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35th Annual Gun Show :: Sports
Sponsored by Gila Fish and Gun Club.
Location National Guard Armory
Contact 388-2360
10:00am "Human Population, Conservation & Survival" Presentation :: Spiritual
Jack Carter will address us on the subject of "Human Population, Conservation & Survival." Dr. Carter is a well-know retired professor, author, and long-time member of our Fellowship.Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, with light refreshments, after ...
12:00pm - 01:30pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
Every Sunday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
03:00pm Farhad :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
11:00am AARP Widowed Persons Service Meeting :: Social Events
Monthly, 2nd Mondays. All singles are welcome.
Location Glad Tidings Church
Contact 537-3643
04:00pm Lego Mindstorms Robot-Building Club :: Kids' Activity
Ages 10 and up.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm - 07:00pm HIV/AIDS Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Monday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
06:00pm - 07:30pm Planting for Eating & Saving Seed Class :: Education
2nd Mondays, April through October.Taught by two local experts, George Farmer and Monica Rude, this seven course series will cover planning a garden for seed saving, getting intimate with plants, soil and cultivation, harvesting and seed processing, seed storage and ...
Location The Commons
Contact 388-2988
11:30am - 01:00pm Grant County DWI Council Meeting :: Public Meetings
Policy, prevention, intervention and treatment for people driving while intoxicated.Open to the public.
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center
12:00pm - 01:00pm Food Co-op Forum: "The Sustainable Kitchen" :: Health & Wellness
FREE and open to everyone!This month's Community Forum is a class entitled "The Sustainable Kitchen." Learn how to reduce your carbon footprint in the kitchen using some common sense and some not-so-well-known facts. Also, introducing kids to veggies the fun ...
Location Silver City Food Co-op Satellite Space
Contact 388-2343
01:00pm - 03:30pm Congressman Pearce's Staff Mobile Office Meeting :: Political
The public is invited to meet face-to-face with members of Congressman Pearce’s staff to discuss legislation, issues important to them, or any help they may need with casework/assistance in dealing with a federal agency.
01:00pm Low Vision Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Support group for people with vision loss and blindness.
Location Gila Regional Medical Center
Contact 388-1108
04:00pm Chess Club :: Sports
All ages welcome!
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm - 06:15pm "How to Start and Maintain a Daily Meditation Practice" :: Health & Wellness
In the series "How to Start and Maintain a Daily Meditation Practice," we will map out a step-by-step process through which you can establish a daily meditation practice of 25 minutes each day.Each class will start with a 20-25 minute guided ...
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087
06:00pm - 07:30pm International Folk Dancing :: Arts & Music
FREE.No experience or partner required. Dancing each Tuesday at this location through August.
Location Knights of Columbus Hall
Contact 313-6985
08:30am - 12:30pm AARP Driver Safety Class :: Education
The Driver Safety class is open to anyone aged 55 and older. Cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Call Jerry at (575) 590-0540 to register.
Location First Presbyterian Church
Contact 590-0540
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE.Join us in the second floor conference room for free consulting services to nonprofit organizations (or those considering becoming a nonprofit org).
Location The Center for Health Innovation
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
09:00am - 11:00pm Medicare Assistance :: Health & Wellness
SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) Volunteers are available to answer questions about Medicare and help with applications for medication assistance.
Location Silver Health Care
Contact 538-2981
10:30am Storytime :: Kids' Activity
All Ages.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Every Wednesday. Everyone invited!
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
03:00pm - 05:00pm NM Interstate Stream Commission Meeting :: Public Meetings
The purpose of this meeting is two-fold: to provide information about the two-year regional and state water update process and to initiate the re-establishment of regional steering committees.
Location WNMU Student Memorial Center
03:30pm Senior Life Cycle Meeting :: Public Meetings
FREE.Community group dedicated to raising the quality of life for seniors in Grant County.
Contact 388-1198
04:30pm - 05:30pm Lego Club :: Kids' Activity
Ages 4 to 10.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm WNMU Campus Lighting Public Forum :: Public Meetings
WNMU is inviting members of the community to share ideas and concepts that will help maximize the goal of enabling the university to be a more night sky friendly campus to its neighbors and community.
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact 538-6336
09:00am - 12:00pm Food Preservation Class :: Education
FREE. July 31, August 7, & August 14Judy O’Loughlin, Grant County Extension Home Economist will teach the food preservation classes. The August 14 class will address pressure canning.Space is limited, so please call the Extension office at 388-1559.
Location Grant County Extension Complex
Contact 388-1559
12:00pm - 01:00pm Food Co-op Forum: "The Sustainable Kitchen" :: Health & Wellness
FREE and open to everyone!This month's Community Forum is a class entitled "The Sustainable Kitchen." Learn how to reduce your carbon footprint in the kitchen using some common sense and some not-so-well-known facts. Also, introducing kids to veggies the fun ...
Location Silver City Food Co-op Satellite Space
Contact 388-2343
05:30pm "Green Drinks" Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
The monthly Green Drinks meeting is sponsored by the Southwest NM Green Chamber of Commerce and the NM Solar Energy Association-Silver City Chapter.Please join us and bring a friend! Food and drinks are Dutch Treat.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 538-1337
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation for Everyone :: Health & Wellness
Guided group meditation every Thursday.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
06:00pm Republican Party Monthly Meeting :: Political
Dinner at 5:00 pm for those who wish to eat before the meeting.Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 538-1623
06:00pm - 08:00pm Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society Meeting :: Social Events
This month's meeting will be our annual Holiday Dinner. Enjoy ham and turkey provided by the club. Each family brings its own plates (don't forget one for dessert too), utensils, napkins, a beverage and a dish to share. Also, bring ...
Location Silver City Senior Center
06:00pm Trivia Night at Rainbow Village :: Social Events
LGBT will host a Trivia Night the second Thursday of every month. $2, with half the money going to a cash prize for the winner. Bring a snack to share. Call 575-519-5562 for more informaiton.
Location Rainbow Village
10:00am - 05:00pm Art at the Hearst :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The featured artist on Friday and Saturday will be pen and ink artist Jerry Howell.
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
06:30pm Greg & Charlie :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Diane's Parlor
08:00pm Robert Brown :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
08:00am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday during growing season.Enjoy fresh produce, meats, and fixin's from local farmers, as well as accompaniment by local musicians!
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
Contact 388-2343
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Local artists & artisans.
Location 7th & Bullard Parking Lot
10:00am - 05:00pm Art at the Hearst :: Arts & Music
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The featured artist on Friday and Saturday will be pen and ink artist Jerry Howell.
Location Pinos Altos Art Gallery
11:00am - 12:00pm Meet the Artists - "Wilderness" Exhibit Opening :: Arts & Music
Meet the artists at the opening of Wilderness: Michael Berman, James Hemphill and Anthony Howell, an exhibition with local photographer Michael Berman and his friends James Hemphill and Anthony Howell.The photography exhibit focuses on wilderness in the southwest and will ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
05:30pm Bash on Broadway! :: Social Events
Western New Mexico University will team up with the Silver City MainStreet Project to host the Bash on Broadway welcoming new and returning students to Silver City!5:30 pm - WNMU President Joseph Shepard will deliver a State of the University Address ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 575-538-6336
06:30pm Aaron Gilmartin :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Diane's Parlor
08:00pm Starlight Dragons :: Arts & Music
Live Music!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
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