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10:00am Jamie Thomson -- Councilman, Cyclist, & Puppeteer :: Spiritual
Jamie Thompson will discuss how we might use the unlikely tools of giant puppets and public space to solve some of the most challenging problems facing us as a community and as a nation. Live music with Bruce McKinney. Service will ...
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
04:00pm Healing Al-Anon Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Sunday.
Contact 313-9400
06:00pm - 09:00pm African Drumming Street Dance, Fire, & Drumming Circle :: Arts & Music
06:00pm Learn to Square Dance! :: Arts & Music
Every Monday. Ages 10 and up.
Contact 574-2032
06:30pm - 08:30pm Chino Mine Renewable Energy Meeting :: Public Meetings
Grant County & Silver City Office of Sustainability host the National Renewable Energy Lab to encourage renewable energy development on mine sites. FMI's Chino Mine was chosen as one of 26 sites that may qualify for large-scale solar installation. Please ...
Contact 654-5117
09:00am Grant County Commission Work Session :: Public Meetings
The work session is in preparation for the regular Thursday Grant County Board of Commissioners regular meeting. No action will be taken.
Contact 574-0006
11:00am - 01:00pm SOUPER Tuesday :: Fundraiser
Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.
Contact 574-2724
07:00pm - 09:00pm Scott at the Parlor :: Arts & Music
Every Tuesday.
Contact 538-8722
12:00pm - 01:00pm Non-Profit Brown Bag Series :: Education
Nikki Zeuner presents "Funding Search I: Using Foundation Directory Online." Sign up on-line at www.wellnesscoalition.org.
Contact 534-0665 Ext 208
07:00pm Photo Club Meeting :: Social Events
Photo enthusiasts of all levels welcome.
09:00am - 11:30am Grant Writers' Guild Meeting :: Public Meetings
03:00pm - 04:00pm Women Speaking Series :: Education
In honor of International Women's History Month Celebration, Ann Marie Elder will present "A Portrait of Susan Glaspell, America's First Female Playwright."
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society Meeting :: Public Meetings
2nd Thursdays. The monthly meeting includes potluck at 6:00 pm; then meeting, rock draw, and program at 6:45 pm.
Contact 535-1393
11:00am Fish Fry for Lent :: Social Events
Every Friday in Lent. Maybe enchiladas, too!
Contact 534-0048
05:00pm - 07:00pm Dane Dexter on the Baby Grand :: Arts & Music
05:30pm TAIZE Worship Service :: Spiritual
2nd Fridays. Sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer, silence, and prayers for healing. A non-denominational service, free and open to all.
Contact 538-2015
06:30pm - 08:30pm Music at the Coffee House :: Arts & Music
RETURN ENGAGEMENT: Jonny Mahaffey, personable Blues songwriter and guitarist.
09:00am - 02:00pm Friends of the Library Book Sale :: Fundraiser
Members may purchase books starting at 9:00 am; non-members at 10:00 am.
09:00am - 12:00pm Gila Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale :: Public Meetings
View plant slide show, consult with landscape designers, order plants.
Contact 534-9005
09:30am Historic Fort Bayard Tour :: Tours
2nd & 4th Saturdays. See the 100 year old buildings and re-live some of the history of our important fort and hospital.
Contact 956-3294
01:00pm - 05:00pm Ink Pours and Pearls: Opening Reception :: Arts & Music
Presenting works by Jane Bowen and Gerry Gordon.
01:00pm Silver City Astronomical Society :: Education
Ron Kramer, President of the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces, presents "Astronomy in Da Vinci's Time." Free and open to the public.
06:30pm Andy Sauer on the Baby Grand :: Arts & Music
07:30pm Sarah Petite :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
09:00pm Sunny Ozuna Sunline Band - CD Release Party :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9045
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