SB5 Heads Back to Senate for "Concurrence," Then Onto Governor's Desk
Santa Fe, N.M. – March 12, 2025 – Today, representatives from a broad coalition of New Mexico organizations celebrated the passage of Senate Bill 5, a measure to reform the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the State Game Commission. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a 42-26 bipartisan vote. It previously passed the Senate by a vote of 28-12.
"This is the most significant piece of legislation affecting the Department of Game & Fish since its founding and will benefit hunters, anglers and wildlife enthusiasts across New Mexico," said Jesse Deubel, Executive Director of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation. "We hope the governor will listen to the voices of hunters and anglers who need this bill to become law to maintain a healthy food supply and protect our hunting and fishing traditions."
"We're grateful to the sponsors who stood strong against 11th hour scare tactics and misinformation campaigns that sought to undo the bipartisan compromises we made with this bill," said Judy Calman, the New Mexico director of policy for Audubon Southwest. "We ask the governor to honor the spirit of our collaboration and sign SB5 into law so we can support our outdoor recreation economy and ensure wildlife will be healthy for future generations."
Because the bill was amended in the House, it now goes back to the Senate for concurrence, which is usually done in a matter of days, by voice vote. If the Senate approves the bill as amended by the House, it will be sent to the governor after "printing and engrossing." At this point in the session, legislative rules require the governor to sign or veto the bill within 72 hours of when it reaches her desk.
SB 5 is sponsored by Sens. Peter Wirth, Pete Campos, Crystal Brantley, and Reps. Matthew McQueen and Nathan Small. This session, the bill has passed the Senate Rules, Conservation and Finance Committees and also the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee. It was approved by the full Senate with a 28-12 bipartisan vote and a 42-26 bipartisan vote in the House.
More than 20 organizations representing 100,000+ New Mexicans have advocated for the bill, which would:
Update the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish's mission to give it clear legislative authority to manage additional wildlife species and change the name to the Department of Wildlife.
Reform the State Game Commission by creating a new nominating committee appointed by the legislature and members of the public that would vet Commission candidates for the governor to choose from, similar to appointments to the PRC and vacancies for state legislators. Reforms would also ensure qualified Commissioners cannot be dismissed without cause and provide a process for removal.
Solve a funding crisis at the Department of Game & Fish by providing modest hunting and fishing license fee increases for the first time in 20 years. The increases are supported by New Mexico's sportsmen community.
A separate funding proposal in HB2 by House Appropriations & Finance Chair Nathan Small would provide $3.5 million over three years to support the Department's ongoing work on New Mexico's Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN).