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10:00am "Game Over for the Planet" Presentation :: Education
Debaura James, a retired social science teacher and a member of the mayor's Climate Protection Citizen's Advisory Committee, will speak on "Game Over for the Planet, or Join the Movement." She will talk about the importance of people joining in ...
10:00am Gila Friends Meeting :: Spiritual
Join us in the unity of group meditation to satisfy the spirit. This manner of worship is open to all.Dec. 30 at 11:30 am - Bring a dish and share with Friends in a social gathering.
Location First Church of Harmony
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
All LGBT folk, friends and allies WELCOME!Bring a dish to share if you like.
Contact 388-5430
02:00pm - 03:00pm Aldo Leopold Presentation & Readings :: Education
Stephen Fox, Philip Connors, and students from Aldo Leopold High School present.
Contact 538-5921
05:00pm Bridge Community Early Dinner :: Fundraiser
Bridge Community is a project to bring a continuum of care senior living facility (independent through end-of-life), all on one campus, to Silver City. We now have 10 acres of land. Come help us raise funds for the next development ...
Contact 538-5754
02:00pm Bayard City Council Meeting :: Public Meetings
2nd and 4th Mondays.
06:00pm Hurley Pride Meeting :: Social Events
2nd and 4th Mondays
01:00pm Town & Country Garden Club Meeting :: Social Events
4th Tuesdays.Members, friends, and anyone interested is invited to attend. There will be refreshments after the meeting.
02:00pm - 02:30pm Meditation Classes :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Taught by Jeff Goin.
Contact 538-6014
05:30pm - 06:15pm "Secrets for Living a Happy Life" Meditation :: Health & Wellness
Meditation for Everyone! FREE and open to the public. New four-class series titled "Secrets for Living a Happy Life." Attend one, some, or all four classes.
Contact 313-4087
06:00pm - 06:15pm Silent Voices for Victims :: Spiritual
A gathering to raise awareness and give homage through 15 minutes of silence to victims of violent crime. Part of Sexual Assault Awarenes Month.
Contact 313-6203
06:00pm Special Forum on School Security :: Political
TEA Party Patriots Meeting will host a Special Forum on School Security for all Grant County schools. Participants will include representatives from both Silver and Cobre School Boards, Silver City Police, Grant County Sheriff's Dept., and New Mexico State Police. Among ...
06:30pm - 08:00pm Wind Canyon Neighborhood Watch Meeting :: Public Meetings
There will be a presentation on Defensible Space, after which Wind Canyon residents can sign up to have National Fire Protection Association Fire Assessments and Fire Plans done for their properties. Creation of a limited homeowners association will also be ...
07:00pm Travelogue by Merritt Helfferich & April Crosby :: Education
Merritt & April will share stories and images of their 14-day, 550-mile bike tour of Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary, along the Danube River, in a presentation by the Gila Valley Library.
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE consulting services to nonprofit organizations and those considering becoming one.
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
10:00am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, and movement. For children ages 0 to 8.
Contact 538-3672
11:30am - 12:30pm Prenatal Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
12:45pm - 01:45pm Mom & Baby Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
04:30pm - 07:00pm San Vicente Creek Tailings Pile Cleanup Project :: Public Meetings
Representatives from the New Mexico Environment Department and INTERA will update the public on the proposed Restoration Project (tailings pile cleanup) along San Vicente Creek.
Contact 590-1963
05:15pm Chamber of Commerce Cash Mob! :: Fundraiser
Join the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce in a Cash Mob of a local business. Our Cash Mob will meet at 5:15PM, and the local business we are mobbing will be announced. Participants will spend $10 at the ...
Contact 654-4919
05:30pm - 08:00pm Food Co-op General Membership Meeting :: Public Meetings
Everyone is invited to join an informative and exciting discussion about the state of the Co-op, GMOs, local food networking, and visions of the Co-op’s future. Enter a drawing for Co-op goodies!
Contact 388-2343
07:30pm Amos Torres :: Arts & Music
Local Folk & Soul Originals.
Contact 538-9911
02:00pm - 02:30pm Meditation Classes :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Taught by Jeff Goin.
Contact 538-6014
03:30pm - 04:30pm Food and Nutrition Council (FANC) Meeting :: Public Meetings
Contact 388-1198 ext. 22
05:30pm WILL Summer Class Sign Up & Annual Meeting :: Education
Western Institute for Lifelong Learning (WILL) invites the public to its annual membership meeting complete with socializing and opportunities to join and sign up for summer courses. This is a great opportunity to find out more about WILL and see the line ...
Contact 538-6835
06:30pm Immigration Forum :: Education
The Service Learning Project of WNMU American National Class and the American Democracy Project presents a forum entitled, Immigration Sensation. Guest speakers are: Esteban Acosta, Community Resident Lydia Acosta, Community Resident Sheriff Michael Carrillo, Luna County Howie Morales, NM State Senator Jake Rollow, U.S. Senator ...
07:30pm "Oliver!" - Broadway Musical :: Arts & Music
Local Musicians and Community Actors present the Tony Award Wining Broadway Musical, Oliver! Thursday night preview performance is half-price.
Contact 538-6609
07:30pm Special Nashville Invasion! with Kevin So :: Arts & Music
Blues with Kevin So, the guitarist for Keb Mo.
Contact 538-9911
10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
07:00pm "The Vagina Monologues" :: Arts & Music
Writings to stop violence again women and girls to be performed in honor of V-Day.
