By 2024 Grant County 4-H Council Reporter, Allie Miller, 15 years old
From left are 2024 4-H Grant County Council Officers from left are Recreation Leader Juan Martinez, Secretary Krysten Jones, Vice-President Kayleigh Massengill, Treasurer Christopher Bennett, President Tucker Gatlin and Reporter Allie Miller having fun at awards night.
[Editor's Note: More Courtesy Photos are at the bottom of this article.]
On February 20, 2024, Grant County 4-H Council Officers Tucker Gatlin, Kayleigh Massengill, Krysten Jones, Chris Bennett, Allie Miller, and extension agents Jessica Massengill and Lauren Baker attended the Grant County Commissioners' meeting. The agents gave a presentation to the County Commissioners and "we officers sat quietly as we observed their use of parliamentary procedure in a formal setting. We had the chance to observe how the county government meetings worked and apply it to our own 4-H Council meetings."
Once everyone had made it back to the Extension Office, the Council Officers gathered and evaluated the County Commission meeting.
After the evaluation, "we applied our new and former knowledge to the task of deciding on what type of pizza to buy for lunch, parliamentary-procedure-style"
After coming to an agreement and ordering the pizza, members of the Copper CowBelles slowly arrived at the Extension Office for a meeting.
After each attending member had arrived, we,the 4-H Council Officers, once again sat down and observed the Copper CowBelles' use of parliamentary procedure. Once the meeting had come to an end, we once again evaluated the Copper CowBelles meeting.
All of the activities the 4-H Council Officers took part in were learning experiences for each one of the officers. They got the chance to see two different uses of parliamentary procedure in two different settings with different people. They got the chance to apply their newly gained knowledge on their own meetings and styles of teamwork. The officers also got an officer manual to assist them in their new positions and what is expected of them as council officers.
"We then made plans for our next council meeting."
Just before the Council Officer training had come to an end, each 4-H Council Officer earned a T-shirt with their name, council role, and 4-H's clover on the front.
And just like that, the 4-H Council Officer training had come to an end.
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