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10:00am “The Immortal Diamond in the Divine Mirror” Unitarian Universalist Fellowship :: Public Meetings
Connie Thibeau-Catsis, Ph.D., will talk about the idea of a divine mirror receiving and reflecting the ideas of moving beyond life fears into love and joyfulness. The talk references Richard Rohr’s book, The Immortal Diamond, as well as life experiences ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
02:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Meagan Diana :: Arts & Music
Megan Diana is pioneering a new genre: DREAM COUNTRY DISCO – Take your favorite vintage keyboard (hello Wurlitzer) put it thru some echo/delay; add lush layers of French Horn & vocals, anchor them with throwback drum grooves, & top it ...
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Babytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, rhymes and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Made possible by Imagination Library
Location Silver City Public Library
11:00am - 12:30pm Practice Conversational Spanish :: Education
We will practice speaking Spanish. All welcome. Bring your sense of humor and adventure. No charge. Hasta luego.Questions? Contact Liz Mikols ( emikols@Q.com ) or Susan Swanson ( swansongtx@yahoo.com ).March 12 will be held at Javalina
Location WNMU Miller Library
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary speaker - To Be Announced :: Public Meetings
meetings are back at WNMU, Student Memorial Building, Second Floor, Sunset Room.
Location WNMU Student Memorial Building
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Manga Day :: Kids' Activity
Come read and learn about manga. If you are new or experienced we are happy to welcome you to Manga Day.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/81667-sc-public-library-january-events-for-teens-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
05:30pm - 06:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous Meeting :: Public Meetings
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a Twelve Step Fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. Beginning January 9th, 2024, the CoDA meeting in Silver ...
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
06:00pm Town of Silver City Council Regular Council Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Town of Silver City Council will hold their Regular Council Meeting at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Hwy. 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico. The public is invited to attend.Full legal notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/82284-town-of-silver-city-council-regular-council-meeting-january-30-2024
Location Grant County Administration Center
06:00am - 08:00pm SCCT Announces Script Analysis and Production Workshop :: Arts & Music
“Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT) is delighted to announce that Scott Plate, MFA, AEA, SAG/AFTRA, award winning professional actor and director will teach an 8-week Script Analysis and Production Workshop. This workshop is intended to build a pool of creative ...
Location Grant County Community Foundation
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Storytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, and rhymes for children up to five years of age and their caregivers.https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
11:00am - 02:00pm New Mexico State University Hosts Local Diabetes Classes :: Health & Wellness
Adults with diabetes can learn how to make healthy, delicious meals at a Kitchen Creations cooking school. The next one will be from 11am-2pm on Wednesday’s, January 17, 24, 31 and February 7 at the HMS CHC, 1007 N. Pope ...
01:00pm - 02:30pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Improve your brain. Play Gin Rummy. We will be happy to teach you.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 534-9355 for information
03:00pm - 05:00pm SC Public Library - Computer Class-Email and Internet Basics :: Education
This class will cover the basics of using email and internet, including internet safety tips. Class size will be limited to eight people maximum. Sign up in person at the library or over the phone at 575-538-3672.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/81838-silver-city-public-library-january-2024-events-for-adults
Location Silver City Public Library
03:00pm - 04:40pm Practice Conversational Spanish :: Education
We will practice speaking Spanish. All welcome. Bring your sense of humor and adventure. No charge. Hasta luego.Questions? Contact Liz Mikols ( emikols@Q.com ) or Susan Swanson ( swansongtx@yahoo.com ).March 15 will be held at Javalina
Location WNMU Miller Library
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Future Engineers :: Education
Calling all future engineers. Come play with LEGO
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm - 06:15pm TOPS NM #0288 - Take Off Pounds Sensible :: Health & Wellness
Starts with weigh in from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM with Meeting and Program from 5:30 to 6:15 PM. It is a support group for individual on their weight lost journeyMeeting Place: American Legion Building, 409 West College Enter through ...
Location American Legion Post 18
Contact Judith Stanfield, 505-934-1339
06:30pm Classic Westerns Film Series - Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society :: Arts & Music
The Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society will host a twelve part movie series, commencing on Thursday, January 11th, and continuing each Thursday evening through March 28th. The series will feature some of the most highly regarded Westerns produced by Hollywood ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact Doug Dinwiddie at 575-388-4862
07:00pm Cultural Affairs WNMU - Sunny War & Chris Pierce :: Arts & Music
Join us for an evening with Sunny War & Chris Pierce, two remarkable musicians recognized for their soulful performances, exceptional storytelling, and vision for change. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82033-cultural-affairs-wnmu-events-for-february-2024
Location Light Hall Theatre
07:00pm Lost, Found, and Snowbound - El Sol Theater :: Arts & Music
a melodrama, employing many of the stock roles associated with the genre - the hero, the villain - but with some unexpected twists.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/82171-lost-found-and-snowbound-at-el-sol-theater
Location El Sol Theater
07:30pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Jason Dea West :: Arts & Music
Poet, songwriter and troubadour - folk, country & western, traditional and alternative. West’s poignant lyrics are brilliantly blended with vintage country, folk and blues, and timely sensibilities. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82090-whiskey-creek-zocalo-february-events
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
01:00pm Silver City Public Library - Family Movie :: Education
* Come to our family movie. This one is about understanding your feelings and memories. There will be popcorn!
Location Silver City Public Library
02:00pm Community Meeting on Mimbres Peaks National Monument :: Public Meetings
Luna County Farm and Livestock Bureau is hosting a public meeting to provide information to Luna County and surrounding community members on the impacts of a national monument on local communities and answer related questions. Southwestern New Mexico State Fairgrounds, ...
07:30pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Golden Groove :: Arts & Music
Jazz & Rock Collective - Dance to the Powerhouse Band - Founded in 2014 by Saxophonist and Composer, Daniel Rivera, the music of The Golden Groove offers a versatile experience ranging from strong roots in Jazz and Swing Music to ...
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
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