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10:00am "Conversation With Ourselves" :: Spiritual
The topic of this week's service, "Conversation With Ourselves," will be a continuation of ideas discussed at the November 3 service on "Covenants."Please join us. There will be coffee and (more) conversation, with light refreshments, after the service.
02:00pm Museum Book Club: "To Hell on a Fast Horse" :: Education
The Silver City Museum Book Club will begin the new year with a discussion of “To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West.”This is a wonderful way ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
04:00pm Bridge Community Early Sunday Supper :: Fundraiser
Pasta, salad, bread, dessert and beverage for $10 donation.Music by Spare Parts, a Barbershop Quartet.Proceeds benefit the Bridge Community, a project to bring a continuum of care (independent through end-of-life) senior living facility, all on one campus, to Silver City.
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 538-5754
12:15pm - 12:45pm Laughter Club :: Social Events
FREE. 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays.Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. Lots of breathing, laughing, and clapping.Sponsored by the Active & Alive Club.
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Contact 388-0243
01:00pm Low Vision Support Group :: Health & Wellness
A support group for anyone dealing with vision loss.
Contact 388-1108
05:30pm - 06:15pm “Meditation, Money & Happiness” :: Health & Wellness
FREE and open to the public.Runs for four consecutive Tuesdays, starting Jan. 7. Attend one, some, or all four classes.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087
06:30pm “Look at all those Stars! (If you Can)" :: Education
FREE and open to the public of all ages.The Silver City Astronomical Society presents Dr. Alex Woronow of the Black Range Observatory who will talk about the three major factors control the “better” viewing experience of the billions of stars in the ...
Location WNMU Student Memorial Center
12:00am - 01:00pm Lunch & Learn: "“Dynamics of a Catastrophe" :: Education
FREE. Hosted by the Western Institute of Lifelong Learning (WILL).Julian Lee will be speaking on, “Dynamics of a Catastrophe: The Decker Wildfire of 1959.”Bring a sack lunch or just yourself.
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact 538-6835
10:00am - 12:00pm Christian Writers' Meeting :: Social Events
This group seeks to encourage Christians who write poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. Each meeting has a skill-builder lesson to help people improve their writing skills as well as a feedback forum to provide review for writing in progress.Christians who are ...
Location Messiah Lutheran Church
Contact 388-1246
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Every Wednesday. Everyone invited!
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
06:00pm Silver City Town Council :: Public Meetings
Rescheduled from January 28.Agenda available from Town Clerk.
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 534-6346
05:30pm - 06:30pm Silver City Neighborhood Alliance Annual Meeting :: Public Meetings
The public is invited. For more information on the agenda, contact the Alliance at scneighborsalliance@gmail.com.
Location Silver City Town Hall Annex
05:00pm - 08:00pm Harry Benjamin Collection, Part II :: Arts & Music
Phase 2 of exhibition of Harry Benjamin artwork. reception. on exhibit through Feb. 22, when auction will take place.
Location WNMU Francis McCray Gallery of Contemporarly Art
06:00pm Karmin & Associates :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Diane's Parlor
07:30pm Jesse Lynch's Jazz 101 in Concert :: Arts & Music
Jesse Lynch straddles the spectrum of musical innovation and tradition from Beethoven to Bop, to free jazz and contemporary composition.Join us as Grant County Community Concert Association presents an evening to remember!
Contact 538-5862
07:30pm Loose Blues Band :: Arts & Music
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
07:30pm Secret Circus :: Arts & Music
Indie Rock from Sweden and Roswell.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
09:00pm Friends of the Underground :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Buffalo Bar & Dance Hall
09:30am Ft. Bayard Walking Tour :: Tours
Meet at the Fort Bayard Museum in the Commanding Officer's Quarters (house #26) on the west side of the Parade Ground.Hosted by the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society.
Location Old Fort Bayard
Contact 388-4477
10:00am - 11:30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
11:00am - 01:00pm Chinese New Year Craft Class :: Kids' Activity
FREE.Celebrate the Year of the Horse!
Location Bayard Public Library
02:00pm - 04:00pm Mountain Aire Folk Music :: Arts & Music
FREE.January 25 is the birthday of Robert Burns, National Poet of Scotland (born 1759). Ronnee-Sue and Robert will perform a few Burns songs including Auld Lang Syne, and some other Scots songs along with American & other selections.
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
Contact 534-9911
06:00pm City of Rocks Star Party! :: Education
Silver City Astronomy Society member Matt Wilson does the monthly observations for the public with the scope and observatory at City of Rocks. Come observe the spectacular night skies, where darkness is darker and the stars are brighter at City of Rocks!Note: Viewing ...
Location City of Rocks State Park
Contact 536-2800
06:30pm Loose Blues Band :: Arts & Music
Location Diane's Parlor
07:30pm Secret Circus :: Arts & Music
Indie Rock from Sweden and Roswell.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
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