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Grant County Fair :: Social Events
* Wednesday, 9/26: Livestock Entry & Junior Rodeo* Thursday, 9/27: Pig Show, Gilt Show, & Ranch Rodeo* Friday, 9/28: Pancake Breakfast; Sheep, Goat, & Lamb Shows; Poultry Awards; Rough Stock American Tour Rodeo with Open Ranch-Bronc Riding; Dancing on the Slab ...
10:00am "The Blessing of the Animals" :: Spiritual
This week's service will be dedicated to animals and especially those that provide us companionship. We will share a little about St. Francis, patron saint of animals; sing, share stories and unknown animal quotes by famous people, and then there ...
10:00am - 05:00pm Purchase Prize Exhibit: "The West & Beyond" :: Arts & Music
Grant County Art Guild presents their 27th annual juried show of New Mexico artists, with 67 entries from 31 artists.Juror Sue Hunter of Scottsdale, Arizona, will be conducting a workshop while in town for the Purchase Prize Show.
Contact 590-1587
12:00pm - 02:00pm David Nelson on the Piano :: Arts & Music
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
04:00pm Healing Al-Anon Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Sunday.
Contact 313-9400
07:00pm John Tank & the New Impressions Trio :: Arts & Music
An evening of Blues, Ballads, Bebop, and Beyond...
Contact 534-1136
09:00am Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation :: Education
El Refugio hosts this event to educate and bring awareness to Grant & Hidalgo County residents regarding the devastating effects of domestic violence in our community.This event includes:Music PresentationHealing Bowl RecognitionsCertificates of RecognitionMen Speaking Out: Sheriff Raul Villanueva, Ken Cooper, and ...
01:00pm Tai Chi for Better Balance :: Health & Wellness
This tai Chi form has been refined by the Oregon Research Institute and improves balance and prevents falls. No special equipment, clothing or footwear required. Call to register at 534-9159.
Contact 534-9159
06:00pm Learn to Square Dance! :: Arts & Music
Every Monday. Ages 10 and up.
Contact 574-2032
09:00am - 05:00pm Community Engagement Governance Workshop :: Education
Also October 3. FREE. Judy Freiwirth, Psy. D., presents the cutting-edge governance framework to build effective and engaged boards leading strong organizations rooted in the community.Day 1 Session is required. Registration is required at www.wellnesscoalition.org or 534-0665, ext. 231.
Contact 534-0665, ext. 231
11:00am - 01:00pm SOUPER Tuesday :: Fundraiser
Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.
Contact 574-2724
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
03:00pm - 06:30pm Gila Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday.
Contact Call Teleah Dabbs 575-535-2729
05:00pm - 07:00pm Community Leadership Advocacy Program Training :: Education
The Community Leadership Advocacy Program will teach particpants about community organization, public speaking skills, media advocacy, research and the policy-making process. The sessions will be facilitated by Sandy Correa, retired from Cobre High School.Dinner provided to participants for the 8-week ...
Contact 388-1198, ext. 14
06:30pm Silver City Lions Club :: Social Events
2nd & 4th Wed.
07:00pm Pedestrian Plan Presentation at Community Forum :: Public Meetings
The Silver City Planning and Zoning Commission has requested an update on the Pedestrian Routes Plan at its October 2, 2012, meeting. The public is invited and encouraged to attend to ask questions, make suggestions, and comment on the proposed ...
Contact 534-6374
07:00pm - 09:00pm Scott at the Parlor :: Arts & Music
Every Tuesday.
Contact 538-8722
09:00am - 12:00pm Community Engagement Governance Workshop :: Education
Also October 2. FREE. Judy Freiwirth, Psy. D., presents the cutting-edge governance framework to build effective and engaged boards leading strong organizations rooted in the community.Day 1 Session is required. Registration is required at www.wellnesscoalition.org or 534-0665, ext. 231.
Contact 534-0665, ext. 231
12:00pm WILL Lunch & Learn: "Turkey, The Country: Then & Now" :: Education
FREE. Western Institute for Lifelong Learning will host a lecture by Karen Murphy, Mary Alice Murphy, and Karen Dunn: "Turkey, The Country, Then and Now: Three Irish Broads Abroad."The time spent in Turkey by these three speakers spans the 1970s ...
Contact 538-6835
Mogollon Archaeology Conference :: Education
The conference focuses on Mogollon archaeology, including Jornada Mogollon and Northern Chihuahua, up to A.D. 1400-1450.Find complete information on the 17th Biennial Mogollon Archaeology Conference.
Contact 538-6386
09:00am - 06:00pm Rainwater Harvesting Workshop :: Education
Learn how to convert nuisance stormwater runoff into a beneficial resource for people and the environment, protecting urban streams from flooding and water pollution, and providing free irrigation for food producing plants, street trees, and other beautiful landscaping.FREE. Includes three ...
12:00pm Brown Bag Program: "Centennial Geologists in SW New Mexico" :: Education
David Menzie presents the "Centennial Geologists in Southwestern New Mexico."
Contact 538-5921
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
03:30pm - 05:30pm Mimbres Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
05:00pm - 07:00pm Community Leadership Advocacy Program Training :: Education
The Community Leadership Advocacy Program will teach particpants about community organization, public speaking skills, media advocacy, research and the policy-making process. The sessions will be facilitated by Sandy Correa, retired from Cobre High School.Dinner provided to participants for the 8-week ...
