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Grant County Art Guild "Creatures of the Gila" Art Show :: Arts & Music
The Grant County Art Guild will be holding the show “Creatures of the Gila,” in their newly opened Annex, located at 106 E Market, one block off Bullard, and across the footbridge from the Silver City Visitor Center parking lot. ...
Location Grant County Art Guild Annex
10:00am - 05:00pm 17th Annual Gila River Festival :: Arts & Music
Online registration is available for the 17th Annual Gila River Festival (Re)Connect with the River scheduled for September 16 - 19, 2021 in Silver City, NM, the Gila National Forest, and along the Gila River. Visit www.gilariverfestival.org to check out the full schedule and register ...
Location Grant County Art Guild Annex
12:00pm Rotary meeting featuring topic: "Nursing Services at GRMC," with Kelly Rodriguez :: Public Meetings
On September 21, Kelly Rodriguez, the Chief Nursing Officer of the Gila Regional Medical Center will talk about Nursing Services at GRMC.The Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at noon in the Sunset Room in the WNMU Student Memorial Building. To ...
Grant County Fair :: Social Events
9:00 AM - General Livestock Meeting - Show Ring - All animals must be on fairgrounds9:15 AM - Weighing and sifting of all animals; Poultry and Rabbit Entries Accepted10 AM - 8 PM - Exhibits Accepted in New Building; General ...
Grant County Fair :: Social Events
8 AM - 1:00 PM - Exhibits closed for judging: New Building - General Exhibits, 4-H, School Exhibits8 AM - Pig Show sponsored by Gila Valley Electric; Showmanship immediately after pig show; Gilt show immediately after Showmanship1:00 PM - Enter ...
06:30pm US 180 Corridor Project Public Meeting :: Public Meetings
You are invited to attend a public meeting hosted by the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) for an update on improvements US 180. The NMDOT’s preferred alternative has been identified to reconstruct US 180 as a 4-lane roadway for ...
Grant County Fair :: Social Events
8 AM - Breakfast sponsored by Grant County Farm Bureau8:30 AM - Junior Goat Show, sponsored by Gila Valley Electric; Showmanship Contest after Goat show9 AM - 7 PM - Exhibits Open to the Public: New Building - General Exhibits, ...
10:00am Silver Consolidated Schools Public Auction :: Fundraiser
The Silver Consolidated School District will hold a public auction on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 10:00 AM, MDT. The auction will be held in the Silver Consolidated Schools Warehouse parking lot located at 2570 N. Silver Street, Silver City, ...
Grant County Fair :: Social Events
8 AM - 9 AM - Livestock Judging8 AM - Peewee Pig Show8 AM - Junior Rodeo, Buster Shelley Arena9 AM - 6 PM - Exhibits open to public: New Building- General Exhibits, 4-H, School Exhibits9:30 AM - All Species ...
09:00am - 12:00pm Water Quality Monitoring Event :: Education
Community members are welcome to join the Silver City Watershed Keepers to monitor one site or all four sites along San Vicente Creek. We will be meeting at the Murray Ryan Visitor Center and the event will take place from ...
10:00am - 02:00pm Fort Bayard History Tour :: Tours
Tours are led by Society members knowledgeable not only in the history of the fort and hospital, but in the broader history of the Southwest.Society guides will be available between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Guests are requested to meet ...
10:00am - 02:00pm Makers Market :: Arts & Music
The Makers Market will be running every Saturday from 10am to 2pm, May 1 - October 30, in the Main Street Plaza in downtown Silver City. As part of our market model, we cannot accept the selling of resale items, ...
10:00am WNMU Homecoming Parade :: Public Meetings
Mustang pride will be demonstrated publicly as purple and gold floats parade through Silver City. WNMU Homecoming parade applications may be submitted at https://entertainment.wnmu.edu/homecoming-parade-application-2021/
03:30pm WNMU Homecoming Tailgate :: Social Events
Ahead of the Mustangs' home football game against UT Permian Basin, fans and Alumni will gather for the WNMU Tailgate. To raise scholarship funds, the WNMU Alumni Association will be selling ice cream sundaes in commemorative color-changing cups.
06:00pm WNMU Homecoming Football Game :: Sports
Kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m. under the Ben Altamirano Stadium lights and the new Coach Al Johnson Memorial Scoreboard. Recipients of the 2021 WNMU Homecoming Alumni Awards will again be recognized at halftime. General admission to the game costs ...
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