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10:00am "Science & Religion" :: Spiritual
Rev. Angela Herrera of Albuquerque presents a discussion of the history of controversy between the two, as well as more recent thoughts. Followed by coffee and conversation.
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
03:00pm Anita Chen Concert :: Arts & Music
the Grant County Community Concert Association presents this classical music performance by the multi-talented violinist and pianist Anita Chen, who is not yet 21 years old.
Contact 538-5862
04:00pm Healing Al-Anon Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Sunday.
Contact 313-9400
06:00pm Learn to Square Dance! :: Arts & Music
Every Monday. Ages 10 and up.
Contact 574-2032
10:00am Historic Mining District Tour :: Tours
Bus tour to learn about the mining history in and around Bayard. Call for reservations.
Contact 537-3327
11:00am - 01:00pm SOUPER Tuesday :: Fundraiser
Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.
Contact 574-2724
01:00pm Town & Country Garden Club Meeting :: Social Events
Last Tuesday of the month. This month's meeting will be presented by Silver Leaf Florist. There will be a short garden "tip" appropriate to the season at each monthly meeting, and there are always refreshments after the presentation. All are ...
Contact 534-4750
02:00pm Teach In: Horizontal Democracy Process :: Political
Learnings from "Occupy Tucson" facilitated by Bo; learnings from the film Inside Job facilitated by Lynda.
Contact 519-1680
06:30pm - 08:00pm Compassionate Friends Meeting :: Health & Wellness
4th Tuesdays. Our mission is to provide support and assist families toward positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age.
Contact 534-1134
07:00pm - 09:00pm Scott at the Parlor :: Arts & Music
Every Tuesday.
Contact 538-8722
11:00am - 01:30pm Soul Food Lunch :: Social Events
Sodexho Food Services prepares soul food in celebration of Black History Month. Open to public.
Contact 538-6611
12:00pm - 05:30pm Silver City Spring Break Program Registration :: Public Meetings
Register for the Town of Silver City Spring Break Program for children ages 6 to 12 at the Rec Center. First come; first served. Spring Break begins March 12, 2012.
Contact 388-3087
12:00pm - 01:00pm WILL Lunch & Learn :: Education
Lee Gruber, Patty Reed, Sue Sherman, and Alexandra Todd present their stories in "Girl Stories: Growing Up Female." Free.
Contact 538-6835
05:30pm CATS Board Meeting :: Public Meetings
Monthly meeting, open to the public, last Wednesdays.
Contact 534-0130
07:00pm - 09:30pm Teach In: Occupy Silver City :: Political
Learning from the film Inside Job faciliatated by Lynda Aiman-Smith, Associate Professor of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, NC State University.
Contact 519-1680
07:30pm Wally Lawder :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
"Get Mugged Downtown" :: Fundraiser
Buy a limited edition mug at the Silver City Museum Store starting March 1st and have it filled at local participating restaurants on First Friday April 6, 2012. As everyone "Gets Mugged", they will be supporting new family program and ...
Contact 538-5921
03:00pm Recycling Advisory Committee :: Public Meetings
Public invited to talk about Earth Day E-waste Event, WNMU Recycling, and other items.
05:30pm Release Party for "Fire Season" :: Social Events
Paperback release party for the book Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout by Phillip Connors. Hors d'oeuvres served.
06:00pm - 08:00pm Farhad :: Arts & Music
11:00am Fish Fry for Lent :: Social Events
Every Friday in Lent. Maybe enchiladas, too!
Contact 534-0048
02:00pm - 05:00pm Women Speaking Series :: Education
In honor of International Women's History Month Celebration, Alexandra Todd will present "Women of Dakar, Senegal, and West Africa": a reading and film.
Contact 538-5921
04:00pm Dr. Seuss First Friday Downtown :: Arts & Music
Celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday in Downtown Silver City:4:00 pm -- Tongue Twister Contest: Reading competition with Dr. Seuss's works. -- Silco Theater5:30 pm -- Ralph Bakshi speaks about his film with Dr. Seuss, The Butter Battle Book, and shows the ...
Contact 534-1700
04:00pm - 07:00pm Dr. Seuss First Friday at the Museum :: Arts & Music
Dr. Seuss Craft & Fun Day: Build a Dr. Seuss World and make a Dr. Seuss hat, mask, or finger puppet! Free and open to the public.
Contact 538-5921
04:00pm - 08:00pm First Fridaze Salon :: Social Events
Topic: Knowing the Silence.Silent Fish-Gazing Meditation. Viewers may stay and gaze, smile... even at each other ...but not speak or point. Limited to first 14 attendees.
04:00pm - 07:00pm Student Art: "Cardboard Kings 2016" :: Arts & Music
Artwork by students of La Plata Middle School and Cobre High School Ceramic Art.
05:00pm - 07:00pm Dane Dexter on the Baby Grand :: Arts & Music
06:30pm - 08:30pm Music at the Coffee House :: Arts & Music
"Loose" Scott playing country and rock on guitar and harmonica.
07:00pm Audubon Program :: Education
"A Nature Photographer’s Brief View of Alaska." Join us for this amazing show of Alaska’s natural beauty as seen through the eyes of Southwestern New Mexico Audubon’s own Board member, Elroy Limmer.
07:00pm Poetry Bread presents Dr. Seuss :: Arts & Music
07:30pm Pat Panther :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
09:06pm The Silver City String Beans & The Latchkey Kids :: Arts & Music
07:30am - 03:00pm Audubon Field Trip :: Social Events
We will head through Deming to Spring Canyon where we will look for desert birds and early migrants, including raptors as well as Pyrrhuloxia and Moorhen. Bring lunch and be prepared to walk.
Contact 388-4210
08:00am First Saturday Garage Sale :: Fundraiser
Lots of new clothing, hats, handbags, linens, housewares, computer desk, plus books and more. Clothes are $1/bag after 11 am.
10:00am - 12:00pm State Symbol T-Shirt Making :: Arts & Music
Children's Craft Class. To pre-register, call 538-5921.
Contact 538-5921
11:00am "The Mattocks Ruin on the Mimbres" :: Education
Storyteller, historian, and author Marilyn Markel presents a tale of Mimbres Indians, homesteaders, murder, insanity, and early life along the Mimbres River. This is one in a series (March 3, 17, & 31) of programs by Ms. Markel that "Follow in the ...
Contact 538-3672
12:15pm Fiddling Friends Concert :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-5921
02:00pm "Thousand Miles" Play Reading :: Arts & Music
Thousand Miles is the 8th play in Victoria Tester's 15-act New Mexico Ghost Play Cycle in celebration of New Mexico's Centennial. For mature audiences.
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm Raising Awareness: Chagas' Disease :: Health & Wellness
Free Public Forum, "Parasites, Bugs, and Creepy-Crawlies in Our Backyard: Raising Chagas' Disease Awareness in Local Communities" by Marjorie McConnell.
06:00pm - 08:00pm The Roadrunners :: Arts & Music
06:00pm VFW Fundraiser Dinner :: Fundraiser
VFW Women's Auxiliary Fundraiser with speakers State Representative Rudy Martinez and Francesca Estevez, candidate for District Attorney.
06:30pm Andy Sauer on the Baby Grand :: Arts & Music
07:30pm Rhythm Mystic :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
07:30pm Tony Furtado & Luke Price in Concert :: Arts & Music
New Mexico Music Series continues with Americana/Roots musician Tony Furtado on vocals, slide guitar, and award-winning banjo, as well as award-winning fiddle player and guitarist Luke Price.
Contact 538-9911
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