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07:00pm Bilingual Storytime: The Princess and the Warrior, a tale of two volcanoes :: Kids' Activity
The next upcoming Bilingual Storytime will be on February 14 at 7pm, when Kendra Milligan and Simon Sotelo will read The Princess and the Warrior: a Tale of Two Volcanos, by Duncan Tonatiuh. One can also register on the museum website ...
05:30pm Silver Consolidated Schools regular meeting :: Legal Notices
The Regular Meeting of the Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, February 15, 2021, via teleconference and will be streamed live on the district Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SilverCitySchls/, beginning at 5:30 p.m. for the transaction of the following ...
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary meeting featuring the topic of COVID-19 :: Public Meetings
On February 16, County Commissioner Harry Browne will speak about Covid-19, the county’s economic development, and Gila Regional Medical Center.The public is always invited to attend Rotary meetings, most of which are held on Tuesdays at noon. The Zoom link ...
04:00pm - 05:00pm Silver City Public Library: Virtual Minecraft Club :: Arts & Music
The library Minecraft Realm is online and accessible by invitation. Anyone playing on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows 10, Windows Phone, Amazon Fire tablets or Gear VR can play together. You can email your Minecraft username to us ...
06:00pm - 07:00pm Book launch of "Short Sessions" by Senator Bill McNeill :: Arts & Music
This Zoom event, which is free and open to the public, with no registration required, is sponsored by Southwest Word Fiesta, WILL, and WNMU.Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4092162808 JJ Amaworo Wilson, author of Damnificados and Writer in Residence of WNMU, wrote of Short Session (Red Mountain Press): "A fast-paced, wisecracking look at life as a ...
10:00am Silver City Public Library: Streaming Storytime :: Kids' Activity
Where: YouTube channel for The Public Library of Silver CityJoin us for stories, songs, and rhymes. Storytimes are designed for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Contact the library at programs@silvercitymail.com for more information.
02:00pm Bayard CDBG Public Hearing :: Legal Notices
The City of Bayard, New Mexico, wishes to inform all interested parties that public hearing(s) will be held:Date Time ...
07:00pm Virtual Gila Native Plant Society meeting : “Plant Root + Fungal Interactions = Mycorrhizae” :: Public Meetings
The Gila Native Plant Society’s meeting on February 19, 7:00 pm, via Zoom will feature a talk by Keller Suberkropp entitled “Plant Root + Fungal Interactions = Mycorrhizae.” As Keller explains, “mycorrhiza” literally means “fungus-root.” A variety of fungi colonize ...
02:00pm - 04:00pm SCCT Workshop: An Introduction to Theatre Directing :: Arts & Music
“Long-time theatre director, producer, and playwright Brenda McFarlane will lead “An Introduction to Theatre Directing, Saturday, February 20th, at 2 pm. The two-hour Zoom workshop/webinar is presented by Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT),” according to Phyllis McQuaide, SCCT President. “There ...
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