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Pickamania! :: Arts & Music
FREE Festival!Mimbres Region Arts Council presents the 6th Annual Pickamania, featuring:Sarah JaroszSteve Riley & the Mamou PlayboysFishtank EnsemblehONEyhoUSeRun Boy RunLittlest BirdsSteep RavineLost Howlin' CoyotesMountainaire Folk MusicHigher Ground Bluegrass
Location Gough Park
Contact 538-2505
10:00am "The Art of Choosing" Presentation :: Spiritual
Lynda Aiman-Smith will show a TED talk by Sheena Iyengar on "The Art of Choosing." She will interweave what she presents with some of her own observations, and lead a discussion. A couple of the issues: Is the desire for ...
12:00pm - 01:30pm LGBT Brunch :: Social Events
Every Sunday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
06:00pm The Littlest Birds :: Arts & Music
Americana Blue Grass/Folk - after Pickamania!
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 956-6144
05:30pm - 07:00pm HIV/AIDS Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Every Monday.
Location LGBT Grant County Center
Contact 519-5562
11:30am GC Federated Republican Women's Meeting :: Political
Third Tuesdays.It’s a potluck, but for those who can’t bring something, a donation of $2.00 is welcomed.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 388-3717
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation Series "What is Your Life’s Purpose?” :: Health & Wellness
We will draw extensively from A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle. Each class will start w/ a 20-25 minute guided meditation, followed by 20-25 minutes of commentary. Each class is self-contained . . . attend one, some ...
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
06:00pm - 07:30pm International Folk Dancing :: Arts & Music
FREE.No experience or partner required. Dancing each Tuesday at this location through August.
Location Knights of Columbus Hall
Contact 313-6985
06:00pm TEA Party Patriots Meeting :: Political
This is a special meeting of the TEA Party Patriots, "The Border Crisis, part 2", featuring our speaker from Roswell, Jeff Everly, Vice Chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.("The Border Crisis, part 1" is featured at the ...
Location Red Barn Restaurant
09:00am - 12:00pm Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE.Join us in the second floor conference room for free consulting services to nonprofit organizations (or those considering becoming a nonprofit org).
Location The Center for Health Innovation
Contact 534-0101, ext 2108
09:00am - 11:00pm Medicare Assistance :: Health & Wellness
SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) Volunteers are available to answer questions about Medicare and help with applications for medication assistance.
Location Silver Health Care
Contact 538-2981
10:30am Storytime :: Kids' Activity
All Ages.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
12:00pm - 01:00pm Lunch & Learn: "Regenerative Landscaping with Rainwater Harvesting" :: Education
FREE and open to the public.Presenter: Asher Gelbart
Location WNMU Student Memorial Center
Contact 538-6835
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Every Wednesday. Everyone invited!
Location Yankie Creek Coffee House
02:00pm - 04:00pm Basic Computer Skills Series :: Education
FREE. Wednesdays & Fridays, August 27 through September 19.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services.Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Register at the first class on 8/27 or call 574-5101. Limit 14 students.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
04:30pm - 05:30pm Lego Club :: Kids' Activity
Ages 4 to 10.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:30pm Democratic Party Forum with Gubernatorial Candidate Gary King :: Political
Gary King will make his first Silver City appearance of the campaign at the Grant County Democratic Party public forum.The forum will be entitled "Our Political Environment and the Latino Vote" and will address the political perspective of Hispanic Americans as we ...
Location WNMU Miller Library
Contact 654-6060
05:30pm - 06:30pm Open Class for Audio/Video Editing :: Education
Todd Dennehy will help you with whatever you need!Reserve a spot (at least 24 hours in advance) at: 534-1030.
Location CATS/KOOTS Studio
Contact 534-0130
06:00pm Silver City Town Council :: Public Meetings
RESCHEDULED from September 23.Agenda available from Town Clerk.
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 534-6346
06:30pm Prostate Support Group :: Health & Wellness
Current patients, survivors, and those at-risk for prostate cancer are encouraged to attend.
Location Gila Regional Medical Center
Contact 388-2331
Gila River Festival! :: Arts & Music
Celebrating America's First Wilderness River!The 10th Annual Gila River Festival is the Southwest's Premier Nature Festival, featuring special presentaton, films, kayaking, birding, guided hikes, and more, including:Dave Foreman - wilderness advocate & conservationist, author of Confessions of an Eco-WarriorGila Rising, ...
