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10:00am - 03:00pm "Body Beautiful" Juried Art Show :: Arts & Music
San Vicente Artists' 9th Annual "Body Beautiful" juried art show will open with a reception on April 12 and remain open to the public on April 13 and 14.
Contact 590-1587
10:00am "I Am a Person - Not My Disability" Presentation :: Spiritual
Susie Trujillo and Karen Morant of the Silver City Disability Advisory Council, will speak. They will discuss the Council's formation, function and accomplishments. Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, with light refreshments, after the service.
10:00am Gila Friends Meeting :: Spiritual
Join us in the unity of group meditation to satisfy the spirit. This manner of worship is open to all.Dec. 30 at 11:30 am - Bring a dish and share with Friends in a social gathering.
Location First Church of Harmony
11:00am - 04:00pm Annual Spring Boutique :: Fundraiser
Grant County Home Business Network presents Crafts, Gifts, Goods, Knife Sharpening, Free Raffles & Much More.
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
All LGBT folk, friends and allies WELCOME!Bring a dish to share if you like.
Contact 388-5430
01:00pm - 02:00pm Weaving Demonstration :: Arts & Music
Mary Leen demonstrates her weaving techniques.
Contact 538-5921
02:00pm - 03:00pm Bilingual Storytelling :: Kids' Activity
The story of The First Tortilla with Maria Vigil.
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm Arizona Water Settlements Act Public Meeting :: Public Meetings
Discussion will focus on the Gila planning process.
09:00am Gila/San Francisco Water Commission Meeting :: Public Meetings
05:30pm - 06:15pm "Secrets for Living a Happy Life" Meditation :: Health & Wellness
Meditation for Everyone! FREE and open to the public. New four-class series titled "Secrets for Living a Happy Life." Attend one, some, or all four classes.
Contact 313-4087
05:30pm "Tough Guise" Film & Discussion :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Documentary to be shown and discussed as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Light refreshments served.
Contact 313-6203
06:00pm Save "Kneeling Nun" Meeting :: Public Meetings
We will convene to discuss and share information about how the view of our sacred, ancient landmark is in danger of being further eliminated by the dumping of Freeport McMoran mining company. Speakers include: - Mr. John Edward Arguello: Resident of Santa ...
Contact 534-9043
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE consulting services to nonprofit organizations and those considering becoming one.
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
10:00am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, and movement. For children ages 0 to 8.
Contact 538-3672
11:30am - 12:30pm Prenatal Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
12:45pm - 01:45pm Mom & Baby Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
06:00pm Dane & Edie :: Arts & Music
Nostalgic Piano.
06:30pm Prostate Cancer Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Facilitators: Dave Schwantes and Walt HansonCurrent patients, survivors, and those-at-risk for prostate cancer are encouraged to attend.
Contact 388-1198, ext. 10
07:00pm Journey of the Universe Film Series :: Arts & Music
FREE Film & Conversation. Ecologists, community organizers and educators talk about the emergence of human potential.
Contact 590-5561
07:30pm The Oversouls :: Arts & Music
Local Rock & Soul.
Contact 538-9911
10:00am Four Shillings Short in Concert :: Kids' Activity
Children's concert.
Contact 538-3672
11:00am Evergreen Garden Club Meeting :: Social Events
Visitors Welcome! Potluck and tour of the Mimbres Farm and Nursery.
01:00pm - 02:00pm WNMU VP Academic Affairs Forum :: Public Meetings
02:00pm - 02:30pm Meditation Classes :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Taught by Jeff Goin.
Contact 538-6014
05:30pm Four Shillings Short in Concert :: Arts & Music
All ages concert.
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm - 06:15pm Guided Group Meditation :: Health & Wellness
FREE and open to the public.
Contact 313-4087
05:30pm - 06:30pm Reception for WNMU VP Academic Affairs :: Public Meetings
Meet and greet the Candidate for WNMU VP of Academic Affairs at a wine and cheese reception.
06:00pm Corazones Unidos Cardiac Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Facilitated by Frank Ogas.
Contact 388-1198, ext. 10
06:00pm Joe & Danny :: Arts & Music
Jazz & Latin Variety.
06:30pm MRAC Lecture Series: Tim Read :: Arts & Music
Tim Read, sculptor.
Contact 538-2505
05:00pm Reception & Book Signing: "Tracking a Pre-Contact Copper Industry Trade Network" :: Arts & Music
Western Institute for Lifelong Learning presents Monette Bebow-Reinhard's Tracking a Pre-Contact Copper Industry Trade Network, an exploration of the pre-historic copper tooling and trading and its effect on culture in the Americas. 5:00 pm - Reception 5:30 pm - Presentation FREE and open to ...
Contact 538-6835
06:30pm Loose Blues Band :: Arts & Music
07:00pm "The Faces of Climate Change" :: Arts & Music
Join students in the WNMU Expressive Arts Department who will tell 2 - 3 minute stories about how climate change is affecting people around the world.
Contact 538-8078
07:00pm Gila Native Plant Society Meeting :: Social Events
07:30pm The Roadrunners :: Arts & Music
Local Rock & Blues.
Contact 538-9911
Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society Field Trip :: Social Events
3rd Saturdays. Must be a member or member's guest.
Contact 388-2010
10:00am - 04:00pm "Make & Take" Crafts & Fun! :: Kids' Activity
Come see the Museum Booth at the Earth Day Celebration!
Contact 538-5921
10:00am - 02:00pm Bike Works Community Bike Ride :: Sports
Riding on roads and trails. Bring water, lunch, and a sense of exploration. Difficulty determined by the group.
Contact 399-1444
10:00am Book Signing: "Tracking a Pre-Contact Copper Industry Trade Network" :: Arts & Music
Author Monette Bebow-Reinhard will hold a discussion session on her book, Tracking a Pre-Contact Copper Industry Trade Network, an exploration of the pre-historic copper tooling and trading and its effect on culture in the Americas. FREE and open to the public.
Contact 538-3672
10:00am - 04:00pm Earth Day Celebration! :: Social Events
FREE. Fun and informative for all ages. Food, entertainment, plant sales. Meet representatives from local organizations working to make our area a great place to live.
Contact 538-8078
10:00am - 02:00pm Earth Day E-Waste & Recycling Collection :: Health & Wellness
Recycle all electronic equipment, anything that has a plug or is battery operated. Recycle clean dry paper products; most plastic containers; glass bottles and jars; tin and aluminum cans. Recycle unbroken, burned out CFL’s.
Contact 519-8987
12:00pm WNMU Great Race :: Sports
46th Annual WNMU Great Race. Followed by a FREE BBQ lunch for the community.
02:00pm - 03:00pm Book Signing: "Waning Moon" :: Arts & Music
Singing and book signing of Waning Moon with author, singer, and songwriter Jim Jones.
Contact 538-5921
02:00pm Poetry Reading with Illuminata Senetre :: Arts & Music
Come celebrate Earth Day with Original Poetry in Honor of the Earth.
Contact 537-6244
06:30pm Mario :: Arts & Music
Classic Rock.
07:30pm David Vidal :: Arts & Music
American, Slide Blues Guitar from California.
Contact 538-9911
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