Monday, Feb. 19

Game and Fish
Highway 15 – Ramuda Road
Caller advised she saw an injured deer on the side of the roadway/it was hit but is not dead. Deputy advised the deer is dead and was given to a family.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – Cliff
Requesting a welcheck on husband/advised that male sent a video to wife/he was cocking a 9mm handgun/was called in by NMSP dispatch. Second caller advised her sister-in-law's boyfriend was threatening suicide/he lives with his mother.

T&M Dairy Road – Hanover
Advised that someone was stealing water from one of the meters across from the T&M Dairy Road. Deputy will meet caller.

Domestic disturbance
Meadow Hawk Lane – Arenas Valley
Advised that 16-year-old son is being aggressive/he is fighting with his girlfriend/she is 20-years-old. Deputy investigating.

Welfare check
Kirkland Road and Highway 180
Caller advised a male on a yellow bicycle is jumping into traffic. Deputy advised male is on Highway 180 at Rainier/he is clear.

Zinc Hill Road -- Hanover
Advised his vehicle is gone and his brother's motorcycle is gone as well/house was broken into/basement is filled with water/unable to check downstairs.

Tabor Avenue
Caller advised sound equipment and lighting equipment has been taken in the past few days.

Tuesday, Feb. 20

Game and Fish
E. Highway 180 at Racetrack Road
Deer in the middle of the road that was hit and is still alive. Deputies advised one shot fired/deer removed from roadway.

Welfare check
Apache Circle
Caller advised she was speaking with her husband on the phone five minutes ago and he dropped the phone and isn't answering the phone/he does have a history of strokes/he is 83-years-old. Deputy spoke with the husband/he is okay.

Goathead Path – Arenas Valley
Son is tearing up the house/16-year-old/punching the wall/is upset because they do not want him smoking in the house/he is now in his room, Caller stated son walked into the house and took a drink of alcohol and threw the bottle on the floor/he is in his room playing loud music.

Wednesday, Feb. 21

Breaking and entering
Bear Creek Road – Pinos Altos
Deputy set up frequent patrol for a month.

Welfare check
Ocotillo Drive – Lower Mimbres
Caller advised she has been trying to contact a named female for three days/unable to leave a message for her/a notice in the paper says her home is in foreclosure. Made contact with female/advised her phone . . .

Stolen motor vehicle
Cortez Avenue – Hurley
Advised a named subject rented a U-Haul on Feb. 17 and was supposed to return it two days ago and still hasn't returned the vehicle. Deputy investigating.

Welfare check
Mimbres Yucca Drive – Upper Mimbres
Caller from CYFD advised he received a case report for a 10-year-old girl in reference to lack of supervision. Caller went out there to do his investigation and no one has returned his messages/there have been three reports made to SCI for her. Girl has been reporting to the school she doesn't feel safe at home. Deputy made contact with the juvenile/she is okay.

Unwanted subject
Wayne Road
A named subject is trying to break down the door/leaving in a black Ford Focus toward Tyrone/if contact is made caller wants a CTW issued. Deputy advised no crime committed/put ATL out for the subject to re-issue CTW for location.

Welfare check
North Hurley Road
Stated they haven't seen the uncle in over two weeks. Deputy checked the residence/negative contact/possibly out of town.

Welfare check
W. Timmer Way
Co-worker posted on Facebook "It's time to say goodbye"/she did not "look right" at work/she has been very sad lately/would like a PS after check is done.

Thursday, Feb. 22

Suspicious vehicle
Bonita Drive – Silver Acres
Caller thinks he can hear a car outside his home. Deputy advised clear/negative contact with any cars at the residence or on Spur Road.

2 DVOs served.

4 prisoner transports.