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10:00am - 06:00pm "Share the Mirth!" Presentation :: Spiritual
The service will be led by Mary Ann Finn, RN and certified Laughter Yoga teacher. Experience the health benefits of laughter and its positive effect on stress. Join us and share the mirth!There will be coffee and conversation, with light ...
12:00pm - 01:30pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
Every Sunday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
05:30pm - 07:00pm Gentle Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Monday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
05:30pm - 07:00pm HIV/AIDS Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Monday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
11:30am - 12:45pm Slow Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Tuesday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
01:00pm Low Vision Support Group :: Health & Wellness
A support group for anyone dealing with vision loss.
Contact 388-1108
05:00pm - 07:00pm Community Seed Ordering & Social :: Social Events
High Desert Organic Gardeners and the Silver City Co-op are sponsoring a seed ordering social!
Location Silver City Food Co-op Community Room
05:30pm - 06:15pm “Meditation, Money & Happiness” :: Health & Wellness
FREE and open to the public.Runs for four consecutive Tuesdays, starting Jan. 7. Attend one, some, or all four classes.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087
06:00pm Greg with Kevin Compton :: Arts & Music
Location Diane's Parlor
07:00pm - 08:30pm Compassionate Friends Grief Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Phillip Connors, noted local author of Fire Season, will speak about his upcoming book: All the Wrong Places: How Grief Shapes a Life.
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
12:00am - 01:00pm Lunch & Learn: "Latino Families' Attitudes toward Education" :: Education
FREE. Hosted by the Western Institute of Lifelong Learning (WILL).Professors Lydia Huerta, Margarita Wulftage and Alexandra Neves share their findings on "Latino Familis' Attitudes toward Education and Common Misconceptions."Bring a sack lunch.
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact 538-6835
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE.Join us in the second floor conference room for free consulting services to nonprofit organizations (or those considering becoming a nonprofit org).
Location The Center for Health Innovation
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Every Wednesday. Everyone invited!
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
07:30pm CJ Boyd :: Arts & Music
Blues & Originals from California.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
11:30am - 12:45pm Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Thursday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
05:30pm CATS TV/KOOT 88.1 FM Annual Board Meeting :: Public Meetings
The public is welcome to attend.
Location CATS/KOOTS Studio
Contact 534-0130
02:30pm - 04:30pm Photo Show Reception: "Captured!" :: Arts & Music
The show features the photography of FeVa Fotos photographers Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan, as well as the work of guest photographers from the Silver City Photography Club. The scope of the show includes wildlife, landscapes and more. All of ...
Location MRAC Gallery
Contact 538-2505
03:30pm - 05:00pm Train-the-Trainer: Gila Conservation Discovery Trunks :: Education
FREE and open to the public.Learn about GCEC's "Watershed" and "Gila River Natural History" discovery trunks. The training will be presented by renowned naturalist and educator Tricia Hurley.Light refreshments will be served.
Location Aldo Leopold High School
Contact 505-819-9651
06:00pm Don B. & Bobby T. :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Diane's Parlor
07:30pm Professor Gall :: Arts & Music
Alternative Rock from Tucson.
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
08:00pm Iya Khan :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
09:00pm Friends of the Underground :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Buffalo Bar & Dance Hall
09:30am - 06:00pm Republican Party Ward/Precinct Caucuses :: Political
The purpose of this convention is to elect delegates to the Pre-Primary Republican State Convention.
Location Red Barn Restaurant
10:00am Recycling Ceremony :: Public Meetings
The public is invited to a ceremony to unveil a banner that helps identify all the items that can be recycled in Grant County. The banner will help to spread the word that almost all types of paper, cardboard, and plastic ...
Location Mimbres Transfer Station
Contact 519-8987
10:00am - 11:30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday. Taught by Becky Glenn.
Location First Church of Harmony
Contact (404) 234-5331
11:00am - 12:00pm Civil Rights Movement Talk :: Public Meetings
In commemoration of Black History Month, the speaker will be James Gillespie, originally from Alabama, who worked to register African-American citizens to vote during the Civil Rights era. Mr. Gillespie will speak about his experiences and offer his thoughts on ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
06:00pm City of Rocks Star Party! :: Education
Silver City Astronomy Society member Matt Wilson does the monthly observations for the public with the scope and observatory at City of Rocks. Come observe the spectacular night skies, where darkness is darker and the stars are brighter at City of Rocks!Note: Viewing ...
Location City of Rocks State Park
Contact 536-2800
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