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Gila River Festival: The Wild River Speaks! :: Arts & Music
The 8th annual Gila River Festival – planned in and around Silver City – will celebrate through storytelling the natural and cultural heritage of the Gila River, New Mexico’s last free-flowing river.Field trips, lectures, workshops, tours, a Monsoon Puppet Parade, ...
Contact 538-8078
10:00am "Aging with Humor" :: Spiritual
Bonnie Buckley Maldonado, Silver City's poet laureate, presents her views on "Aging with Humor." Bonnie asks, "What if we, as elders, could tap into the boundless energy of the young, still believing that all things are possible? It could be ...
Contact 538-0101
10:00am - 05:00pm Weekend at the Hearst Church Gallery :: Arts & Music
The featured artist is Stacy Schwarz, who creates whimsical clay animal sculptures.
12:00pm - 02:00pm David Nelson on the Piano :: Arts & Music
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
12:00pm - 06:00pm Tex-Mex BBQ at Puppy Dog Ranch! :: Fundraiser
Attendees must be 16 years and older to attend.
Contact 313-7232
02:00pm Chautauqua: Elizabeth Warren :: Arts & Music
Presented in conjunction with the Gila River Festival.
Contact 538-5921
04:00pm Healing Al-Anon Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Sunday.
Contact 313-9400
01:00pm Tai Chi for Better Balance :: Health & Wellness
This tai Chi form has been refined by the Oregon Research Institute and improves balance and prevents falls. No special equipment, clothing or footwear required. Call to register at 534-9159.
Contact 534-9159
06:00pm Learn to Square Dance! :: Arts & Music
Every Monday. Ages 10 and up.
Contact 574-2032
11:00am - 01:00pm SOUPER Tuesday :: Fundraiser
Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.
Contact 574-2724
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
03:00pm - 06:30pm Gila Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday.
Contact Call Teleah Dabbs 575-535-2729
04:00pm Grant County Trails Group Meeting :: Public Meetings
3rd Tuesdays. The Trails Group Master Plan Steering Committee is focused on developing a plan for a complete trail system to join Pinos Altos, Silva, and San Vicente Creeks. The committee welcomes community input.
Contact 538-8078
05:00pm - 07:00pm Community Leadership Advocacy Program Training :: Education
The Community Leadership Advocacy Program will teach particpants about community organization, public speaking skills, media advocacy, research and the policy-making process. The sessions will be facilitated by Sandy Correa, retired from Cobre High School.Dinner provided to participants for the 8-week ...
Contact 388-1198, ext. 14
06:30pm Artist Lecture Series: Marina Zurkow :: Arts & Music
Marina Zurkow's "Media Works" are featured in this presentation by MRAC. These animated videos, customized multi-screen computer pieces, prints, and art works are about humans and their relationships to animals, plants, and the weather.
Contact 538-2505
06:30pm Silver City Lions Club :: Social Events
2nd & 4th Wed.
07:00pm - 09:00pm Scott at the Parlor :: Arts & Music
Every Tuesday.
Contact 538-8722
12:00pm WILL Lunch & Learn: "People of the Desert and Sea" :: Education
FREE. Richard Felger presents "People of the Desert and Sea: The Traditional Culture of the Comcaac (Seri Indian) People of Mexico."
Contact 538-6835
06:00pm Republican Party Monthly Meeting :: Political
3rd Wednesdays.
Contact 534-9811
06:30pm Prostate Cancer Support Group :: Health & Wellness
3rd Wednesdays.
Contact 388-1198, ext. 10
06:30pm Sharrow Marking Work Session :: Health & Wellness
Sharrow Painting Session also on September 23.The Bicycle Advocacy Group will be holding this session to designate the locations for the "share the road" signage for citizens riding their bicycles to school, work, and for recreation. Come help make the ...
Contact 590-1963
07:00pm Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society Meeting :: Public Meetings
3rd Wednesdays.
07:30pm Barb & Joe :: Arts & Music
Jazz standards.
Contact 538-9911
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
03:30pm - 05:30pm Mimbres Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
05:00pm - 07:00pm Community Leadership Advocacy Program Training :: Education
The Community Leadership Advocacy Program will teach particpants about community organization, public speaking skills, media advocacy, research and the policy-making process. The sessions will be facilitated by Sandy Correa, retired from Cobre High School.Dinner provided to participants for the 8-week ...
Contact 388-1198, ext. 14
06:00pm Corazones Unidos Cardiac Support Group :: Health & Wellness
3rd Thursdays.
06:30pm Democratic Party Election Forum :: Political
3rd Thursdays until Election 2012.
Contact 388-9557
09:00am - 05:00pm Celebrate Fort Bayard Days! :: Social Events
FREE! Celebrate the history of Fort Bayard with activities for people of all ages. Friday, the historic parade ground will be filled with living history presenters and displays. Wander around, learn about local history and enjoy. From the 1866 soldiers to the ...
Contact 388-4477
07:30pm GC Community Concert: Legacy of Floyd Cramer :: Arts & Music
Jason Coleman performs in a tribute to his grandfather, Floyd Cramer, the great County Music pianist.
Contact 538-5862
07:30pm The Roadrunners :: Arts & Music
Blues, Rock, Dance!
Contact 538-9911
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Every Saturday. Local handmade arts and crafts.
Contact 313-6468
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday
Contact Contact
09:00am - 10:00pm Celebrate Fort Bayard Days! :: Social Events
FREE! Celebrate the history of Fort Bayard with activities for people of all ages. Saturday events kick off at 9 AM with tours and speakers. In the New Deal Theater, at no charge, Rod Chandler will speak on "Contacts and Conflicts: Apaches, ...
Contact 388-4477
10:00am Silver/Bayard Monthly VFW Meeting :: Social Events
Doors will open with a Coffee Klatch with fresh baked goods and hot coffee at 9:00 am. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:00 am. NOTE: Friday, September 21st, is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. There will be a short Memorial Service ...
Contact 574-8109
10:00am - 05:00pm Weekend at Hearst Church Gallery :: Arts & Music
Lois DeLong and Linda Reynolds are the featured artists, well-known for their award winning paintings.
06:30pm - 09:00pm Gene Booth :: Arts & Music
07:30pm - 10:30pm Autumnal Equinox Star Party :: Social Events
La Esperanza Vineyard and the Silver City Astronomical Society host "Wine & the Autumnal Equinox." Attendees will be treated to views of th eMoon, nebulae, and certain deep sky objects through telescopes and iPad applications.
Contact (505) 238-6252
07:30pm Wally Lawder & the Raptured Coyotes :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
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