgrounds
08:00am - 01:00pm Glenwood Street Market :: Social Events
The Glenwood Street Market, is back with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods, produce and snacks. The market is open from every Friday and Saturday and holidays from approximately 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Highway ...
Location Glenwood, New Mexico
08:30am Weight Watchers :: Health & Wellness
Weigh-in will begin at 8:00am and the meeting begins at 8:30.
Location First Presbyterian Church
09:00am - 04:00pm Guatemalan Mercado :: Social Events
Authentic handmade crafts direct from Guatemala... beautiful, colorful items that would make unique gift items, but don't forget to buy some for yourself as well! Proceeds from the event help to support both the artisans and The Commons, so your ...
Location The Commons
09:00am - 09:45am Sacred Activism: Meditation for World Peace and Healing :: Spiritual
Join Azima Forest for Sacred Activism on the second Saturday of each month. In these sessions, we will go into deep relaxation, join our spiritual energies, and use them for healing and blessing. Drop-ins welcome. Donations appreciated.
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-956-6647
10:00am - 02:00pm Friends of the Silver City Public Library Book Sale :: Fundraiser
Hundreds of books, Fiction and Non-Fiction, Music CDs, Large print and Audiobooks, Collectibles, Children's room and much more.
Location FOL Bookstore
10:00am - 02:00pm Territorial Charter Volunteer Day :: Social Events
Come be a part of installing "parklet" features behind the Historic Waterworks, on Little Walnut Road. For this we will be planting native pollinators, putting up benches and tables, and building a walking-labyrinth. Please come join in these activities to ...
Location Historical Waterworks
Contact 575-597-7032 or
12:00pm - 06:00pm Second Annual Silver City Wine Festival :: Social Events
This two-day event will feature a dozen of the state’s best wineries, alongside exceptional food and artisans. Crafts, live music, clay workshops and lawn games will also be available throughout the weekend. Tickets cost $15 for early bird, $20 in ...
Location Gough Park
Contact www.nmwine.com or https://holdmyticket.com/event/339216
01:00pm - 03:00pm Herbal Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Join yoga instructor and herbalist Lindsey Orellano as we will be tuning into the healing and supportive benefits of plants that can be used with your yoga practice, and everyday life. Attendees will take home an herbal “care package” which ...
Location Lotus Center
Contact 575-956-6647
06:00pm Western New Mexico University Museum Black-on-White Gala :: Social Events
Reservations for the WNMU Museum 45th Anniversary Gala are required and cost $135 per person. Proceeds benefit WNMU museum operations, including the addition of new permanent exhibits and rotating special exhibits. Stations serving upscale hors d’oeuvres will be placed throughout the ...
Location WNMU Museum Fleming Hall
Contact To reserve a seat, call 575-538-6386 or email
06:30pm Lloyd Lamar Quartet :: Arts & Music
Live music by a local Jazz trio.
Location Buckhorn Opera House
07:00pm Movies at the Light Hall Theater :: Arts & Music
"Missing Link" (PG)
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact movies.wnmu.edu
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