Monday, Dec. 16
Unwanted subject
E. Kelly Street
Caller advising a named female is refusing to leave/she is on the porch telling caller she is holding the house because it is moving and is destroying property/she is a friend. Officer – female left property.
Welfare check
Cedar Street
Caller from G&G Towing advised to check on a named female/they responded to jump start her vehicle and now the driver can’t get her to come to the door and the garage door is open with the vehicle running/she did have a back injury. Officer had negative contact.
Welfare check
N. Texas Street and W. Broadway
Subject lying in a sleeping bag/has been there all morning. Officer – everything is okay.
Game and Fish
32nd Street Bypass and Pinos Altos Road
Caller states a dead rabbit is in the roadway on north side of intersection. Gila Skunk Removal is enroute.
Welfare check
La Plata Middle School
Caller from La Plata – check on14-year-old female student who has a plan to hurt herself/parent is on scene. Officer advised everything is okay/following to a Valley Vista address then to GRMC/mother going to stay with juvi until sees psych.
Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
Male in field east of Walmart. Everything is okay/male leaving property.
Welfare check
S. Corbin Street
Male showed up at her door bleeding from his face. Officer out with a 41-year-old male with lacerations to face/bleeding from nose and mouth.
2005 E. Highway 180
Two males are going to fight in the bathroom/caller did not know who they were. Officers out with the two males.
Aggravated burglary
Georgia Street
Caller advised a named female called her saying some guy knocked on her door and is holding her hostage in the bathroom. Officer ran two DLs, one male and one female/one in investigative detention/30-year-old male with shortness of breath.
Little Walnut Road
2-3 kids were beating up another kid/walking toward Jose Barrios dragging the kid. Officer out with a named female who stated she was having issues with her grandson and he was refusing to get in the vehicle.
Criminal damage to property
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named male is throwing rocks at the ER. Officer – clear/need an ATL for CTW.
Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter – 7:20 p.m.
A named male is intoxicated and getting aggressive/want him issued a CTW for three days/he is standing outside the front door. Officer issued Robert Proudlock an indefinite CTW for a week/left property.
Welfare check
Camino de Suenos
Caller from Mountain View Road stated they have issues with homeless starting campfires/would like an officer to tell them to stop. Officer – negative contact with any fires in the area.
Criminal trespass warning
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Female caller – son is knocking on her door/wants a CTW issued. Officer put out ATL for Raphael Torrez to re-issue CTW.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS – 7:42 p.m.
The named male is back in the building. Officer – need ambulance for Robert Proudlock bleeding from the nose.
Suspicious vehicle
1103 Superior
White Jeep with black rims looking in vehicles/vehicle not on scene at this time. Officer – out with several subjects behind Holiday Inn.
Welfare check
E. 11th and Pope streets
Older male who looks lost. Officer has contact with male/en route with male to a Gordon Street address.
Criminal trespass warning
121 W. 12th Street
Male and female inside refusing to leave/caller stated he advised them not to start the washer and they did anyway/would like them removed and CTWd. Officer issued indefinite CTWs to Elizabeth Garcia and Leo Andavazo for the 12th Street Laundry.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Welfare check
1040 E. Highway 180
Caller states a male is screaming inside the motel/he has been screaming for the past 30 minutes. Officer had negative contact.
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Caller states a named female is being aggressive. Officers – Emily Somarian leaving property/issued an indefinite CTW for SOS.
Unattended death
1956 E. Highway 180
South entrance to parking lot in ditch/male subject is lying down/appears to be unresponsive but no one has gotten close enough to check/his dog is with him and is barking at everyone. Pinos Altos Fire Command 2 on scene trying to locate patient. Officer – notify OMI.
29th Street
A named male sent a threatening text to caller who is in Las Cruces. Officer – tried to tell caller that action cannot be taken on DVOs which are not in place.
Welfare check
El Grito Headstart
Teacher – a 5-year-old student of hers has a bruise on his face and some hair missing from his head/for the past hour the kid has been irate and throwing chairs around and hitting other students and teachers. Caller is requesting a welcheck on the household of the child/the mother’s sister is en route to pick him up/they do not have the address of the home at the moment.
Criminal trespass warning
1330 E. 32nd Street
Caller states she kicked out a shoplifter and the shoplifter then started threatening caller/she does not know who the subject is but has the license plate number and wants a CTW issued.
Welfare check
2140 E. Highway 180
Female with short grey hair stating she is going to blow her brains out. Officer out with the female.
2289 Superior
Three males in a brown pickup truck were threatening employees/they were yelling at them to get their ass back to work and revving the engine at them/caller has a name on the order. Officer made contact with the manager/truck left prior to arrival.
123 W. 12th Street
Caller says she was attacked by a named female at a shack off Louisiana. Officer has one female en route to SOS.
Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
SOS manager wants to lift CTW for Robert Proudlock. Officer was advised/will give manager a call.
Mann Drive
Could hear females yelling in the background/negative contact on callback.
Wednesday, Dec. 18
Unwanted subject
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Caller advised his mother has a named female there and caller wants her gone/he is not allowed to have visitors and does not want to get an infraction. Officer – female left upon request.
407 N. Hudson Street
Owner advised someone with an orange backpack just threatened to stab him because he wanted her to leave/wants her issued CTW for both laundromats. Officers out with Emily Somarian across from Buffalo Bar and issued her indefinite CTW to both laundromats.
Welfare check
2545 N. Silver Street – Hillside Apartments
Caller heard someone scream in the area. Officer – children playing outside/units clear.
Welfare check
211 N. Bullard Street
There is a silver Safari van parked out front/woman says she is locked in the vehicle/window is partially down/husband left her in there a few hours ago/she is an older female/she’s saying the van has to be opened from the outside. Officer had contact with female/request ambulance for 96-year-old female conscious/alert/breathing very . . .
Welfare check
Luck Street
Caller states her 62-year-old mother had neck and back surgery and has not heard from her since Nov. 26/she calls every day/daughter lives in Arizona/mother has made suicidal ideations.
Welfare check
810 N. Bullard Street
Caller advised a female came into the store looking as if physically beat up and not in the right head space/last seen headed south on Bullard. Officer – female is Emily Somarian and has a sore on her face/she is okay.
Criminal damage to property
1040 E. Highway 180
Caller states a named male is in the lobby wanting to rent a room but is beginning to get aggravated because the hotel is refusing him the room due to his past time there/he broke a door. Caller wants him issued a CTW. Officer – male left walking and they did not have enough info to issue a CTW.
Criminal trespass warning
31st Street
Caller wants a named female issued a CTW/she is not at caller’s house at this time. Officer
en route to a Lamina Loop address/CTW was issued to Leann Portillo.
Accident-property damage
E. Highway 180 and Pinos Altos Road
GCSO deputies – vehicles out of the road and no injuries. Officer requested wrecker.
Criminal trespass warning
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller from GRMC Security advised female in red getting verbally abusive/want her issued a
CTW/she will be at the bus stop. Officer issued Elizabeth Ranier an indefinite CTW.
Welfare check
N. Gold and 16th streets
Caller got a text from a named 37-year-old female who advised she was just beat up and is on the bridge/caller asked if she needed an ambulance and she advised negative/she did sound in pain. Officer en route/NMSP officer attempted contact with female via public service x 3/negative contact.
Suspicious vehicle
La Capilla
Officer – everything is okay/they were asked to leave and they complied.
Thursday, Dec. 19
Criminal sexual penetration
1950 E. Highway 180
Walk-in reference a named male harassing caller. Officer advised did call walk-in back and she stated she was able to give . . .
1205 West Street – Trauma and Recovery Center
Employee advised a female just walked in and was “acting crazy”/she will not leave/she is acting belligerent/she is causing distress for all the clients/wants a CTW issued/she left walking toward College.
2501 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a male just walked out of grocery side with a basket full of items he did not pay for/wearing a black hoodie/left going east in a vehicle. Officer made contact with Walmart’s loss and prevention.
Criminal trespass warning
1220 N. Hudson Street – 2:13 p.m.
Female panhandling and sitting on the bench outside/she advised caller she will kill her/she is drinking alcohol/she already has a CTW issued. Officer re-issued Christine Obutelewicz CTW for location.
Accident – injuries
E. 14th and N. Main streets
Caller advised she was T-boned and the other driver is passed out/she is mostly shaken and her neck is sore but does not want an ambulance. Officer requested ambulance for female passed out/have to break a window to get it(in?)/put Native on standby. Caller advised female was already passed out when she hit caller.
Welfare check
1810 N. Swan Street
Female with black shirt and skirt lifting her shirt and bothering people. Officer had negative contact.
Criminal trespass warning
1220 N. Hudson Street – 4:46 p.m.
Food Basket employee advised the female from earlier is back and inside the store. Officer had contact by the bus stop/she is going to SPIN.
Domestic disturbance
Tracy Place
Caller is fighting with her daughter/there was pushing/no drugs or alcohol/caller wants to go to El Refugio/verbal only right now. Officer – units clear/both parties agreed to separate for the night.
Accident-property damage
N. Swan Street and E. Broadway
Caller heard a loud crash looked outside and saw a truck with a blown tire and heard the horn going off/horn still going off/one person still with vehicle/two people took off running north on Swan. Second caller stated someone stole his 2022 Expedition. Officer advised of call/will be en route shortly. GCSO deputy ran license plate.