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09:00am - 04:00pm Home & Garden Expo :: Social Events
Featuring: Annual free seed share/vendors home & gardening supplies & advice/free gardening mini-workshops/music/lunch & desserts for sale/raffles with special prizes! Admission $3, kids under 12 FREE. Proceeds support your local farmers' market! To volunteer or for more information call Carolyn ...
Contact 388-2343
10:00am Creation Stories :: Spiritual
The Rev. Tyler Connoley will look at the two creation stories in the book of Genesis. These stories challenge us to live in harmony with nature and to serve it - not be served by it. Please join us. There will ...
10:00am Gila Friends Meeting :: Spiritual
Join us in the unity of group meditation to satisfy the spirit. This manner of worship is open to all.Dec. 30 at 11:30 am - Bring a dish and share with Friends in a social gathering.
Location First Church of Harmony
10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
12:00pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
All LGBT folk, friends and allies WELCOME!Bring a dish to share if you like.
Contact 388-5430
02:00pm "Oliver!" - Broadway Musical :: Arts & Music
Local Musicians and Community Actors present the Tony Award Wining Broadway Musical, Oliver!
Contact 538-6609
02:00pm - 04:00pm Book Signing: "Young Voices of Silver City" :: Arts & Music
VIP Reception for the Authors of Young Voices of Silver City, with refreshments, book signings and sales, and a silent auction. Kickoff for Literacy Alive 2013!
Contact 534-1021
07:00pm Sean Ashby in Concert :: Arts & Music
The internationally acclaimed singer/songwriter/guitarist for Sarah McLachlan performs twang and slide music.
Contact 534-1136
05:30pm How to Make Your Production Better! :: Education
Advanced Movie Maker Editing class on how you can add pizazz to your production!
Contact 534-0130
08:30am Special Forum on Silver City/Grant County's Quality of Life :: Public Meetings
Coffee & Donuts at 8:00 a.m. The Special Forum features County Commissioner Brett Kasten, WNMU President Dr. Joe Shepard, and Mayor James Marshall, who will present some exciting ideas and projects designed to enhance the Quality of Life for Silver City/Grant ...
02:00pm - 02:30pm Meditation Classes :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Taught by Jeff Goin.
Contact 538-6014
05:30pm - 06:15pm "Secrets for Living a Happy Life" Meditation :: Health & Wellness
Meditation for Everyone! FREE and open to the public. New four-class series titled "Secrets for Living a Happy Life." Attend one, some, or all four classes.
Contact 313-4087
07:00pm Salsa Dancing: WNMU Diversity Week :: Social Events
Maria Ezquierdo leads Salsa Dancing to kickoff Diversity Week at the University.
Contact 538-6336
Tour of the Gila Bike Race - Day 1 :: Sports
Day 1 - Silver City to Mogollon Road Race Saturday, May 4, 8 am to 6 pm: Downtown Expo! Citizen Races and Free T-Shirts - Noon to 1:30 pm. Industry Products, Food Court, Beer Garden, Kid Zone, Bicycle Rodeo, Fun, & Prizes!
Contact 538-5555
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE consulting services to nonprofit organizations and those considering becoming one.
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
10:00am Library Story Time :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Join us for reading, poetry, music, and movement. For children ages 0 to 8.
Contact 538-3672
11:30am - 12:30pm Prenatal Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
12:45pm - 01:45pm Mom & Baby Yoga Class :: Health & Wellness
01:00pm SWCCA Meeting :: Public Meetings
The Southwestern County Coommissioners Alliance (SWCCA) will meet in Deming.
Contact 574-0008
03:30pm - 05:00pm Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Meeting :: Public Meetings
First Wednesdays.Learn more through local resources and promote local preparedness. Chaired by SCPD Capt. Ricky Villalobos and features guest presenters.
Tour of the Gila Bike Race - Day 2 :: Sports
Day 2 - Inner Loop Road Race: Ft. Bayard - Pinos Altos - Lake Roberts - Mimbres - Ft. Bayard Saturday, May 4, 8 am to 6 pm: Downtown Expo! Citizen Races and Free T-Shirts - Noon to 1:30 pm. Industry Products, ...
Contact 538-5555
12:00pm - 01:00pm Brown Bag Series: "Armchair Tour of Boston Hill with Jose A. Ray, Jr." :: Education
Contact 538-5921
12:00pm Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Taskforce Meeting :: Public Meetings
Prevention, planning and coordination of services for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and the community. Everyone is welcome to create and participate in a non-violent community.
