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Thursday, July 25, 2019, 09:00am |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State Flag
III. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda
IV. Elected Officials’ Reports
a. Grant County Assessor Annual Report
V. Public Input
• During this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear your concerns. This is not a question and answer period; speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes. Any individual who would like to discuss an item in more depth may request to be placed on a future agenda. Request forms are available in the County Manager’s Office.
VI. Approval of Minutes
b. July 9, 2019, Special Meeting Minutes
c. July 9, 2019, Work Session Meeting Minutes
d. July 11, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes
VII. Financial Reports
e. Consideration of July 18, 2019, Expenditure Report
VIII. New Business
f. Consideration of Shooting Range Advisory Board Applicants
g. Consideration of Lodgers Tax Advisory Board Applicants
h. Consideration of Tu Casa Advisory Board Applicants
i. Appointment of Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees
j. Consideration of Inventory Deletions and Transfers
k. Consideration of a Letter of Support for Literacy Link – Leamos
IX. Agreements
l. Consideration of Amendment Number One to Agreement A-19-12; Consideration of Amendment Number One to Agreement A-19-12; Professional Services Agreement by and between the County of Grant and Sunny 505 (f/k/a Griffin and Associates)
X. Resolutions
m. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-48; A Resolution Authorizing Submission of an Application for Airport Aid to The New Mexico Department of Transportation – Aviation Division, Obligation of Sponsor Matching Funds, and Authorization to Accept the Resulting Grant Offers and the Execution of Contract Documents For the Following Project: Taxiway A Rehabilitation Design at The Grant County-Silver City Airport
n. Consideration of Resolution No. R-19-49; A Resolution Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for Grant County
XI. Bids and Requests for Proposal (RFP)
o. Award/Reject RFP 19-06; Attorney and Legal Services
XII. Recess as the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Convene as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board
p. Consideration of May 2019, Health Claims in the amount of $2,266.25
q. Consideration of June 2019, Health Claims in the amount of $555.64
XIII. Adjourn as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board and Reconvene as the Grant County Board of Commissioners
XIV. Commissioners Reports
XV. Executive Session in Accordance with NMSA (1978) 10-15-1 H
r. Personnel Matters Regarding County Manager and Staff, Pursuant to NMSA (1978) 10-15-1 H (2)
XVI. Any Action Necessary as a Result of Closed Executive Session
XVII. Adjournment
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