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"Reflect & Renew" - Women's Retreat :: Spiritual
This residential retreat for women only, with facilitators Beatriz Giraldo and Mariam Weidner, offers the opportunity to take a break from the business of everyday life and to connect to one's inner wisdom and the profound serenity of nature.Registration required: 519-4509.
Contact 519-4509
Pueblo Spinning Techniques Workshop :: Arts & Music
Day-long workshop on traditional Pueblo spinning techniques with guest artist, Pueblo weaver Louie Garcia.
Contact 536-2211
10:00am Conversation with a Nun :: Spiritual
Sister Rosie Ferrell of the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph will discuss the struggle American Catholic nuns are encountering in attempting to fulfill their humanitarian mission, with opposition and resistance from the Vatican.After the service we will dedicate ...
12:00pm - 02:00pm David Nelson on the Piano :: Arts & Music
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
04:00pm Healing Al-Anon Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Sunday.
Contact 313-9400
06:00pm Cacao Ceremony :: Spiritual
Honor ancestors and honor hearts at this auspicious time of year with pure ceremonial Cacao. Meditation led by Irene Sturia.Bring your own mug, instruments, journal and cushion.
Contact 534-9565
01:00pm Tai Chi for Better Balance :: Health & Wellness
This tai Chi form has been refined by the Oregon Research Institute and improves balance and prevents falls. No special equipment, clothing or footwear required. Call to register at 534-9159.
Contact 534-9159
05:30pm - 06:30pm "Radio 101" Class :: Education
With Tater Todd Dennehy of the New Potato X Radio Show.
Contact 534-0130
05:30pm - 07:30pm Hunger for Knowledge Dinner :: Fundraiser
See what WNMU students are learning about hunger in Grant County, support feeding hungry people in Grant County, and have a great time doing it!RSVP at 538-6635.
Contact 538-6635
06:00pm Learn to Square Dance! :: Arts & Music
Every Monday. Ages 10 and up.
Contact 574-2032
11:00am - 01:00pm SOUPER Tuesday :: Fundraiser
Every Tuesday. Fundraiser for Faith Community, planned senior living community for southwest New Mexico. Each week features a meat-based soup and a vegetarian soup, all homemade, with bread and beverage for $6.
Contact 574-2724
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
07:00pm - 09:00pm Scott at the Parlor :: Arts & Music
Every Tuesday.
Contact 538-8722
07:00pm Silver City Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting :: Public Meetings
Presentaton on Draft Pedestrian Routes Master Plan for the Town of Silver City.
Contact 534-6348
06:00pm Interstate Stream Commission Meeting :: Public Meetings
12:00pm - 01:00pm Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday & Thursday.The form is simple and is done sitting or standing. Benefits: reduced stress and tension; improved balance; higher energy levels!
06:00pm Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society Meeting :: Public Meetings
2nd Thursdays. The monthly meeting includes potluck at 6:00 pm; then meeting, rock draw, and program at 6:45 pm.
Contact 535-1393
06:30pm Artist Lecture Series: Diana Ingalls Leyba :: Arts & Music
Mimbres Region Arts Council presents local artist Diana Ingalls Leyba.
Contact 538-2505
11:30am - 01:00pm Silver City Women's Club Meeting :: Social Events
2nd Fridays.Potluck meeting: Bring a dish or dessert; meet wonderful women; volunteer to give back to the community.
04:30pm - 07:30pm WNMU Art Graduates Exhibition :: Arts & Music
FREE Opening Receptin and student Art Talk to present graduating art students' works.The Fall 2012 WNMU Art Graduates Exhibition will be open from November 9 through December 14, 2012.
Contact 538-6336
05:00pm Dane Dexter on Piano :: Arts & Music
05:30pm TAIZE Worship Service :: Spiritual
2nd Fridays. Sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer, silence, and prayers for healing. A non-denominational service, free and open to all.
Contact 538-2015
06:00pm - 09:00pm "Apparitions" Art Opening :: Arts & Music
Bisbee Artist Bill Panther's recent paintings are presented, along with music by singer/songwriter Pat Panther.
07:30pm David Vidal :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
08:00pm - 11:59pm Entertainment! at the Silver/Bayard VFW Post 3347 :: Social Events
Every Friday. "Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment!" The entertainment always starts at 8:00 pm and goes until Midnight. Pop, Light Rock, Country Western and Spanish, all to your liking. Come listen and dance to great music. Open to all members and their guests. Enjoy Great Music, ...
Contact 574-8109
09:00am - 01:00pm Episcopal Church Bazaar :: Fundraiser
The 108th Church of the Good Shepherd Bazaar will feature a wide variety of baked goods, handmade crafts, Nancy Wyatt’s unique and very popular pottery, Bazaar collectibles and antiques, all sorts of books, and, of course, the ever popular Garage ...
Contact 388-7518
09:00am - 02:00pm Friends of the Library Book Sale :: Fundraiser
Members may purchase books starting at 9:00 am; non-members at 10:00 am.
09:30am - 11:30am Ft. Bayard Walking Tour :: Tours
Members of the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society lead a guided tour of old Fort Bayard and open the Fort Bayard Museum for visitors.Meet at the Ft. Bayard Museum in the Officer's Quarters which is located across from the Parade Ground.All ...
Contact (307) 640-3012
10:00am - 04:00pm Christmas Bazaar :: Social Events
Crafts, food, religious articles, and more. Sponsored by Hurley Infant Jesus Church.
01:00pm - 03:00pm Fall Fitness Walk :: Health & Wellness
Hidalgo Medical Services presents the Fall Fitness Walk with prizes and giveaways throughout. DJ Big K & Rhythm in Motion in the house.FREE T-Shirt for Everyone!
02:00pm - 05:00pm Auditions: "Just Be Christmas Inside" :: Arts & Music
For children and youth, ages 6 to 15.
Contact 538-6503
02:00pm Book Signing: "Modern Icons: The Sacrifice of Endangered Species" :: Education
Mary Frances Dondelinger presents and signs her book, Modern Icons: The Sacrifice of Endangered Species of the American Southwest.
Contact 538-5921
06:30pm Film: "True Wolf" :: Arts & Music
Biologist Kim McCreery and the NM Wilderness Alliance present a film about the ambassador wolf, Koani.
Contact 534-1700
07:00pm - 11:00pm Casino Night for Canines! :: Fundraiser
Professional dealers will be in the private Governor's Room at Billy's BBQ, serving up Blackjack, Texas Hold 'Em, and Roulette for a doggone good reason: It’s Casino Night for Canines, a unique fundraiser for Puppy Dog Ranch Rescue and Sanctuary.There ...
Contact 313-7232
07:30pm The Oversouls :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
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