Santa Fe, NM — This evening, the clearly unconstitutional and highly controversial Senate Bill 279 passed inSenate Judiciary Committee by a (5-4) vote.

Senate Republican Leader Bill Sharer issued the following statement on behalf of the Senate Republicans:

"Today, the Second Amendment rights of every New Mexican were infringed upon. This unconstitutional proposal represents the worst intentions of the radical progressive wing that has hijacked the Democrat Party: to target law-abiding citizens while promoting soft-on-crime policies that do little to deter criminals as they continue to terrorize our communities. The Democrats know this bill will do absolutely nothing to stop the violence we witness on a consistent basis; rather, it disarms New Mexicans from protecting themselves and their families from armed and dangerous criminals. New Mexicans, remember this atrocity when you go to the voting booths."

Senator Crystal Brantley (R-Elephant Butte), the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement:
"Tonight, law-abiding citizens across my district and our state are gripped with fear, wondering if they are about to be turned into felons simply for exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. We heard undeniable evidence that this measure is blatantly unconstitutional as it awaits judgment from the high court—yet not a single violent criminal in our state is likely even aware of its existence. This bill does nothing to stop crime, but it does punish those who follow the law. I urge every law-abiding citizen to stand up, contact their Senators, and demand they defend their rights when this measure reaches the full Senate."