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September, 2024
  • TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensible  ::  Health & Wellness

    The program is a support group for your journey of getting healthy. Giving ideas to help you on your weight loss journey or maintaining. TOPS meet at the American Legion Building at 409 W College. Enter through the rear door. ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield 505 934 1339.

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo Songwriter's Showcase  ::  Arts & Music

    Last Thursday of the Month. Limited spots. Must Sign Up in Person Come showcase songs you've been working on.Each participating writer will get the chance to play 3 original songs. Full press release       

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zocalo

  • Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society evening movies  ::  Arts & Music

    This fall we will be showing the award winning television Mini Series Centennial, beginning on Thursday, September 5th, and running every Thursday through November 21st. Doors open at 6:00 pm Full press release       

    Location  Santa Clara Armory

  • Sidy Samb and Afroflamenco  ::  Arts & Music

    Sidy Samb is an acclaimed Senegalese musician who has made his home in Spain for decades. A founding member of the celebrated flamenco-fusion hitmakers Mártires del Compás, Samb's latest solo project is a manifestation of his unique Afroflamenco sound, Full press ...   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

  • Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective has Fiber Art Display   ::  Arts & Music

    The Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) has installed a Fiber Art display at the Silver City Public Library in the display case at the bottom of the stairs. The display will be shown through September 29, 2024 and showcases ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Chiricahua Apache National Foundation live radio conversations slated  ::  Education

    Chiricahua Apache National Foundation to participate in live radio conversations on the powwow and current issues.See pdf flyer:   

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church -Gospel Mission Outreach  ::  Public Meetings

    St. Vincent Parish will begin the commemoration of 150 years anniversary with an Outreach Project at the local Gospel Mission. Volunteers will serve a meal at the Gospel Mission located at 111 S. Texas St. There is no charge for ...   

  • A Rendezvous with Destiny showing   ::  Arts & Music

    There will be a free showing of A Rendezvous with Destiny at the library in partnership with the American Legion. See press release         

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Whiskey Creek Zócalo The Little Tulips  ::  Arts & Music

    Indie Garage RockBased in Santa Fe, The Little Tulips formed mid-pandemic and make music for all the things we have had a little extra time to dwell on during the quarantine. Full press release       

    Location  Whiskey Creek Zocalo

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Christian Band  ::  Arts & Music, Public Meetings

    An internationally and nationally acclaimed Christian Band will perform at the Western New Mexico Fine Arts Auditorium. The Josh Blakesley Band is recognized for its outstanding Christian performances throughout the nation and on world stages. Tickets are now on sale ...   

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

  • Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective has Fiber Art Display   ::  Arts & Music

    The Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) has installed a Fiber Art display at the Silver City Public Library in the display case at the bottom of the stairs. The display will be shown through September 29, 2024 and showcases ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Creative Writing Workshop to Combat Banned Books and Writings  ::  Arts & Music

    Creative Writing Workshop to Combat Banned Books and Writings: Writer and Poet Laureate of Silver City and Grant County, Heather Frankland will be doing a special creative writing workshop for Banned Book Week as part of The Write Stuff Writing ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Mimbres Farmers Market  ::  Arts & Music

    new 4-acre Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35, to also include a small grocery store. See Flyer for market:         

    Location  Mimbres Marketplace, 2743 Hwy 35

  • Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective Helps Community Members Mend Clothes  ::  Education

    The Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) in collaboration with the Future Forge Makerspace, is starting an outreach program to help community members have clothes mended and learn how to mend clothes. This free program will be held at the ...   

    Location  Future Forge Maker Space

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church History  ::  Public Meetings, Education

    Dr. Donald Montoya will begin with a presentation on the history of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Immediately following, the birthday celebration will serve ice cream and cake in the church courtyard. After cake and ice cream, games for ...   

    Location  St. Vincent de Paul

  • Silver City Public Library Squishy Circuits and LEGO.  ::  Kids' Activity

    Squishy Circuits and Future Engineers. Play with connective dough or explore with LEGO. Full press release       

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Banquet  ::  Arts & Music, Public Meetings

    This special banquet will host the Most Reverend Bishop Peter Balacchino from Las Cruces. Many of the priests from the area will also be our guests, as well as other dignitaries. Doors open at 6:00 pm. with a catered dinner, ...   

    Location  The Flame Convention Center

  • Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective has Fiber Art Display   ::  Arts & Music

    The Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) has installed a Fiber Art display at the Silver City Public Library in the display case at the bottom of the stairs. The display will be shown through September 29, 2024 and showcases ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Mass and Picnic  ::  Public Meetings

    Mass Western New Mexico University Fine Arts Auditorium. The Mass is slated for 10:00 am with doors opening at 9:00 am. The Most Reverend Bishop Peter Baldacchino and St. Vincent de Paul Pastor, Oliver Obele will lead the services with ...   

October, 2024
  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

This calendar will feature events and happenings in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona. 

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