Bayard Police Department
Monday, Sept. 16
Welfare check
Diamond Street
Mother advising son is at this address with someone and is refusing to go home. Officer had contact/he states mom allowed him to stay at this residence /they spoke yesterday. Officer advised child returned to grandmother.
101 Tom Foy Blvd.
A named male has a CTW and he took something/he left the store. Caller looked at cameras and saw he took clothes. Employees called again advising he is parked at liquor store in a Chevy truck.
Loud music
500 East Street – Bayard Low Income Apartments
Playing loud music. Caller called again and stated a fight was outside of the apartment complex.
Wednesday, Sept. 18
N. Franey Street
A named female is outside yelling "Tell that bitch to come out here." Caller wants a CTW issued. NMSP officer had negative contact/add this address to current ATL to issue CTW.
Welfare check
Empire Street
The doctor called caller advising that his 7-year-old son has an appointment at 2 p.m. and missed it/when he called the school they said he hadn't been in school for two days. Deputy had negative contact with mom/her Ford Flex is missing/will call caller.
Welfare check
McKee Street
Caller advised caller's stepmom accidently called caller and she was heard crying/caller tried to call her back and had no answer. Caller called back advising to cancel.
Breaking and entering
Grant Street
Someone broke into building/unknown if anything was taken.
Welfare check
1101 Tom Foy Blvd.
Male trying to drive home/getting into grey Ford car/stated male was confused and couldn't remember where he parked his car/headed toward Santa Clara/back window says "Silver." Front license plate reads "Hurley." Santa Clara PD officer and deputy ATL.
Domestic disturbance
Runnels Drive
She can hear a male yelling at someone else/someone else is a female/female is saying "Shut up and stay away." Caller can hear bottles rolling down somewhere.
Hurley Police Department
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Mental health complaint
Lea Drive – 9:54 a.m.
Caller advised a named male is speaking aggressively toward her/he is another room from her now/her cousin is with him/caller just wants him to take his meds. Deputy advised units clear/things appear to have calmed down.
Mental health complaint
Lea Drive – 5:50 p.m.
A named male isn't eating his food and tried to hit caller/he is aggressively yelling at the air and caller/caller is very upset. Deputy has one in protective custody/en route to hospital with one in unit.
Thursday, Sept. 19
Criminal damage to property
Cortez Aenue
Neighbor kids are shooting his RV with a pellet gun. Caller was advised to stay in his RV.
Santa Clara Police Department
Monday, Sept. 16
Game and Fish
Manhattan Park Drive
Rattlesnake on her back porch.
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Unwanted subject
W. Encino Street
A named subject is on property and refusing to leave.