Contact 388-1198, ext. 14
06:00pm - 06:15pm Domestic Violence Victims' Remembrance :: Spiritual
Stand Together to Remember the Victims/Surviviors of Domestic Violence: 15 Minutes of Silence.
Mogollon Archaeology Conference :: Education
The conference focuses on Mogollon archaeology, including Jornada Mogollon and Northern Chihuahua, up to A.D. 1400-1450.Find complete information on the 17th Biennial Mogollon Archaeology Conference.
Contact 538-6386
09:00am - 06:00pm Rainwater Harvesting Workshop :: Education
Learn how to convert nuisance stormwater runoff into a beneficial resource for people and the environment, protecting urban streams from flooding and water pollution, and providing free irrigation for food producing plants, street trees, and other beautiful landscaping.FREE. Includes three ...
10:00am - 05:00pm Purchase Prize Exhibit: "The West & Beyond" :: Arts & Music
Grant County Art Guild presents their 27th annual juried show of New Mexico artists, with 67 entries from 31 artists.Juror Sue Hunter of Scottsdale, Arizona, will be conducting a workshop while in town for the Purchase Prize Show.
Contact 590-1587
10:00am - 04:00pm Red Dot Studio Tour & Gallery Walk 2012 :: Arts & Music
Also Oct. 6. This is a FREE self-guided tour of artists' studios, providing an up close and personal look into the unique creative process. View a demonstration at each studio.
Contact 313-9631
05:00pm - 07:00pm First Friday Exhibit: "Stars over New Mexico Quilt Show" :: Arts & Music
Exhibit Opening of the "Stars over New Mexico Quilt Show" with the Southwest New Mexico Quilters Guild.
Contact 538-5921
2012 Gila Monster Challenge Bicycle Race :: Social Events
The race will be offering 4 different lengths of rides: 106 mile ride, 72 mile ride, 52 mile ride and a 32 mile ride. Choose one of the several different lengths of rides and finish in Historic Pinos Altos during ...
Contact 538-5560
Mogollon Archaeology Conference :: Education
The conference focuses on Mogollon archaeology, including Jornada Mogollon and Northern Chihuahua, up to A.D. 1400-1450.Find complete information on the 17th Biennial Mogollon Archaeology Conference.
Contact 538-6386
08:00am First Saturday Garage Sale :: Fundraiser
Furniture, books, household items. Clothes are $1/bag after 11:00 am.
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Every Saturday. Local handmade arts and crafts.
Contact 313-6468
08:30am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday
Contact Contact
09:00am - 05:00pm Mimbres Valley Harvest Festival :: Social Events
* Live Music: Illusion Band, River's Bend, Bayou Seco, and more!* Free Health Fair from 9 am to 2 pm* Non-Stop Kids' Activities* Agricultural Workshops* Farmers' Market* Arts & Crafts Fair* Local Foods -- Bake Walk! -- Pie Contest!
10:00am - 04:00pm Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Rescue October Fest :: Social Events
Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Rescue October Fiesta and Fun Ride Finish - Gila Monster Challenge Cycling Event Family Fun, Games, Food, Live Entertainment and Arts and Crafts Booths October Fiesta Information - 574-8394 or lmwk@dishmail.net Gila Monster Challenge Fun Ride Cycling Event Information ...
Contact 574-8394
10:00am - 05:00pm Purchase Prize Exhibit: "The West & Beyond" :: Arts & Music
Grant County Art Guild presents their 27th annual juried show of New Mexico artists, with 67 entries from 31 artists.Juror Sue Hunter of Scottsdale, Arizona, will be conducting a workshop while in town for the Purchase Prize Show.
Contact 590-1587
10:00am - 12:00pm Quilting: Children's Craft Class :: Education
Pre-register for the class at 538-5921.
Contact 538-5921
10:00am - 04:00pm Red Dot Studio Tour & Gallery Walk 2012 :: Arts & Music
Also Oct. 5. This is a FREE self-guided tour of artists' studios, providing an up close and personal look into the unique creative process. View a demonstration at each studio.
Contact 313-9631
02:00pm Blessing of the Animals :: Spiritual
The Ministerial Alliance of Grant County, and the St. Francis Newman Center are sponsoring a “Blessing of the Animals” in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the care of animals.Come join the fun and participate in ...
02:00pm FINAL Ghost Play: "Return, 1913" :: Arts & Music
This is the final play in the series of 15 New Mexico Ghost Play Cycle Staged Play Readings by Victoria Tester in celebration of New Mexico's Centennial. The final play is Return, 1913.For mature audiences.
Contact 538-5921
05:00pm - 08:00pm Gala Receptions at Art Galleries! :: Arts & Music
The Red Dot Studio Tour culminates with Gala Receptions at all downtown art galleries. See the quality and variety of art in Silver City and enjoy the friendly artists, free lectures, and surprise events.
Contact 313-9631
07:00pm See the Stars at City of Rocks! :: Education
Matt Willson, Silver City Astronomical Society member and observer for the Parks, will be hosting the observing at the City of Rocks.
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