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10:00am Affirmations for the New Year Unitarian Universalist Fellowship :: Public Meetings
The start of a new year can be a time to reflect on what's gone by as well as to envision what might be coming in. This year, especially, we may want to claim peace as a vision for the ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
03:30pm - 05:00pm Classic Gentle Yoga :: Health & Wellness
This class consists of yoga poses for posture improvement, flexibility and mental and physical relaxation. Suitable for all ages. Bring your mat and any props you use. Led by Colleen Stinar, a yoga instructor for decades with training from many traditions. ...
Location Church of Harmony
Contact Colleen Stinar 575 574 5451
08:00am - 06:00pm Western New Mexico University Board of Regents Meeting :: Legal Notices
Board of Regents of Western New Mexico University will virtually meet on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, beginning at 8:00 a.m. for Executive Session and later virtually convene in Regular Session at 10:00 a.m. Regular Session is open to the public ...
Location WNMU 3rd Floor Student Memorial Building Mall
09:00am Grant County Board of Commissioners Work Session Meeting :: Legal Notices
The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The agenda for the Regular Meeting may be altered up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
11:00am - 12:30pm La Mesa de Espanol (Spanish Conversation Practice) :: Public Meetings
An informal group of people who meet to practice speaking Spanish. THIS IS NOT A CLASS. Beginners are welcome, but all of us can already speak some Spanish. If you have never spoken Spanish, this might be too much for ...
Location WNMU Miller Library
Contact Liz Mikols (
11:30am - 12:30pm Kundalini Yoga w/ Brooke Cressler - Lotus Center :: Health & Wellness
Kundalini Yoga is known as the "path for householders." People who are of the world, with familial responsibilities, societal duties and worldly concerns. Kundalini by nature is a spiritual practice as it asks us to commune with sensation, go beyond ...
Location Lotus Center
12:00pm Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees will convene in an Executive Session :: Legal Notices
The Executive Session will take place in the Board Room at Gila Regional Medical Center located at 1313 E. 32nd Street and will also be held via video conference (Teams). This Meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to ...
Location GRMC Boardroom
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rep. Luis Terrazas to speak to Rotary :: Public Meetings
NM Rep. Luis Terrazas will speak to Rotary about the upcoming legislative session, which commences January 21, 2025. The Rotary Club will meet at noon this Tuesday, Jan. 7 in the HMS main conference room at 1007 N. Pope Street. There ...
Location HMS Conference Room
04:00pm Silver City Public Library first chess club meeting :: Kids' Activity
We will be having our monthly chess club meeting. Come learn how to play chess and play chess against others Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/january-events-for-teen-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
06:00pm - 07:00pm Kundalini Yoga w/ Brooke Cressler - Lotus Center :: Health & Wellness
Kundalini Yoga is known as the "path for householders." People who are of the world, with familial responsibilities, societal duties and worldly concerns. Kundalini by nature is a spiritual practice as it asks us to commune with sensation, go beyond ...
Location Lotus Center
06:00pm Sheriff to Speak at PFLAG Meeting :: Public Meetings
Grant County Sheriff Raul Villanueva will be the guest speaker at the meeting of PFLAG Silver City, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3845 N. Swan. Light refreshments will be served, and the public is invited. Sheriff Villanueva will discuss personal ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
06:00pm Town of Silver City's Planning and Zoning Commission regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
The agenda is available in the Agenda Center of the Town's website at www.townofsilvercity.org . If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid service ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
02:00pm Town of Silver City Historic Design Review Committee regular meeting :: Legal Notices
The complete agenda is available on the Town's website at www.townofsilvercity.org , at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway, or at the Community Development Department at the City Hall Annex, 1203 N. Hudson St. If you have any questions regarding an ...
Location Silver City Town Hall Annex
09:00am Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center, 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061. The agenda for the Regular Meeting may be altered up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
11:00am - 12:30pm La Mesa de Espanol (Spanish Conversation Practice) :: Public Meetings
An informal group of people who meet to practice speaking Spanish. THIS IS NOT A CLASS. Beginners are welcome, but all of us can already speak some Spanish. If you have never spoken Spanish, this might be too much for ...
Location WNMU Miller Library
Contact Liz Mikols (
04:00pm Silver City Public Library build robots :: Kids' Activity
Come program and build robots. Come code and build! Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/january-events-for-teen-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm - 06:00pm Donation Yoga with Jennifer Olson - Lotus Center :: Health & Wellness
Donation Yoga is a beginner-friendly class for those with little to moderate yoga experience. Each class includes instruction on yoga fundamentals, breath awareness, and a series of gentle yoga postures (known as "asanas"). All levels of physical ability are welcome, ...
Location Lotus Center
10:00am - 12:00pm San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting :: Legal Notices
San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/392532501 You can also dial in using your phone.Access Code: 392-532-501United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 Full agenda https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/san-francisco-soil-and-water-conservation-district-january-10-2025
Location Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM
10:00am - 02:00pm Canceled -- Friends Of The Library Book Sale :: Public Meetings
The Silver City Friends of the Library (FOL) is holding its January Booksale at the FOL Bookstore, 1510 Market StreetHardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some cases, books may be ...
Location Friends of the Library Bookstore
10:00am - 12:00pm Writing Workshop: Moving from Premise to Plot: Novel Structure Presented by Kris Neri :: Arts & Music
Make 2025 the year you finally write a novel! Have you always wanted to write a novel, but somehow shied away from it? Perhaps it was because you didn't know where to start it. Or maybe how to structure it. ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
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