Contact 313-6203
07:00pm “Endangered Species Conservation" Presentation :: Education
The New Mexico Ornithological Society will present a lecture by Noel Snyder entitled, “Endangered Species Conservation: Is Habitat Preservation the Central Issue?” The lecture discusses the varying role of habitat destruction in the demise or endangerment of several species ...
Contact 590-4731
07:30pm "Oliver!" - Broadway Musical :: Arts & Music
Local Musicians and Community Actors present the Tony Award Wining Broadway Musical, Oliver!
Contact 538-6609
07:30pm Les Petits Malfacteurs :: Arts & Music
Two Parts Stomp 'n' Holler Blues, One Part Four Ring Circus! From Coney Island, NOLA, and NM.
Contact 538-9911
07:00am - 03:00pm Audubon Field Trip: Mangas Springs :: Social Events
We will head up to bird Mangas Springs, the Iron Bridge, and the Cliff/ Gila bridge. Many of our summer visitors should have arrived by this time and will be claiming territories and singing. We can expect a range of ...
Contact 388-4210
08:30am Dos Manos Bike Ride for the Children :: Fundraiser
2013 Dos Manos Motorcycle Ride will fund school supplies and registrations for the children of Palomas, Chihuahua, across the border with Columbus, New Mexico. Particpant riders will start at Bataan Park, ride the beautiful loop and curve back to the ...
Contact 313-9059
09:00am - 03:00pm Comcast Cares Day :: Social Events
FREE! Enjoy free Hot Dogs and Soda! Participate in the installation of the newest MRAC Youth Mural Project: "Agua es la Vida"!
Contact 538-2505
09:00am - 04:00pm Home & Garden Expo :: Social Events
Featuring: Annual free seed share/vendors home & gardening supplies & advice/free gardening mini-workshops/music/lunch & desserts for sale/raffles with special prizes! Admission $3, kids under 12 FREE. Proceeds support your local farmers' market! To volunteer or for more information call Carolyn ...
Contact 388-2343
09:00am - 11:00am Literacy Alive Writer's Publishing Workshop :: Education
Writer's Workshop: So You Want to Publish a Book? The workshop gives an overview of the book industry, the reality of what is happening currently, and options for self-publishing and working with publishers. Presented by LPD Press/Rio Grande Books founders of ...
Contact 534-1021
09:30am - 11:30am Ft. Bayard Walking Tour :: Tours
Members of the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society lead a guided tour of old Fort Bayard and open the Fort Bayard Museum for visitors.Meet at the Ft. Bayard Museum in the Officer's Quarters which is located across from the Parade Ground.All ...
Contact (307) 640-3012
10:00am - 04:00pm "Bark in the Park" Dog Walk & Dog Fiesta! :: Fundraiser
Hurley Animal Shelter hosts the Dog Walk and Dog Fiesta to benefit the building of a new animal shelter. The Fiesta includes Music, Games, Silent Auction Dog Adoption, Spay & Neuter Assistance, Doggie Parade and Costume Contest, King & Queen ...
Contact 537-3220
10:00am - 02:00pm Bike Works Community Bike Ride :: Sports
Riding on roads and trails. Bring water, lunch, and a sense of exploration. Difficulty determined by the group.
Contact 399-1444
10:00am - 11:00am Book Signing: "Circle of Secrets" :: Arts & Music
Kimberley Griffiths Little presents and signs her book, Circle of Secrets.
Contact 538-5921
10:00am - 02:00pm National Drug Take Back Day :: Health & Wellness
National Drug Take Back Day provides a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposal of unused prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of prescription medications.
Contact 388-1198
10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
11:00am - 04:00pm "Pedalista" Bicycle Celebration :: Social Events
FREE! Families are invited to learn about bike safety, participate in games, and win prizes -- including some bicycles. Pedalista will also feature educational games, including The Paper Boy Challenge, the Rim Roll, a Mini-Bike Race, the Tube Toss, the Human ...
11:00am - 01:00pm Children’s Spring Craft Day :: Kids' Activity
Children will be creating birdhouses, butterflies, and windsocks! All children ages 9 or younger must be accompanied by a parent or adult care-giver.
Contact 537-6244
11:00am - 06:00pm Spring Art Sale at the Vineyard :: Arts & Music
There will be Artists from Gila, Silver City and the Mimbres showing work in a variety mediums. Ben will be serving up his famous vegetarian pizza. FREE and open to the public. For more information, go to www.mimbresartshow.com.
02:00pm - 03:00pm Book Signing: "Autobiography of Billy the Kid" :: Arts & Music
Ralph Estes presents and signs his book: The Autobiography of Billy the Kid as Told to Ralph Estes.
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm - 11:30pm Cowbelle Shindig! :: Arts & Music
Grant County Copper Cowbelles host this Dinner, Dance, and Silent Auction. Kick up your heels to the western music of the Yarborough Band! 6:30 pm - Brisket Dinner 7 to 9 pm - Silent Auction Dancing until 11:30 pm.
Contact 388-0992
07:00pm "Some Changes over a Century in the Birdlife of Silver City" Presentation :: Education
The New Mexico Ornithological Society will present a lecture by Dale Zimmerman entitled “Some Changes over a century in the Birdlife of Silver City, New Mexico. Dr. Zimmerman’s presentation deals with some of the numerous changes that have occurred in Silver ...
Contact 590-4731
07:30pm "Oliver!" - Broadway Musical :: Arts & Music
Local Musicians and Community Actors present the Tony Award Wining Broadway Musical, Oliver!
Contact 538-6609
07:30pm Stephanie Fix :: Arts & Music
Singer/Songwriter from Austin.
Contact 538-9911
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