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Sundays at the First United Methodist Church :: Spiritual
9-10am ‘The Donut Hour’- Coffee and Donut Fellowship10-11am ‘The Worship Hour’11am-noon Lunch and Learn- Free sandwich bar and guest speaker"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"Come and Explore With Us!
Location First United Methodist Church
09:00am - 05:00pm Magen Warlick Horsemanship Clinic :: Education
After a long pause in organized horse activities, we will again welcome Magen Warlick, world wide clinician, to help us gain trust, control, leadership, and respect concerning our equine partners. It's an honor to have her here in Silver City. In ...
Contact Valerie Geesaman 575-313-9997 or email
10:00am "Undoing Racism," at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City :: Spiritual
Undoing Racism is a racial justice, racial equity campaign launched by Lotus Center in response to the murder of George Floyd last year. Lotus Center's executive director, Jeff Goin, will discuss the genesis of Undoing Racism, its objectives, and Lotus Center's vision for the ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
07:00am - 07:00pm Election Day :: Political
Nov. 2, 2021 is Election Day in New Mexico for various municipal races, school boards, bond issues, and other positions such a Grant Soil and Water Conservation District and the Upper Gila Valley Watershed Board.
Location Grant County Administration Center
12:00pm Rotary meeting featuring speakers from PFLAG :: Public Meetings
On November 2, Damie Nelson and Joe Navan will talk about PFLAG.The Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at noon in the Sunset Room in the WNMU Student Memorial Building. To find out more about Rotary or membership in the local ...
Location WNMU Student Memorial Building
06:00pm Silver City Planning and Zoning Commission meeting :: Public Meetings
The Town of Silver Planning and Zoning Commission will hold their regular meeting at 6pm on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at the Town of Silver City Annex-Upstairs Conference Room, 1203 N. Hudson, Silver City, NM. The public is invited to ...
Location Silver City Annex Building
Wednesdays at the First United Methodist Church :: Spiritual
8-9am Men’s Breakfast10-11am Meditation Group11am-noon Bible Study1-2pm Sanctuary Silent Prayer"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"Come and Explore With Us!
Location First United Methodist Church
07:00pm Brazilian Jazz by Farofa :: Arts & Music
Celebrated as a pivotal new sound on the Brazilian and World Music scenes, Farofa delivers a passion-filled, electrifying performance of traditional rhythms blended with modern stylings and influences. Their signature sound is amplified by an eclectic collection of ideas and ...
Location Light Hall Theatre
07:00pm FBHPS Thursday Film Series presents, "Norma Rae" :: Arts & Music
Part of the series, "From Stanton to Brockovich: The Struggle for Women's Equality."Admission is free, donations are appreciated. Concessions will be available. It is requested that those in attendance please wear masks.Each film will be introduced by a member of the ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact Doug Dinwiddie 575-388-4862
10:00am - 03:00pm OPEN HOUSE at SWAG Bookstore and Thrift Shop :: Education
All School Employees, homeschoolers, and preschool care givers are invited to an Open House at the Thrift Shop and Bookstore of the SouthWest Adolescent Group (SWAG) on Saturday, Nov. 6 between the hours of 10am and 3pm. Refreshments will be ...
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