Contact 538-8078
12:00pm - 01:00pm Brown Bag Series: "Take a Virtual Hike Along the Gila River" :: Education
Join Nathan Newcomer as he leads a virtual hike along 50 miles of the Gila River in this encore presentation.Nathan started his 50 mile hike on May 27 and ended it on June 3, the 90th anniversary of the Gila ...
Location Silver City Museum Annex
Contact 538-5921
12:00pm Gluten Freedom Group :: Health & Wellness
FREE. Every other Thursday.Group supports those actively seeking to better their health. We discuss health issues, life style changes, detoxification, nutrition and more.
Location Grant County Public Health Office
Contact 534-2686
05:30pm - 06:15pm Meditation for Everyone :: Health & Wellness
Guided group meditation every Thursday.
Location Billy Casper Wellness Center
Contact 313-4087.
Fort Bayard Days! :: Arts & Music
Friday, Sept. 19—Experience Fort Bayard9 AM - 3 PM: Military, Medical and Cultural History of Southwest New Mexico with 25+ Living History Centers on the Parade Ground6:30 PM: Dinner ($15 Adults, $6 Children) followed by Guest Speaker Derrell Heitt presenting ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
Contact 956-3294
Gila River Festival! :: Arts & Music
Celebrating America's First Wilderness River!The 10th Annual Gila River Festival is the Southwest's Premier Nature Festival, featuring special presentaton, films, kayaking, birding, guided hikes, and more, including:Dave Foreman - wilderness advocate & conservationist, author of Confessions of an Eco-WarriorGila Rising, ...
Contact 538-8078
08:30am Gila Economic Development Alliance Roundtable Meeting :: Public Meetings
8:00 am - Coffee and conversation8:30 am - Start of Meeting
Location Grant County Administration Center
01:00pm - 04:00pm Safe Habits, Safe Homes, Safe Children :: Health & Wellness
FREE. No registration required. John McFee, SAFE KIDS Childhood Injury Prevention Coordinator, discusses home safety procedures and product use for home daycare providers, parents, grandparents, other caregivers and safety personnel. It includes the basics of preventing all types of injuries in the ...
Location Grant County Public Health Office
Contact 505-827-2582
02:00pm - 04:00pm Basic Computer Skills Series :: Education
FREE. Wednesdays & Fridays, August 27 through September 19.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services.Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Register at the first class on 8/27 or call 574-5101. Limit 14 students.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 538-3672
05:00pm - 07:00pm Artist's Reception: Michael Berman :: Arts & Music
Opening reception of Michael Berman's Gila photos, "Gila Rising," followed by a lecture at Parotti Hall.
Contact 538.8078
Fort Bayard Days! :: Arts & Music
Friday, Sept. 19—Experience Fort Bayard9 AM - 3 PM: Military, Medical and Cultural History of Southwest New Mexico with 25+ Living History Centers on the Parade Ground6:30 PM: Dinner ($15 Adults, $6 Children) followed by Guest Speaker Derrell Heitt presenting ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
Contact 956-3294
Gila River Festival! :: Arts & Music
Celebrating America's First Wilderness River!The 10th Annual Gila River Festival is the Southwest's Premier Nature Festival, featuring special presentaton, films, kayaking, birding, guided hikes, and more, including:Dave Foreman - wilderness advocate & conservationist, author of Confessions of an Eco-WarriorGila Rising, ...
Contact 538-8078
08:00am - 12:00pm Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Every Saturday during growing season.Enjoy fresh produce, meats, and fixin's from local farmers, as well as accompaniment by local musicians!
Location Silver City Farmers' Market
Contact 388-2343
08:30am - 02:00pm Silver City Art Market :: Arts & Music
Local artists & artisans.
Location 7th & Bullard Parking Lot
09:30am - 11:30am Ft. Bayard Walking Tour :: Tours
Tour the Old Fort Bayard, meeting at the Commanding Officer's Quarters #26.
Location Old Fort Bayard
Contact 388-4477
11:00am - 12:00pm Meet the Artists of the "Wilderness" Exhibit :: Arts & Music
In collaboration with the Gila River Festival, meet the artists of the exhibit, Wilderness: Michael Berman, James Hemphill and Anthony Howell.Light refreshments will be served.
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
12:30pm - 02:00pm Monsoon Puppets & More! :: Kids' Activity
In collaboration with the Gila River Festival, the Museum hosts the finale of the Monsoon Puppet Parade between 12:30 pm and 1 pm. Be sure to see the fabulous parade of Gila River animals!The Gila Conservation Education Center and the Silver ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 538-5921
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