Tri-City police department blotters – Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, 2024

Bayard Police Department

Lusk Street
Can hear people fighting. Deputies advise negative on fight or anything else going on/everything is okay/all units clear.

Saturday, Nov. 30

Breaking and entering
300 Central Avenue
Business belonging to her late brother was broken into/noticed door was broken and stuff was rummaged through. Deputy had negative contact with BPD officers on radio for a welcheck/running emergency trace to check on them. Officer advised everything is okay.

Hurley Police Department

No entries.

Santa Clara Police Department

Monday, Nov. 29

Welfare check
11988 Highway 180
Passerby said she heard children screaming and crying in the car/called back advising the car left.

Welfare check
Jasper Street
Believes the neighbor is either letting out their sewer on the road or a water leak from that neighbor. Officer – negative on sewer/going to be water from the property itself.