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10:00am "Charter for Compassion" Presentation :: Spiritual
Deena Gentle will introduce and lead a discussion about the "Charter for Compassion," a world-wide organization born from the vision of Karen Armstrong, a retired (resigned) Catholic nun and religious scholar. A compelling case is presented for reviving the "golden ...
10:00am Gila Friends Meeting :: Spiritual
Join us in the unity of group meditation to satisfy the spirit. This manner of worship is open to all.Dec. 30 at 11:30 am - Bring a dish and share with Friends in a social gathering.
Location First Church of Harmony
02:00pm - 03:30pm Gila Valley Library Annual Meeting :: Public Meetings
The program will begin with a brief business meeting followed by a celebration of community spirit - the volunteers, partners, and supporters who made the new library building possible.The program will also include the dedication of the new library mural ...
06:30pm Ester & Manda :: Arts & Music
11:00am Silver City-Grant County Widowed Persons Service :: Spiritual
2nd Mondays.
Contact 537-3643
02:00pm Bayard City Council Meeting :: Public Meetings
2nd and 4th Mondays.
06:00pm Hurley Pride Meeting :: Social Events
2nd and 4th Mondays
09:00am Gila/San Francisco Water Commission Meeting :: Public Meetings
Includes election of officers.
07:00pm Film Showing: "King" - Martin Luther King Birthday :: Spiritual
Gila Friends sponsor the showing of the award-winning documentary film, KING: The Journey from Montgomery to Memphis.FREE and open to all.
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE consulting services to nonprofit organizations and those considering becoming one.
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
09:00am - 11:00am Student Health in NM and Grant County :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Discussion of state and county results of the 2011 NM Youth Risk & Resiliency Surveys. Suggested for anyone working with students.
Contact 388-1198, ext. 22
10:00am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, and movement. For children ages 0 to 8.
Contact 538-3672
04:30pm - 06:30pm Affordable Care Act Seminar :: Education
"Affordable Care Act - What does it mean for me?": A practical information session provided by Nandini Pillai Duehn, PhD.Co-sponsored by SBDC, The Wellness Coalition, & HMS.January 16: Affordable Care Act for IndividualsJanuary 17: Affordable Care Act for Employers
Contact 538-6320
06:00pm - 07:00pm Health Talk: First Food :: Health & Wellness
"First Food - Improving the Health of Families" will be presented by Molly Pessl.
Contact 538-4870
06:30pm Dane & Edie :: Arts & Music
Nostalgic Piano.
07:30pm Melanie & Jeff :: Arts & Music
Acoustic Duo.
Contact 538-9911
09:30am - 11:30am Affordable Care Act Seminar :: Education
"Affordable Care Act - What does it mean for me?": A practical information session provided by Nandini Pillai Duehn, PhD.Co-sponsored by SBDC, The Wellness Coalition, & HMS.January 16: Affordable Care Act for IndividualsJanuary 17: Affordable Care Act for Employers
Contact 538-6320
06:30pm Joe & Danny :: Arts & Music
Jazz & Latin.
09:00am Red Paint Powwow! & Indian Market :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday!Friday's Events include:*Indian Market*Storytelling*Dance Demonstrations*Presentations*Songs
Contact 654-6161 or 534-1379
02:00pm Grand Opening: Silver City Community Health Center :: Social Events
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting! Join us as we celebrate making this dream of a Community Health Center a reality. All are welcome!
Contact 534-0248 ext. 227
04:00pm - 07:00pm Book Signing: Madonna Kettler :: Education
Local author Madonna Kettler hosts the reading, signing and group experiential to promote her new book: Birth, Death, and the Afterlife: Remembering Who You Really Are.Come enjoy this fun event with live musice, refreshments and snacks!
Contact 534-1291
04:00pm - 08:00pm Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Open House! :: Social Events
There will be refreshments, entertainment and - barring the unforeseen - we will have commenced live webcasts from the studio! Learn about the latest developments and opportunities to create a program, become a DJ, join our volunteer staff, serve on a committee, ...
Contact 575-597-4891
05:30pm - 06:30pm CANCELLED! -- NM State Environmental Literacy Planning Meeting :: Public Meetings
Contact 538-6253
06:30pm Farhad :: Arts & Music
Spanish Guitar.
07:30pm HalleyAnna & The Tennessee Volunteers :: Arts & Music
Americana Singer/Songwriter from Texas.
Contact 538-9911
Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society Field Trip :: Social Events
3rd Saturdays. Must be a member or member's guest.
Contact 388-2010
09:00am - 03:00pm Kitchen Creations Cooking Class for Diabetics :: Health & Wellness
Jan. 19 & 26. FREE, but limited to attendees with diabetes.The instructors will be Jill Eastep, Gila Regional Medical Center Healthreach Registered Nurse and Diabetes instructor, and Judy O’Loughlin, Grant County Extension Home Economist.Participants are asked to call and sign ...
Contact 388-1559
09:00am Red Paint Powwow! & Indian Market :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday!Saturday's Events include:*Indian Market*Gourd Dancing*Contest Powwow*Grand Entries at 1 pm & 7:30 pm
Contact 654-6161 or 534-1379
06:30pm Loose Blues Band :: Arts & Music
07:30pm The Oversouls :: Arts & Music
Local Rock & Roll.
Contact 538-9911
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