Contact 538-2125
02:00pm - 02:30pm Meditation Classes :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Taught by Jeff Goin.
Contact 538-6014
06:00pm Joe & Danny :: Arts & Music
Jazz and Latin Variety.
06:00pm NWS SKYWARN® Spotter Class :: Education
May 2 & May 23. FREE and open to the public. The National Weather Service will be presenting two SKYWARN® Spotter classes for citizens who form the Nation’s first line of defense against severe weather. NWS encourages anyone with an interest in ...
06:00pm Navajo Taco Night: WNMU Diversity Week :: Social Events
FREE event hosted by the Native American Club.
Contact 538-6336
Tour of the Gila Bike Race - Day 3 :: Sports
Day 3 - Dan Potts Memorial Tyrone Time Trial Saturday, May 4, 8 am to 6 pm: Downtown Expo! Citizen Races and Free T-Shirts - Noon to 1:30 pm. Industry Products, Food Court, Beer Garden, Kid Zone, Bicycle Rodeo, Fun, & Prizes!
Contact 538-5555
10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
11:00am - 01:00pm Cinco de Mayo!: WNMU Diversity Week :: Social Events
FREE lunch and live music!
Contact 538-6336
07:00pm Hummingbirds@Home: Audubon Project :: Education
Audubon's New Citizen Science Project, Hummingbirds@Home, will be presented by Karen Beckenbach. Recent science reports that flowers are blooming earlier and earlier due to climate change with some blooming as many as 17 days before the migrating hummingbirds arrive. The impact for migrating ...
07:30pm Melanie Zipin & the Sugar Loaf :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-9911
08:00pm - 11:59pm VFW Cinco de Mayo Celebration! :: Fundraiser
Plenty of Entertainment, Music, Dancing and Food. Help to raise funds for our Veterans and their families! Open to Members and their guests.
Contact 574-8109
Tour of the Gila Bike Race - Day 4 :: Sports
Day 4 - Downtown Silver City Criterium Saturday, May 4, 8 am to 6 pm: Downtown Expo! Citizen Races and Free T-Shirts - Noon to 1:30 pm. Industry Products, Food Court, Beer Garden, Kid Zone, Bicycle Rodeo, Fun, & Prizes!
Contact 538-5555
09:00am - 01:00pm Free Comic Book Day! - Silver City :: Kids' Activity
The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day, when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away free comic books. The Bayard Public Library and the Silver City Public Library will be offering ...
Contact 538-3672
09:00am - 12:00pm Kids Bike Safety Rodeo :: Kids' Activity
FREE. Bring your bike to have it inspected by the Bike Works crew and ride the safety course. Visit Darren the D.A.R.E. Lion, Sparky the Fire Dog, and Smokey Bear. Free while supplies last: Kid's Helmets, Hotdogs & Drinks, Fun Art ...
Contact 574-2543
10:00am - 02:00pm Bike Works Community Bike Ride :: Sports
Riding on roads and trails. Bring water, lunch, and a sense of exploration. Difficulty determined by the group.
Contact 399-1444
10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
10:30am - 05:00pm Free Comic Book Day! - Bayard :: Kids' Activity
The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day, when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away free comic books. The Bayard Public Library and the Silver City Public Library will be offering ...
Contact 537-6244
11:30am - 12:30pm Chiropractic Care & Cold Laser Therapy Presentation :: Health & Wellness
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Chiropractic Care & Cold Laser Therapy" will be presented by Dr. Louise Cash, DC, CAC.
Contact 537-6244
02:00pm - 03:00pm Tour of the Gila Children's Activities :: Kids' Activity
Contact 538-5921
06:00pm Polynesian Night: WNMU Diversity Week :: Social Events
FREE traditional Polynesian dinner and music. Polynesian students will wear traditional dress.
Contact 538-6336
06:30pm - 09:30pm City of Rocks Night Skies Observatory & Talks :: Education
Silver City Astronomy Society member Matt Wilson does the monthly observations for the public with the scope and observatory at City of Rocks. Come observe the spectacular night skies, where darkness is darker and the stars are brighter at City of Rocks!Note: ...
Contact 575-536-2800
06:30pm Loose Blues Band :: Arts & Music
07:30pm "Rising from Ashes" Film :: Arts & Music
Rwanda Cycling Team Documentary.
Contact 538-5555
07:30pm Mark Raborn Trio :: Arts & Music
Acoustic Jazz, Cajun Blues
Contact 538-9911
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