By Lynn Janes

The town of Bayard held a regular meeting September 23, 2024. Attendance included Mayor John L. Ojinaga, Mayor Pro Tem Eloy Medina, councilors Eloy Gonzales and Gilbert Ortiz. Frances Gonzales didn't attend. Martha Salas, city clerk/treasurer also attended.

Consent agenda

The council approved the consent agenda that included minutes, police department report, wastewater treatment plant report and accounts payable. Gonzales asked about the new software and when they would start using it. Salas said they would be starting Caselle, government software, in November. She told the council city hall may have to close for a day to make the transition from the old to the new and have everything integrated.

Department head reports

Hector Carrillo, police chief, said that animal control would start providing a more comprehensive report next month as requested.

Assistant Fire Chief Gomez said they have been having problems with false alarms and they found the problem had been a relay switch that they will have an electrician come and install a new one.

Cindy Renee Provencio, head librarian, and Danielle Parra, assistant librarian, have been receiving training. Provencio said Ken Dayer, Silver City public library director, has been assisting them. They had 127 people come into the library in the first week after reopening. She felt many people didn't know they had reopened. The library will be having some new programs and will be partnering with Cobre schools. She went over some of the upcoming events. She requested volunteers to help with the garden. Provencio said it would only be a couple of times a month. The council requested she provide them with a calendar of events.

Salas said they have been preparing for the audit that will take place the week of October 15, 2025. After that both Salas and Tanya Ortiz, deputy clerk, will be attending clerks' school for a week. She also let the council know they would only have one meeting in October, November, and December. October due to them being gone to clerks' school and the next two month because of the holidays. Those meetings will be October 15, 2024, November 12, 2024, and December 9, 2024.

Salas addressed the problem concerning the contractor that had been paid to do concrete work at the community center and had not. He had been paid half, $23,000 and at this time had only pulled out a tree. It has been a year. She had written a demand letter for the return of the money with guidance from the municipal league. If he doesn't return the money they will have to move forward with legal action. Ortiz said they needed to do flow charts to make sure this doesn't happen again. Salas pointed out she had been in contact with him since she had been hired to resolve the issue. Medina said the council had not been aware a check had been written and it should not have been done without the council's knowledge.

Gonzales wanted to announce that they would be having Bingo the coming Sunday and again October 6, 2024. He added that the beautification committee needed more volunteers.

New business

The council approved the fire department to host a haunted house on October 31, 2024. It will be family friendly and for all ages. They will have a trunk or treat and hope to have all the fire departments in the tri city area participate. Local businesses will be contacted to participate also. Town Wolf has already agreed to be part of the event.

After some discussion the council agreed to contact legal counsel because of concerns. Carrillo had asked that this issue be brought to the council. The issue concerned a possible ordinance for parking on the streets. One of the residents on McKee Street had not been able to attend due to work to speak to the council so Carrillo explained the problem. He had brought photos of the area for the council that showed the number of cars parking on the street. The neighbors have all been angry and made numerous calls to the police department. Some had even put in mailboxes trying to stop parking, but the mail does not have delivery on that side of the street, so it has been unenforceable. The problem comes down to just a few feet. None of the residents utilize their carports. Two neighbors have retained lawyers, and one has cut the others' internet line.

Carrillo said he had advised them that at this point the only recourse would be civil court. "I have been getting calls every other day." Last meeting a resident came about barking dogs. This man resides on the same street and is having a problem with the same neighbor. Carrillo said the ordinance only allows for three dogs and he had four. Carrillo spoke to him and his response had been one was old, and he would put it down. Carrillo tried to work something out with him and didn't want to see the dog put down. He put the dog down that day.

The city of Bayard doesn't have any ordinance for the number of cars that can be parked on the street. Medina said they did have an ordinance, but it had been for recreational vehicles and didn't include cars.

Carrillo continued the discussion of the neighbors not being able to get along with one person on that street. Medina asked him what recommendation he had, and Carrillo said he didn't have any. The only idea he had come up with had been an ordinance. Median said he felt bad he had killed his dog because he could only have three. Carrillo said it bothered him also and asked him not to do it, and they would figure something out. Medina asked if Carrillo requested the man to use his carport and Carrillo said he had and he had refused.

The council discussed the people using the alleyway to park. Carrillo said that the alleyway is too overgrown to drive back there, he could only drive his vehicle halfway in. The discussion went to who would be responsible for keeping that area passable. The residents would be responsible but have not done it.

Carrillo said the problems on McKee Street have been escalating. "I have not been able to find a way to fix it." Medina asked if he wanted an ordinance and Carrillo said yes. The neighbor that no one can get along with has recently had extended family members move in, and they have cars, and it will add to the problems. Carrillo had asked all residents involved to attend the meeting, but all could not for different reasons.

Medina suggested they start with code enforcement and require that alley areas be cleaned up by the residents. Fire and utilities must be able to access those areas. Then they can park in the alleyway. A resident said, "They used to all get along but now the one gets in a mood and snaps when confronted and becomes nasty and aggressive." Carrillo said he has only been asked to move one foot. Medina suggested painting the curbs yellow and blue. Carrillo said he didn't want to see this escalate any further.

Medina suggested a letter be sent to all of them and let them know the council will be working on this and to try and be neighborly. He would be talking to legal and the county for ideas.

Ordinances and resolutions

The council approved resolution 17-2024 removing section six of the open meetings act.

Salas explained that this needed to be done to qualify for colonias funding.

The council went into closed session to discuss personnel matters for a police department employee.

The council came back into open session.

Action items resulting from closed session

The council approved the hiring of a police officer.

Mayor and councilors reports

Michael Paez, maintenance director, gave an update on the million-gallon tank project. He went over what had been done to date. Gilbert Ortiz asked if letters had been sent to the residents concerning water usage. Paez said no, it had not been necessary and would only be done if they had an emergency.

Medina wanted to bring attention to the missing Silver City firefighter.

Ojinaga had attended some meetings and asked Salas to address one of them. Salas said they had met with Freeport McMoRan along with the mayor of Santa Clara and Hurley. It had been to discuss the quarterly report for the mine. Everyone has been excited about the land Bayard will be purchasing.

The next regular meeting will be held October 15, 2024. The regular date would have been October 14 but had been changed due to the holiday.
