Friday, Sept. 20

Accident-property damage
Highway 180 – MM 61 (15 miles west of Buckhorn)
Vehicle vs deer. Caller advised she did hit her head but does not want an ambulance. Deer was dispatched by a passerby.

Criminal trespass warning
70 Truck Bypass – Peaceful Trailer Park
A named subject is in the park. Deputy advised to send NMSP. NMSP advised no officer available/he is in Luna County.

Weapons fired
Red Hill Road
Caller says he heard one shot close to his house and his wife heard several. Deputy at residence speaking to caller.

Game and Fish
Dos Griegos and Swan Street
In front of house a deer was hit and is still alive. Deputy out at Swan and Lane roads/one shot fired.

Mountain View Drive
Caller advised that a named subject took her TV and Roku without her permission.

Welfare check
Operator 4065 – Urgent Response
Advised will go check on patient.

Saturday, Sept. 21

Domestic disturbance
Wayne Road
A named male just broke caller’s windshield/he is following her throwing bottles at her now/caller has an infant in the car with her/she left her 11-year-old and 3-year-old at home. Deputy following female to her home to check on the other children.

Highway 152 – San Lorenzo
Caller advised she has a CTW on a named male and he was in her home and took things such as a generator/he left down Highway 152/he works in the nearby fields/this happened about 5 a.m. today/it came as a third party call to her.

Ancheta Road – San Lorenzo
Someone stole four marijuana plants from her backyard. Deputy made contact with caller.

Welfare check
Old Hurley Road – ditch area
Caller advised she can hear someone screaming and thinks they are getting beat up. Caller could not provide a better location. When asked caller to disconnect and call on 911 to get a better location caller did not call back. Dispatcher could not call them as it came from a blocked number. Caller called back advising she is in the ditch off Geronimo now/she has been hearing the screaming all night. Dispatch tried calling her back with negative contact.

Bill Evans
Third party call/no cell service/male is harassing people. Deputy advised spoke to other campers who advised they believe the male left the area.

Unwanted subject
Spring Creek Road
Caller says someone just broke into her house/saw someone running inside and then left/she noticed her truck was vandalized and her door was open. Deputy advised all clear/everything is okay.

Cliff Fairgrounds
Report, no narrative.

Welfare check
Highway 152 – Santa Rita
Female walking headed toward Bayard/she was arguing with caller and left with two kids/caller is worried since it is after dark. Deputy had contact with female and two kids who advised they are okay/just walking.

W. Highway 180
Caller says someone stole his electric bicycle about 30 minutes from home. Caller says he found his bicycle.

Domestic disturbance
W. Hester Street – 7:28 p.m.
Advised a named male left in a grey Nissan Titan/he took caller’s phone/he is intoxicated and possibly on meth/caller’s daughter called back to say he is back at the house. Deputy arrived on scene at approximately 7:41 p.m.

W. Highway 180
Caller advised that her brother is intoxicated and is throwing rocks at her property. Deputy had negative contact with anyone.

Cliff Fairgrounds
Report, no narrative.

Loud party
1001 Prescott Street – Santa Clara
XCPD officer advised no loud music at scene/was a group of girls playing volleyball outside and were asked to keep it down.

Sunday, Sept. 22

Loud party
Empire Street – Bayard
Deputy advised negative contact with any loud music on Empire Street/music was from Blackhawk Street/advised them to turn the music down.

Reckless driver
Highway 180 – county line
Luna County Sheriff’s deputy – Red challenger headed toward Grant County.

Unattended death
S. Cleveland Street – 5:11 a.m.
Caller sys her mother is deceased/she put her to bed around 9 a.m.(p.m.?) and went in to check on her right now and she is cold to the touch.

Welfare check
66-year-old husband is not answering anyone’s phone calls/talked to him this morning and he was sick. Deputy made contact/he is okay/will call wife.

Criminal trespass warning
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised two named subjects were just at her house/walked inside trying to take pictures then got confrontational with caller/did already leave/want them issued CTWs

Highway 15
Caller is receiving harassment from a prior neighbor/it happens about 3 x a week.

11824 Highway 180
Advised her mother just hit her in the head with a closed fist/her mother is outside waiting. Deputy request ambulance for a 15-year-old who is dizzy.